Page 43 - Mid-Year Reports
P. 43

                                                 Objective(s)                                                         Goal                                            Status

                                                                                                                                                    x                 Met Target

                                       To increase Alumni Giving Rate                                                  15%             262%                  On Target to Meet Target

                                                                                                                                                                    Not On Target

                                        Milestones Achieved                                                      Mid-Term Strategies To Overcome Barriers/Challenges/Other

          Alumni giving is up 262% from prior years                                                          Increase the visibility of alumni on campus and at University activities,
    1                                                                                                    1   and engage the Chancellor more with current alumni association.

          Alumni members are more engaged with 29 members participating in                                   Hire an Alumni Development Officer  who will be intimately involved
    2     planning the Emmett Bashful Scholarship and Silent Auction Gala                                2   with the Alumni Association.

          Alumni Association has disseminated University publications/fundraisers to                         Continue to attend and engage Alumni members through fundraising
    3     members throughout 2021                                                                        3   committees, attending their monthly meetings, and engaging them in
                                                                                                             campus activities


          SUNO’s Advancement office is not a true Institutional Advancement office as                   A fully functional Institutional Advancement Office should include the
    1     seen on other HBCU campuses—Lack of staffing—there is a need for a Alumni                     following:
          Development Officer                                                                           1. Director of Development (2 officers to handle Corporate Relations,
                                                                                                            Government Relations, and Community Relations)
          The alumni continue to communicate negative experiences and opinions                          2. Alumni Relations Officer
    2     about past interaction with University officials, etc.                                        3. Grants Officer (Foundation Funding)

                                                                                                        4. Planned and Major Gift Giving Officer
          Alumni members have expressed the “unwelcoming” environment on campus
    3     and amongst leadership—there is a need to tear down these walls.

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