Page 40 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Fall Editon E-Newsletter 2022
P. 40

“It’s not what we say about our blessings,
                                                                  But how we use them,
                                                                  Is the true measure of our Thanksgiving ~ W.T. Purkiser



      In support of Governor Ingrid Andrews-Campbell’s challenge
      to team with other clubs, Brooklyn Farragut Lions and
      Brooklyn Vanderveer Park Glenwood Lions Clubs formed a


      On August 27, 2022, the team purchased and distributed
      newborn baby supplies to CRCEC to support new mothers
                                                           Farragut and Vanderveer Lions wait to distribute care packages
      and   their  babies  in   the   East  New   York
      Community.   Contributions included a portable baby
      crib/play pen with mattress and carry bag, baby wash cloths,
      hooded towels, receiving blankets, burp cloths, onesies body

      suits, short sleeve body suits, varieties of socks, nasal
      aspirators and pacifiers.

      The Lions embraced the opportunity to learn more about

      the program and services of CRCEC by engaging with staff
      and volunteers. Lion Pearl John explained the purpose of
                                                                Lions with manager of Christopher Rose
      Lionism.  This was a very rewarding and satisfying
      experience and we are looking forward to working together

      Christopher Rose Community Empowerment Campaign
      (CRCEC) is a non-for-profit organization whose goal is to
      build community through strengthening families.

      One of its areas of focus is maternal and infant health.
      The program provides one on one educational sessions
      including “Know Your Rights as a Patient”, breast feeding
      support, postpartum, outreach, and H.O.P.E – Helping Other
      Parents Endure.’
                                                                  Packages are ready for distribution
      Submitted by,
      Lion Judith Douglas
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