Page 41 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Fall Editon E-Newsletter 2022
P. 41

“It’s not what we say about our blessings,
                                                                  But how we use them,
                                                                  Is the true measure of our Thanksgiving ~ W.T. Purkiser

            BROOKLYN REMSEN-                                   SPRINGFIELD GARDENS:

                 BROWNSVILLE                                 SERVING THE COMMUNITY

          SUPPORTS THE NEEDY                                           AND BEYOND

    Club members collected and donated assorted men’s clothing,   On October 15, 2022, Lion Sandra Townsend, (President), donated
    including ties, and shirts which were shipped to Jamaica to   clothes and personal care items to the District 20-K1 Special

    support five families in need.                       Projects Committee to benefit the refugees arriving in New York
                                                         City.  Also on October 15, 2022, Lions Sandra, Iris and Merle Warren
    A  Fundraiser was conducted at the home of Lion Andre   (!VP) attended the GAT training to enhance their Leadership skills.
    Brereton, a new member.  Monies were earmarked to assist   On October 16, 2022, Lion Iris Allen, (Secretary), donated blood at

    the family of a young Cancer victim who has since passed   the District 20-K1 Blood Drive and walked with Lions Sandra and
    away.  A donation was given to the family to cover funeral   Merle in the Annual ACS Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk
    and burial expenses.                                 held in Flushing Meadows, Corona Park, in Queens.
                                                         The club is also collecting winter coats, hats, scarfs, boots and socks
    Meetings are currently conducted online via Zoom.
                                                         to support Helen’s Closet at The Helen Keller Services for the Blind.
    Reported by,                                         The collection drive will end on October 21 .
    Lion Denise Brereton                                 The Officers and Members of the Springfield Gardens Lions Club, Inc.
    Treasurer/Secretary                                  look forward to conducting more service projects to meet the
                                                         needs of their community.

   AT T.E.A.L WALK                                       Reported by, Lion Iris Allen
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