Page 46 - NCCAA Finance Board Accountability
P. 46


          Current Ratio         Current Assets / Current Liabilities
                                                                                                  The days receivable ratio, also known as the
                                                                                                  average collection period, is a financial metric

          Working               Current Assets – Current Liabilities                              that measures the average number of days it
                                                                                                  takes for a nonprofit organization to collect its

          Quick Ratio           Cash + Securities + Accounts                                      accounts receivable. It provides insight into the
                                Receivable/Current Liabilities                                    organization's effectiveness in collecting funds

          Debt to Asset         Total Liabilities / Total Assets                                  owed by donors or other sources.

                                                                                                  A lower days receivable ratio is generally
          Debt to               Total Liabilities / Net Assets
          Equity                                                                                  considered more favorable, as it indicates that the
                                                                                                  organization collects its receivables more quickly
          Asset                 Total Unrestricted Revenues / Average                             and efficiently.
          Turnover              Total Assets

          Days                  Accounts Receivable *365 /
          Receivable            Unrestricted Revenue

          Profit Margin         Increase in Unrestricted Net Assets /
                                Unrestricted Revenue
   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51