Page 52 - Kings and Queens October 2023 Edition
P. 52
September 2023 Edition Vol: XI No: 1
SNIPPETS: First General Meeting
Dr. Tamia Bethia - Williams, the Public Relations/
Advertising/Marketing Trainer and guest motivational
speaker, prompted the audience with these
introductory challenges:
• Do you have a dream? If you have breath,
then you ought to be dreaming.
* Do you know what you really want?
• Have you ever procrastinated or abandoned a
“When your dream does not parallel with your
individuality, it’s time for a change ,” she advised. She
continued to explain that “Change” begins in a
person’s mind. When you can visualize and embody
that reorganization, others will perceive your
realignment as you create an appropriate
environment to nurture the growth and development
of this budding option.
Suggested strategies for self-motivation may include
a. Make a decision. Dr. Williams delivers her message to the audience
b. Imagine that it has been
c. Believe and behave in the reality of
that vision.
c. Celebrate yourself in that victory.
Dr. Williams further disclosed that the human mind
does not naturally differentiate between reality and
fantasy. It can be prompted to accept and internalize
whatever pictures, words, and other data you
repeatedly input.
“Only you can create your own positive thoughts.
You have the inner power to launch that prospect.
Lean into that intense potency and be convinced you
can claim success!” she emphasized.
District 20-K1 thanks Lion Adina Callendar for
inviting this dynamic speaker who engaged and
motivated the Lions and Leos to “Dream Bigger.” DG Antonio presents Dr. Williams with a token of
Informal exit interviews revealed that most listeners appreciation on behalf of the Lions and Leos
are resolute in serving their community with
noteworthy, impactful service.
Summarized and submitted by:
Lion Yolande Cadore
Kings & Queens E-News/Magazine Reporter