Page 28 - bon dia aruba 20200627
P. 28

                     Saturday 27 June 2020
            In Nigeria, an Islamic State-linked group steps up attacks

            By  HARUNA  UMAR  and                                                                                               Those  wins  have  been  at-
            SAM OLUKOYA                                                                                                         tributed,  in  part,  to  help
            Associated Press                                                                                                    from communities that are
            MAIDUGURI,  Nigeria  (AP)                                                                                           increasingly  willing  to  help
            —  An  Islamic  State-linked                                                                                        the military in the hope that
            group  appears  to  be  re-                                                                                         they can end the violence
            gaining  strength  in  north-                                                                                       that  has  engulfed  the  re-
            eastern Nigeria and is now                                                                                          gion  for  more  than  a  de-
            warning  it  will  target  civil-                                                                                   cade.
            ians  who  help  the  military                                                                                      That  has  led  the  Islamic
            or  even  humanitarian  or-                                                                                         State West Africa Province
            ganizations.                                                                                                        to announce a shift in tac-
            The Islamic State in West Af-                                                                                       tics that threatens to deep-
            rica Province, which broke                                                                                          en the crisis.
            away  from  Boko  Haram                                                                                             Pamphlets left at the scene
            in  2016,  had  appeared                                                                                            of  the  recent  attacks
            weakened earlier this year                                                                                          warned  civilians  that  they
            by  internal  feuding,  said                                                                                        may be considered targets
            Nnamdi  Obasi,  the  senior                                                                                         if they aid the military or hu-
            adviser  for  Nigeria  at  the                                                                                      manitarian groups.
            International Crisis Group.                                                                                         It’s  a  marked  shift  for  the
            But earlier this month it killed   This photo taken Saturday, June 13, 2020 shows the aftermath of an attack by Islamic extremists   group, which until now has
            more than 120 people in a    in Monguno, northeastern Nigeria.                                     Associated Press  spared Muslim residents as
            single week, including 40 in                                                                                        long  as  they  pledge  alle-
            Monguno, a town housing      a  dispute  over  leadership   extremist  group  also  has   The  renewed  push  by  the   giance  to  the  group  and
            an  estimated  150,000  dis-  and the strategy of attack-  attacked  civilians  through   Islamic State in West Africa   pay taxes that are illegally
            placed people and a U.N.     ing civilian targets such as   suicide  bombings  often   Province  comes  after  the   levied  on  them,  said  Bunu
            humanitarian  base  that     mosques and marketplac-      carried out by young girls.   military scored some major   Malam-Kolo,  chief  of  a  lo-
            was only able to repel the   es.                          A  new  campaign  by  the    gains  against  the  extrem-  cal  defense  group  trying
            jihadists after hours of fight-  The  splinter  faction  is  now   Nigerian  military  and  the   ists in the northeast.  to protect civilians in north-
            ing.                         believed to have as many     regional multinational joint   Nigeria’s  military  and  the   eastern Borno state.
            “The new attack now sug-     as  5,000  fighters,  accord-  task  force  resulted  in  the   multinational security force   The  recent  reports  of  civil-
            gests  that  there  is  a  new   ing to a International Crisis   “killing of over 1,200” Boko   “have  made  tremendous   ians aiding the military has
            flare  to  their  violence,”   Group report last year.    Haram and ISWAP fighters,    success”  in  targeting  the   infuriated the ISWAP group.
            Obasi said.                  Boko  Haram  has  focused    according  to  the  military,   group’s operational bases,   The  militants  have  even
            The Islamic State in West Af-  on attacking military  units,   which claims many of their   said  Kabiru  Adamu,  a  se-  publicly  named  the  com-
            rica  Province  broke  away   targeting soldiers on guard   commanders  have  been     curity  consultant  based  in   munities they intend to at-
            from Boko Haram following    or  patrol  operations.  The   killed or arrested.        Nigeria.                     tack next. q
            Israeli military says 2 Gaza rockets hit                                                 U.S. to provide

            southern Israel                                                                          Cambodia with $56 million

            GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP)                                                               in  development aid
            —  The  Israeli  military  said
            Palestinian  militants  in  the                                                          PHNOM  PENH,  Cambodia  (AP)  —  The  United  States
            Gaza  Strip  fired  two  rock-                                                           has agreed to provide Cambodia with more than $56
            ets  late  on  Friday  toward                                                            million in development assistance, the two countries
            southern  Israel,  shattering                                                            announced.
            months of near-total calm.                                                               The aid provides an opportunity to improve relations
            There  were  no  reports  of                                                             between the nations, which are strained because of
            damage  or  injury  and  no                                                              Washington's criticism of Prime Minister Hun Sen's gov-
            Palestinian  militant  group                                                             ernment as authoritarian and undemocratic.
            immediately  claimed  re-                                                                After the U.S. judged Cambodia's 2018 general elec-
            sponsibility  for  the  attack.                                                          tion to be unfree and unfair, it imposed limited dip-
            The  rockets  came  a  day                                                               lomatic  and  economic  sanctions  to  show  its  disap-
            after  Gaza's  Hamas  rulers                                                             proval.
            warned of violence over Is-                                                              The  U.S.  is  also  competing  with  China  for  influence
            raeli plans to annex parts of   Hamas supporters paint heir faces while mach with their green   in  Cambodia,  where  Beijing  has  its  strongest  politi-
            the  occupied  West  Bank.   and national flags during a protest against Israel's plan to   cal foothold in Southeast Asia thanks to generous aid
            Tensions  are  simmering  in   annex parts of the West Bank and U.S. President Donald Trump's   and investment and a lack of criticism of Hun Sen's
            the  Palestinian  territories   mideast initiative, after Friday prayer at the main road of Khan   style of governing.
            over  Israel's  annexation   Younis City, Gaza Strip, Friday, June 26, 2020.             The joint statement received Friday said $38 million of
            plans  for  the  West  Bank,                                          Associated Press   the aid is for health and education, and about $18
            including  the  strategically   Jerusalem.                of war."                       million for agriculture and environmental programs.
            important  Jordan  Valley.   On  Thursday,  the  armed    For  most  of  the  first  half   It quoted Chin Bun Sean, a government minister and
            The  annexation  would  ef-  wing  of  Hamas  warned      of  2020,  the  Gaza-Israel    vice  chairman  of  Cambodia'  state  development
            fectively   dash   Palestin-  of  violence  if  Israel  pro-  frontier  remained  calm  as   agency,  as  saying  the  agreement  signed  Thursday
            ian  hopes  of  establishing   ceeds with the annexation   Hamas  stopped  weekend       "is an important pillar in promoting and strengthening
            a  viable  state  in  the  West   plans, saying such a move   demonstrations  that  often   the  cooperation  and  partnership  between  the  two
            Bank, Gaza Strip and east    amounts to "a declaration    turned violent. q              countries."q
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