Page 1 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens E-Newsletter December 2021
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Serving Lions of District 20-K1 and MD-20          Vol IX, No.3                      Launched: November 2013

                   Let There Be Peace on Earth, And Let It Begin With Me

                                                                          and Cancer Care Services.
                                      Your generous contributions will
                                      help to fulfill our humanitarian Especially during this holiday
                                      causes across the globe. May I season, let us remember our
                                      remind    you   that  when    we International President’s motto,
                                      encounter        large      scale “Service From the Heart.” When
                                      emergencies     that   are    too we give freely, we receive
                                      challenging for our local clubs, abundantly. Our rewards are
   Season’s Greetings, Lions and
   Leos!                              we depend on “LCIF to the sometimes felt in the heart and
                                      rescue!” Although many of us are often       received    in   other
   This is one of the busiest times of  active supporters of LCIF, this intangible ways. The results of
   the Lionistic year. It is a time of  holiday  season     offers   an giving our best will not be
   celebrations with family and       opportunity    for  improvement disappointing. Consolidating our
   friends, a time for gift giving and  within our District. I urge every efforts and teaming together
   a time for reflections. As Lions   Lion to take this message to make a difference.
   and Leos we review what has        heart and donate a personal gift
   been accomplished and survey       to our Foundation. It is not        As we celebrate our diversity
   what remains to be completed.      funded by dues but by the           and share our blessings with
   We recognize the potential for     generosity of Lions and other       others   during   this  holiday
   distractions (seasonal activities,  Like-minded community activists.   season of Christmas, Hanukkah
   shopping, and travel). As we                                           and Kwanzaa, we must continue
                                      Support for Campaign 100 aligns     to remain vigilant and follow the
   expand our commitments to our
   various communities, we don’t      with the mainstay of our Global     safety  protocols.  Our    good
   want to lose sight of our purpose  Causes. Funds are made available   health will enable us to serve
                                      for Diabetes    screening and       others.
   and goals of service to our
   disadvantaged neighbors.           health  /  wellness      programs,
                                      Alleviating       Hunger      among   Happy Holidays!
   Gift  giving   can   take   many   underserved peoples,
   different forms. I encourage you   Environmental     Projects   that   Anthony B. Cochran
   to    consider     Lions    Clubs  protect and sustain our land, air,  District Governor
   International Foundation which     and water resources, Vision and     District 20-K1
   offers the convenience of gifting  Sight Conservation Operations
   to Campaign 100.
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