Page 41 - Mid-Year Reports
P. 41

Objective(s)                                                         Goal          Mid-Term                          Status

                                                                                                                                                                      Met Target

                                              To increase gifts #                                                      790              355                  On Target to Meet Target

                                                                                                                                                    x               Not On Target

                                        Milestones Achieved                                                      Mid-Term Strategies To Overcome Barriers/Challenges/Other

          Advancement has made great strides in increasing the number of gifts given                         Increase visibility—placing the Chancellor in key areas with key
    1     to the University by 44%; however, the goal has not been met.                                  1   officials at the business and industry level, foundation level and
                                                                                                             governmental level.

          The size of gifts given has also increased.                                                    2   Contract a Development Officer to assist with cold calling.  Also,
                                                                                                             begin building a department that resembles a true Advancement
                                                                                                             Office delegating specific duties to each person in the office.

                                                                                                             Continue to reach out using newly minted publications to sell he
    3                                                                                                        University's programs and students.  Participated for the first time in the
                                                                                                             System Foundation’s 90 Day Million Dollar March this summer—


    1     SUNO is not visible enough in the New Orleans community.
                                                                                                        A fully functional Institutional Advancement Office should include the
    2     The “community image” and “past experiences” have posed challenges                            following:
                                                                                                        1. Director of Development (2 officers to handle Corporate Relations,
          Lack of marketing of the University and its programs—community does not                           Government Relations, and Community Relations)
    3     truly know or understand the impact SUNO has on the community                                 2. Alumni Relations Officer

                                                                                                        3. Grants Officer (Foundation Funding)
          Lack of adequate staffing for a true Institutional Advancement                                4. Planned and Major Gift Giving Officer
          Lack of adequate technology to do fundraising at the ground level-Text-to-
          Give technology, etc.
          The University’s retention and graduation rates have proven to be a
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