Page 1 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Spring Editon E-Newsletter 2022
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ServingLions of District 20-K1 and MD-20                     Vol IX, No. 5          Launched:November 2013



    Dear Lions and Leos,
                                                                                 fires, disasters or even power outages. With
    As we enter the latter phase of Lionistic                                    relatively  short  notice  our  clubs  have
    Year 2021-22 we are pleased to reflect                                       responded and actively partnered with other
    and recognize the completion of a special                                    civic organizations to meet community needs.
    and successful Mid-Winter Convention held                                    We are creating change by being open
    virtually on Feb 19-20, 2022. Our guest,                                     minded   and  looking  ahead  to   other
    International  Director  Tijerina  and  his                                  partnerships in the civic sector whereby we
    partner in service, Lion Juanita participated  Our District Leo Convention followed on  can help. This help may create potential for
    in our Memorial Service, joined various  Feb 20.  It featured very stimulating  food distribution or health services not
    workshops and engaged in other special  discussions of contemporary topics of currently available in every neighborhood.
    presentations by our district leaders.  interest. A District Career Day Program  Several noteworthy district events are on the
    Much of our focus was on Membership,   is scheduled for April 9, 2022. Both  horizon.
    Leadership, Service, and LCIF.   I am Lions and friends have been invited to
    pleased to report that membership growth share their personal educational path and  * April 9, 2022 - District 20-K1 Leo’s Career
    is on the upswing as we exceed 2,000 career journey with the youth of our     Day Program for our youth
    Lions within the boroughs of Brooklyn and district at Career Day 2022. Leos are a * April 30, 2022 - Worldwide Induction Day
    Queens. I am happy to note the addition of vital part of our future and we want to  * May 19 - 22, 2022 - MD20 New York State &
    3 new traditional clubs, and welcome our secure their optimal development and   Bermuda Convention
    newest Lions in Queens United, Queens advancement.                           *  June 24-28, 2022 - LCI Convention
    Elite, and Brooklyn First Responders Lions  A  message  from  our  International
    Clubs.                                                                       Much remains to be done.   We have the
                                           President Douglas X. Alexander noted the  resources and the will!
    Leadership training of our district officers need to continue to change. He stated
    has been stellar! Our Advisory Committee “once we recognize the need to change Let’s help wherever help is needed; and
    Meetings were appropriately scheduled and our hearts, we can change our minds. We continue to do it safely.
    well attended with excellent participation Change. And we create change.” How we  Anthony B. Cochran
    from our club representatives. We are meet these changes help guide the type  District Governor 20-K1
    continuing to move forward with training of of service we want to provide.
    our club officers (Presidents, Secretaries,  In our region we appear to be in
    Treasurers, and Membership Chairs). Added  transition  from  a  culture  of  Covid
    emphasis will be placed on this requirement,  shutdowns and commercial restrictions to a
    as it will yield positive dividends in the  new norm, one with relaxed restrictions in
    coming years.                          selected public sectors.  Interacting
    A snapshot of overall district  progress  with others in our community can help us
    highlighted during the convention shows identify where help is needed, and select
    that District 20-K1 is on track to meet its the  projects  that  help  answer  the
    goals and objectives. We are a district question “What needs can I best help to
    working in tandem with our Global Action address?” For example, there is always a
    Team and our various district committees. need  to  provide  supplement  food
    Our guests, district Lions, and others distributions at “food pantries” and “soup
    outside of our district provided positive kitchens,”  especially  in  emergency
    feedback on the overall convention.    situations  where    our   neighbors
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