Page 44 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Fall Editon E-Newsletter 2022
P. 44
“It’s not what we say about our blessings,
But how we use them,
Is the true measure of our Thanksgiving ~ W.T. Purkiser
(Story and Photos by RC Yalin Weng)
Members of Flushing Lions Club are beaming with pride and joy as they celebrate 100 years of continuous community service to the
underserved and underprivileged members of their community.
To commemorate this significant milestone, they were joined by District Governor Ingrid Andrews - Campbell, RCs Evelyn Frias, Yalin
Weng, and Lion Pablo Romano, LCI New Club Consultant and MD20 Leo Chairperson.
Lion President Benson Chen, Lion Secretary YiYang Yang and IPP David Kwang were thrilled to welcome the dignitaries and expressed
their appreciation for their support.
Reported by
RC Yalin Weng
DG Ingrid inducts new members
Lion President Benson Chen welcomes dignitaries and guests
New members share a special commemorative photo op with
DG Ingrid
DG Ingrid celebrates with Flushing Lions Club