Page 39 - June 2024 - Summer Edition
P. 39


                                around District 20-K1



                           TO THE CANCER COMMITTEE

      District  Governor  Lion  Antonio  Robles  thanked  Lion
      Donarie  Fenton,  Cancer  Committee  Chair,  and  the
      members  of  the  committee  for  the  outstanding  job
      they did in mastering the task they were challenged to
      do,  which  was  ensuring  that  Brooklyn  and  Queens
      Lion-New  York  “District  20-K1”  regain  Flagship
      Sponsor  with  American  Cancer  Society.  The  District
      Governor  emphasized  that  his  “Thank  You”  came
      straight from the heart and sincerely thanked the Lions
      and  Leos  of  the  District  for  their  contributions.  He
      added  that  he  was  very  happy  to  be  part  of  the       DG Antonio addresses the audience
      celebration.  District Governor Robles also thanked the
      American Cancer Society representatives for allowing
      District 20-K1 Lions and Leos to Serve.

      District Governor Robles stated that our commitment
      to attaining Flagship Sponsor does not stop here, and
      it should not be a one-year achievement because we
      are fighting a battle against evil.  He emphasized that
      cancer is evil as it has taken over the bodies of our
      loved ones.  Therefore, we must stand strong and fight
      this war (cancer).  We must work together as a team
      to win the battle.  We are doing great because today, in
      the room, we are witnesses of Cancer Survivors, and        DG Antonio enjoys a commemorative photo-op
      that is because of all the work we have done thus far.     with supporting partners
      Remember, early diagnosis makes a difference, which
      is why we have survivors today. However, more work
      must be done to find the cause, and then we can work
      on prevention.  We must continue to move forward to
      eradicate cancer.  District 20-K1 desires to continue
      fighting the battle.

      Submitted by:  Lion Yolande Cadore
      Kings & Queens E-News/Magazine Reporter

                                                                 20-K1 appreciates the partnership with
                                                                 American Cancer Society
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