Page 34 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Spring Editon E-Newsletter 2022
P. 34


   Photo shows members of Brooklyn Leaders Lions Club who
   celebrated their 8th Charter Anniversary with a church service
   at Grace Christian Church on Saturday, March 26, 2022.

   Congratulations and Continued Success!

   Submitted by,
   Lion Sandy Fraser - Thomas
   Thomas Communications, Chair


              13 YEARS OF SERVICE

    On February 8, 2022, Springfield Gardens Lions Club, Inc.
    welcomed Region Chairperson    Ty’East Alleyne- Bobb to
    their monthly Board and General Membership Meeting. She
    informed the club about upcoming District events and
    provided insights into community needs throughout   the
    District.  Club members enjoyed her visit albeit virtually.
    Lion Stephanie presented a special gift and gave the Vote of

    On March 8, 2022, the club welcomed Lion Mac                                Collage Celebrating 13 years of Service
    Emerson Campbell, candidate for 2nd. Vice District
     Governor,  to  their  monthly  Board  and  General He
     Membership Meeting.  shared his vision to embrace
     collaboration among clubs and the building      of
     community partnerships to meet the   needs of the
     diverse  communities    in  Brooklyn    and   Queens.
     Members   were  impressed   with  his  accomplishments
     within the Metropolis Lions Club, District 20-K1, MD-20 and
     Lions Clubs International.

     On March 23 , the club celebrated 13 years of service.               Club welcomes RC Ty'East Alleyne-Bobb
     Club members reflected upon past community service and
     fundraising events over the years.   Lion Iris Allen,
     secretary, shared a celebratory commemorative collage with
     club members.

    Submitted by,
    Lion Iris Allen
                                                                      Lion Mac Emerson Campbell, (2VDG Candidate visits the club
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