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A26    U.S. NEWS
                     Saturday 27 June 2020
            American Airlines will book flights to full capacity

            By DAVID KOENIG                                                                                                     writes a blog called Cranky
            AP Airlines Writer                                                                                                  Flier,  said  American  prob-
            DALLAS  (AP)  —  American                                                                                           ably  has  data  to  back  up
            Airlines  will  start  booking                                                                                      its decision from a business
            flights to full capacity next                                                                                       perspective.
            week,  ending  any  effort                                                                                          "If  they  are  making  this
            to promote social distanc-                                                                                          change  to  sell  every  seat,
            ing  on  its  planes  while  the                                                                                    then  they  know  that  peo-
            United  States  sets  records                                                                                       ple talk a lot" about prefer-
            for  new  reported  cases  of                                                                                       ring  empty  middle  seats,
            the coronavirus.                                                                                                    "but in the end they will still
            American's move matches                                                                                             fly if the price is right," Sny-
            the policy of United Airlines                                                                                       der said.
            but  contrasts  sharply  with                                                                                       Since  April,  American  of-
            rivals  that  limit  bookings                                                                                       fered  to  rebook  people
            to  create  space  between                                                                                          whose flights might be full,
            passengers to minimize the                                                                                          but  only  about  4%  of  pas-
            risk of contagion.                                                                                                  sengers  have  taken  that
            American said Friday that it                                                                                        option,  according  to  the
            will  continue  to  notify  cus-                                                                                    airline.
            tomers if their flight is likely                                                                                    Snyder said most people fly-
            to  be  full,  and  let  them                                                                                       ing now are leisure travelers
            change  flights  at  no  extra                                                                                      who have decided that it's
            cost.  The  airline  said  it  will                                                                                 an acceptable risk. He said
            also let passengers change                                                                                          rules  on  face  masks,  extra
            seats on the plane if there is                                                                                      cleaning  measures,  and
            room and if they stay in the                                                                                        high-efficiency  air-filtration
            same cabin.                                                                                                         systems  make  planes  "a
            Since  April,  American  has                                                                                        relatively safe place."
            limited  bookings  to  about                                                                                        Airlines  have  been  dev-
            85%  of  a  plane's  capacity                                                                                       astated  by  the  pandem-
            by  leaving  about  half  the   In this March 31, 2020 file photo American Airlines planes are parked at Pittsburgh International   ic,  as  travel  dropped  by
            middle seats open. Howev-    Airport in Imperial, Pa.                                                               about  95%  at  its  low  point
            er, the airline will start selling                                                                 Associated Press  in  April.  Since  then,  traf-
            every seat it can beginning  about  67%,  both  through   passenger  in  an  adjoining  economy.                    fic  has  picked  up  slightly
            next Wednesday.              Sept. 30. JetBlue says it will   seat.                    The  airline  announced  the  —  the  number  of  people
            Delta  says  it  is  capping  leave  middle  seats  empty   United,  Spirit  Airlines  and  change  deep  into  a  press  passing  through  security
            seats  at  about  60%  of  ca-  through  July  31  unless  the   now  American,  however,  release    that  was  mostly  checkpoints at U.S. airports
            pacity  and  Southwest  at  person  is  traveling  with  a   are  taking  a  different  ap-  devoted  to  measures  it  is  on Thursday was 77% lower
                                                                      proach, arguing that other  taking to clean planes and  than  the  comparable  day
                                                                      steps — including stepped-   kill the virus.              a year ago.
              Police solve case of girl                               up  cleaning  procedures  "As  more  people  con-         American  Airlines  spokes-
              abducted, raped, killed in 1982                         and  requiring  all  passen-  tinue  to  travel,  customers  man Ross Feinstein said the
                                                                                                   may notice that flights are  airline  has  been  consider-
                                                                      gers  to  wear  face  cover-
                                                                      ings — eliminate the need  booked  to  capacity  start-   ing booking to full capacity
              COLUMBUS,  Ohio  (AP)  —  A  nearly  four-decade-old    to block some seats. United  ing  July  1,"  American  said.  for a few weeks as passen-
              cold case involving the abduction, rape and murder      CEO Scott Kirby has said so-  Starting Tuesday, American  ger numbers have risen. On
              of an 8-year-old girl was pronounced closed Friday      cial distancing is impossible  will ask passengers to con-  Monday,  American's  traf-
              when Columbus police said a new genealogical test-      on  planes  anyway;  that  firm that they haven't had  fic  was  the  highest  since
              ing technique identified the girl's killer.             even  with  empty  middle  COVID-19 symptoms in the  March, he said.
              For  years,  police  sought  clues  in  the  death  of  Kelly   seats, people are less than  previous 14 days.    Airlines  have  struggled  to
              Prosser, abducted while walking home from a Colum-      six  feet  away  from  each  Henry  Harteveldt,  a  travel  balance  concern  about
              bus  elementary  school  on  Sept.  20,  1982.  Her  body   other.                   analyst  with  Atmosphere  safety  during  the  pan-
              was found in a Madison County cornfield two days        Photos  and  videos  of  full  Research   Group,   said  demic  with  their  need  to
              later.                                                  flights  on  American  and  American "is clearly putting  sell  tickets.  Airline  revenue
              Detectives  began  working  with  a  genealogy  com-    United  have  drawn  criti-  its  profitability  ahead"  of  has plummeted since early
              pany  in  the  past  few  months  to  use  DNA  from  the   cism for their lack of social  the health of both passen-  March, forcing the carriers
              crime  scene  to  identify  the  suspect.  After  establish-  distancing.            gers  and  its  own  employ-  to rely on billions in federal
              ing a family tree, police interviewed family members    The  number  of  confirmed  ees.                          aid  and  private  borrowing
              and determined that Harold Warren Jarrell was Kelly's   new COVID-19 infections in  "Packing an airplane 100%  to survive until travel recov-
              killer.                                                 the U.S. hit an all-time high  full  without  health  testing  ers,  which  might  not  hap-
              Jarrell died in Las Vegas in 1996 at 67. Jarrell was con-  of 40,000 on Friday, eclips-  in  place  is  a  risky  business  pen until there is a vaccine.
              victed of a similar abduction in Columbus in 1977 but   ing a record set on April 24,  decision.  If  someone  con-  Frontier  Airlines  tried  to
              no evidence tied him to Prosser's case, police said.    according  to  Johns  Hop-   tracts  the  COVID-19  virus  charge  passengers  extra
              "It is satisfying to let the family know what happened   kins University.            on a 100% full plane, they're  to  guarantee  they  would
              to their little girl though it doesn't bring her back," said   American  is  based  in  Fort  going to sue American Air-  be  next  to  an  empty  mid-
              Det.  Dana  Croom  of  the  police  department's  Cold   Worth,  Texas,  where  Gov.  lines," Harteveldt said. "Just  dle seat. The budget airline
              Case Unit.                                              Greg  Abbott  on  Friday  because  another  airline  is  was  forced  to  retreat    last
              The technique known as genetic genealogy testing        rolled back some steps  the  doing  it  doesn't  mean  it's  month  amid  accusations
              and  research  has  solved  a  number  of  high-profile   state  had  taken  just  two  the right business decision."  that  it  was  trying  to  profit
              cold cases nationally in recent years, including Cali-  months  ago  in  an  aggres-  But  another  expert,  travel  from  people's  fear  of  con-
              fornia's so-called Golden State Killer.q
                                                                      sive attempt to re-open its  agent  Brett  Snyder,  who  tracting a deadly virus.q
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