Page 37 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Fall Editon E-Newsletter 2022
P. 37

“It’s not what we say about our blessings,
                                                                  But how we use them,
                                                                  Is the true measure of our Thanksgiving ~ W.T. Purkiser

        Blood Drive Sponsored by

   Queens Budha, Queens KTM and                               BROOKLYN TRANSITION

     Queens Nepalese Lions Clubs                                           SERVES

                                                        On Sunday October 9 , three members of Brooklyn
                                                        Transition Lions Club volunteered at a marionette show
                                                        staged in Canarsie Park, by City Parks Puppet Mobile.

                                                        The event was sponsored by Lion  Senator Roxanne J.

                                                        Lion Brenda, Lion Reneira and Lion Pamela assisted with
                                                        the setup, signed in the children who attended the show,

                                                        served them snacks and also helped out with a raffle
                                                        where the children won educational prizes.

                                                        Submitted by

                                                        Lion Brenda Cox
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