Page 21 - April 2024 - Spring Edition
P. 21


                                around District 20-K1


                           Brooklyn Crown Heights Lions

                              Hosts Virtual Awareness Forum

   Since  the  Pandemic  “shut  down,  ”Lion  Jennifer   Recommendation:
   Seymour-Wright  has   spearheaded  “Mental  Health   1. All adults 45 + years should be informed  about
   Monday Night”.  On Monday February 12, Ms. Petula            their A1C during annual medical check-ups.
   Anderson,  a  Certified  Diabetes  Care  Education   2.    Control blood sugar, blood glucose, blood
   Specialist at the North Central Bronx Hospital,  Adult           pressure.
   Outpatient Department, was the guest presenter.      3.    Reduce stress level (stress increases blood
                                                                hormone and blood sugars
   “It is said that blood sugar levels may rise due to the
   release  of  hormones  associated  with  stress.     4.    Choose healthy foods and exercise.
   Research has  evidenced  that there is a link between   5. When in doubt, seek professional advice from a
   stress and Type 2  Diabetes!” She announced.                  certified diabetes  education specialist.

   TYPE 1 DIABETES (also known as Juvenile Diabetes):   The  participants  thanked  Ms.  Anderson  for  her
   Patients  are  Insulin dependent  because  the  body   “layman  /  laywoman  friendly”  use  of  language
   does not produce insulin and 5-10 % of individuals   which was informative and easy to understand.  We
   are diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.                  appreciate  the  participation  of  White  Plains  Lions
                                                        Club and Lions from Jamaica, West Indies.
   The body produces insulin but cannot use it well and    Submitted by:
   90-95%  of  individuals  have  been  diagnosed  with   Lion Yolande Cadore
   Type 2 Diabetes.  It is  also strongly linked to family    Kings and Queens E-News/Magazine Reporter
    This  is  a  temporary  condition  associated  with
   pregnancy.  The  blood  goes  way  above  normal  and
   after  pregnancy  returns  to  normal  level.  These
   individuals  are  also  considered  at  risk  to  develop
   Type 2 Diabetes.
   Ms.  Anderson  also  explained  the A1C Test  used  to
   measure  the  average  amount  of  glucose  (sugar)  in
   the blood.
    Normal A1C:   ~  5.6 %;
   Pre-Diabetes A1C: ~ 5.7 to 6.4 % (borderline);
   Diabetes A1C: ~ 6.5  % and higher

   Ms. Anderson clarified  that people do not die from
   Diabetes,  but  from  the  complications  associated
   with the disease.
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