Page 32 - UK Celebrity Cookbook 2022
P. 32


            ANTHONY MULLALLY'S                                                            SERVES 4

              THAI RED CURRY

            INGREDIENTS                             METHOD

            1 large onion, peeled and               1.  Fry the onion in the coconut oil for
            sliced                                      8-10 minutes until translucent.

            2 tbsp coconut oil                      2.  Add the mushrooms, garlic and chilli.

            200g mushrooms, sliced                      Cook, stirring, for another five minutes.
            2 red chillies, de-seeded               3.  Add the beans, peas, asparagus, tofu,
            and finely chopped                          soy sauce, curry paste and coconut milk.
            2 cloves of garlic, peeled                  Bring to the boil, and let simmer for

            and minced                                  5 minutes or until asparagus is soft.
            150g black beans                        4.  Stir in the spinach until it wilts.

            100g frozen peas                        5.  Serve with brown rice.
            150g asparagus,
            cut into pieces

            200g firm tofu (pre-flavoured
            or plain), chopped into pieces
            Dash of soy sauce

            2 tbsp red curry paste
            400g coconut milk

            100g spinach

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