Page 197 - booklet draft
P. 197

2    On     26.06.2020  Cause:  Newly  laid  Primary:                  Withholding  of  one
                   at  about  18.45  track defect                 P. Chandra         set  of  PTO  &  One
                   hrs,         while  Casualties:  Nil           Mouli,             set of Privilege pass
                   pushing      back  Cost  of  damages:   Hammer Man  for the one year
                   the formation of  Nil                          under the
                   BOBYN         rake  Committee:                 control of
                   from  PDPL  end  AXEN/CON/PDPL,                XEN/C/RDM
                   3rd  line  (under  TI/KZJ,SSE/C7W/KZJ,
                   construction  by  CLI/RDM.
                   RVNL)     to    Up
                   loop     line    of
                   KOLR       station,
                   4th  wagon  SCR
                   trailing    trolley
                   two  wheels  on
                   left  side  are  in
                   condition  and
                   5th  wagon  SCR
                   leading  trolley
                   all        wheels
                   derailed        on
                   right side due to
                   track defect.
              3    On  23.09.20  at  Excess  blast  heaps  Primary:                  Reduction of pay
                   about 15.45 hrs,  at  rail  level  which  Smt. M.                 by one stage for a
                   BOXN        Empty  may  be  the  cause  Puspalatha/G              period of 01
                   rake  with  loco  of derailment.               ang mate           year(NC)
                   No.16579,  while  Casualties:  Nil
                   performing           Cost  of  damages:   Blameworthy:
                   shunting             Nil                       Sri  Subhamoy  Censure
                   movement        by                             Tarafder
                   pushing       from  Committee:  TI/BPA,  /PWI/RDM
                   shunting     neck  SSE/C&W/RDM,
                   to  M-14  line  in  SSE/P       Way/PDPL,
                   RDM                  CLI/RDM
                   yard,     leading
                   wheel     set    of
                   leading  trolley
                   of  loco  (L6-R6
                   wheel          set)
                   derailed        on
                   curve  location
                   in shunting neck
                   due      to    the
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