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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 27 June 2020
            U.S. police registry would fail without changes in states

            Continued from Front                                                                   law  enforcement  officers”  —  have  no  decertification
                                                                                                   and  publish  an  annual  process at all. Neither does
            In  the  wake  of  Floyd’s                                                             summary.    Then-President  the  federal  government
            death,  lawmakers  in  se-                                                             Barack  Obama  created  a  for  most  of  its  estimated
            veral states have proposed                                                             task force on policing that  130,000  law  enforcement
            bolstering  their  states’  po-                                                        in 2015 recommended the  officers,  including  agents
            wers to identify and remo-                                                             creation  of  a  police  mis-  in  the  FBI,  U.S.  Immigration
            ve problem officers.                                                                   conduct  registry,  but  no  and  Customs  Enforcement
            “I think the politicians have                                                          action was taken. And the  and the U.S. Border Patrol.
            been  reluctant  to  take  a                                                           outlook for a policing bill is  The  Department  of  Justice
            step  that  might  be  per-                                                            newly uncertain after Sena-  declined  to  comment  on
            ceived    as   anti-police,”                                                           te  Democrats  on  Wednes-   how  it  would  implement
            Ohio    Attorney   General                                                             day  blocked a Republican  Trump’s executive order.
            Dave Yost said.                                                                        proposal  from moving for-   For  now,  states  voluntarily
            Yost  and  Ohio  Gov.  Mike                                                            ward. The House approved  submit  the  names  of  offi-
            DeWine, both Republicans,    In this Feb. 20, 2020 file photo, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost,   a far-reaching police over-  cers to a private database
            have    proposed     giving   speaks in Columbus, Ohio.                                haul  from  Democrats  on  called the National Decer-
            their  state’s  police  licen-                                        Associated Press  Thursday, but it has almost  tification  Index  that  police
            sing  agency  the  power  to                                                           zero  chance  of  becoming  agencies can use in hiring.
            remove  officers  from  law  enforcement. The  Associa-   police officer  who killed Phi-  law.  In  the  meantime,  the  But Georgia doesn’t submit
            enforcement     for   racial  ted Press this month asked  lando Castile, a Black man,  most complete information  names to the index becau-
            profiling  or  other  miscon-  all 50 states to provide the  during  a  2016  traffic  stop  on officer shootings, sexual  se it is “not a governmental
            duct  that  doesn’t  lead  to  number of officers they de-  was never decertified. The  assaults  and  arrests  has  institution,”  according  to
            a criminal charge, a power  certified for the last five full  officer,  Jeronimo  Yanez,  been  compiled  by  univer-  Ryan Powell, deputy direc-
            many states already have.    years.  Georgia  said  it  de-  was  acquitted  of  second-  sity  researchers  and  news  tor of the state’s standards
            “The potential for reform is  certified 3,239 officers bet-  degree  manslaughter  and  organizations.              board.  Meanwhile,  Minne-
            better than it’s been in my  ween  2015  and  2019.  Min-  later  left  his  department  In  2015,  The  Associated  sota  and  almost  all  other
            professional  lifetime,”  Yost  nesota,  where  Floyd  died  under  a  settlement.  He  is  Press  found  that  nearly  states do.
            said.  “That  doesn’t  mean  after a white police officer  not  working  in  law  enfor-  1,000 officers had been de-  The index was created and
            it’s  a  certainty  on  how  pressed a knee on his neck  cement  elsewhere  in  Min-   certified across the country  updated  with  Department
            much  we’re  going  to  get,  for several minutes, decer-  nesota,  according  to  the  over six years for sexual as-  of  Justice  grant  funding
            but there’s a genuine inte-  tified 21. Maryland decerti-  state licensing board.      sault or other forms of sexu-  but  last  received  federal
            rest and willingness to look  fied just one officer.      A  federal  requirement  to  al misconduct.               money  in  2005,  said  Mike
            at  these  things  seriously  Minnesota  revokes  an  offi-  collect  police  misconduct  The   AP’s   investigation  Becar, director of the orga-
            and honestly.”One measu-     cer’s license automatically  data  already  exists.  Ac-  uncovered examples of of-    nization that runs the index.
            re of police misconduct at  only after the officer is con-  cording  to  criminal  justice  ficers who were accused of  He  runs  the  database  on
            a state level is decertifica-  victed  of  a  felony.  Geor-  experts, the Justice Depart-  sexual  misconduct  at  one  roughly $1,000 a month.
            tion.  Almost  all  states  issue  gia  can  take  an  officer’s  ment  has  never  met  a  re-  agency, fired or allowed to  “The  federal  government
            licenses  to  police  officers  license on several grounds,  quirement in the landmark  resign,  then  rehired  in  law  could  apply  a  lot  more
            by  mandating  standards  including  misuse  of  force,  1994 crime bill — signed by  enforcement and accused  pressure,” Becar said. “The
            and  training.  Most  states  committing  a  theft  that  then-President Bill Clinton, a  of misconduct again.      biggest hurdle is the 50 sta-
            can  decertify  an  officer’s  isn’t  prosecuted  or  lying  in  Democrat  —  that  it  would  Five states — California, Ha-  tes with their own individual
            license  to  prevent  a  bad  an internal investigation.  “acquire  data  about  the  waii,  Massachusetts,  New  laws  and  regulations  and
            one  from  working  in  law  The  suburban  Minneapolis  use  of  excessive  force  by  Jersey  and  Rhode  Island  legislatures.” q

            Judge blocks 25% capacity rule for religious services in N.Y.

            By KAREN MATTHEWS            parable  secular  activities,"  of houses of worship."
            Associated Press             Sharpe said in his 38-page  Restrictions   limiting   the
            NEW YORK (AP) — A feder-     ruling from Albany.          number of people who can
            al judge on Friday blocked  The  plaintiffs,  two  Roman  attend  outdoor  religious
            New  York  state  from  en-  Catholic  priests  from  up-  gatherings will also be lifted
            forcing  coronavirus  restric-  state  New  York  and  three  by the injunction.
            tions limiting indoor religious  Orthodox  Jewish  congre-  The judge noted that both
            gatherings to 25% capacity  gants  from  Brooklyn,  ar-   Cuomo  and  de  Blasio
            when  other  types  of  gath-  gued  that  the  restrictions  have  expressed  approval
            erings are limited to 50%.   violated  their  First  Amend-  for  protests  against  rac-
            Judge  Gary  Sharpe  en-     ment rights to practice their  ism  and  police  brutality
            joined  Gov.  Andrew  Cuo-   religion.                    that followed the death of
            mo,  New  York  City  Mayor  The  plaintiffs  said  the  re-  George Floyd in Minneapo-
            Bill  de  Blasio  and  Attorney  strictions  forced  the  Rev.  lis last month while continu-
            General Letitia James from  Steven  Soos  and  the  Rev.  ing  to  support  restrictions
            enforcing some of the ca-    Nicholas  Stamos  to  either  on religious gatherings.
            pacity  restrictions  put  in  turn away parishioners who  "Governor   Cuomo    and    In  this  April  28,  2020  file  photo,  hundreds  of  mourners  gather
                                                                                                   in the Brooklyn borough of New York, to observe a funeral for
            place  by  executive  order  wished  to  attend  Mass  "or  Mayor  de  Blasio  could   Rabbi  Chaim  Mertz,  a  Hasidic  Orthodox  leader  whose  death
            to  contain  the  spread  of  to  hold  more  Masses  per  have just as easily discour-  was reportedly tied to the coronavirus.
            the virus.                   day than are possible."      aged protests, short of con-                                          Associated Press
            The  plaintiffs'  religious  ac-  Christopher  Ferrara,  an  at-  demning  their  message,  in
            tivities  "will  be  burdened  torney  for  the  plaintiffs,  the name of public health  for public safety reasons in-  disregard  of  the  outdoor
            and continue to be treated  called  the  unequal  restric-  and  exercised  discretion  stead of encouraging what  limits and social distancing
            less  favorably  than  com-  tions "an irrational targeting  to  suspend  enforcement  they  knew  was  a  flagrant  rules," he said. q
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