Page 91 - laten-08-06-2020
P. 91

Servant of  the High Priest

                            The Shades of Power

                      John.18:25-27, Lukek.22:54 - 60, John.18:15-18

            hrough a bird eye view let us see the historical event.
        TChronologically it was happened soon after the High
        priestly prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ. Master crossed ‘Kidron
        Valley’ with his disciples and entered into a secret praying place
        called Gethsemane.  While  they  were  earnestly  praying;  the
        servants of the High priest and military of the Sanhedrim came
        and arrested Jesus.

        Peter Cut of Ear

               At that time Peter cut of ear of one of the servants of
        the High priest, his name is Malkose, there were many other
        servants, they hold their anger and vengeance against not only
        to Jesus but also to Peter.

               When they got an apt time to show their rage and anger
        against Peter they poured it out. The given Passion narrative is
        one such event ( Jn.18:25-27;Lk.22:54-60)

               Now let us reimage them slice by slice to get more
        vivid picture of it. The empirical powers and its authority
        over common citizens were getting a shape in this very small
        insignificant event and insignificant persons like servant of
        High priest! The main character in this event is the relative of
        Malkose, who got power and authority from their masters, and
        how they performed their over powering authority in the court
        room and in the corridors.
               With the help and recommendation of beloved John,
        Peter got into the courtyard, where Jesus was sentenced to
        death. The irony is not this, the servant girls and the relative

                        Lenten Meditations   Re - Imaging People
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