Page 31 - bon dia aruba 20200627
P. 31
locAl Saturday 27 June 2020
New rotation Company in the West flown in coronaproof
ORANJESTAD — The new ro- Among other things, these Infantry Battalion Air Assault
tation Company in the West soldiers will contribute to Guard Regiment Grena-
(CitW) is flown in corona maintaining the maritime diers and Hunters, will trans-
proof from the Netherlands. borders in order to prevent fer its tasks to the Char-
This 34th rotation of Army illegal drug traffic or land- lie Tiger Company of the
soldiers, which supports ings with possibly COVID-19 same battalion from the
CZMCARIB in carrying out infected undocumented Netherlands. The soldiers
its three main tasks in the migrants. who take over each other’s
Caribbean, has been quar- In the coming period there positions are normally both
antined in the Netherlands will be temporary double stationed in Schaarsbergen
and has also been tested occupation of these sol- (NL) at the same barracks
negative for COVID-19 be- diers on Curaçao. After a and therefore know each
fore they can board the good transfer period, CitW other very well. The new
plane. rotation 33, this time the Al- batch consists of about 120
pha King Company of 11 soldiers.q
Alhambra Casino reopens
Free Slot Play, Daily Promotions, Weekly played in 18 months or more is eligible for
Specials – the Alhambra Players’ Club is the New Member offer.
the best bet in Aruba with more fun and Visit the Players’ Club for details.
more ways to win. For more information about this or any of
the promotions at Alhambra Casino and
Past Club members can also reap the re- Shops, phone 297.583.5000 or visit casino-
wards. Any former member that hasn’t q
ORANJESTAD — Manage- members with a March
ment of Alhambra Casino through June birthday.
and Shops are proud to
announce the property will In addition to the casino,
reopen on Saturday, June several of the shops will
27 at 10am local time. open, including Dunkin Do-
nuts, Baskin Robbins, Hun-
“I can’t begin to put into gry Piranha, Aruba Aloe
words how much we’ve and Shalom Body & Soul
missed everyone,” says An- Spa.
nie Dirskz, Alhambra Ca-
sino and Shops Marketing Guest and Crewmember
Manager. “Changes have well-being are a priority, so
been made for the safety the property has a number
of our guests and crew, but of health and safety proto-
that won’t change who cols in place. They include
the Alhambra family is at temperature screenings,
heart. We are excited to protective barriers, and
welcome everyone back!” increased and frequent
On reopening, the prop- sanitization of high touch
erty hours will be 10am to areas. Social distancing
11pm daily. will be observed through-
out the property, including
Players' Club members will some slot machines turned
find their slot and table off, limited seating at table
offers loaded on their ac- games and in The Cove,
counts ready to go. Earned the casino’s restaurant.
points and comps are also
available. Alhambra’s sig- Guests may enter and exit
nature “Something To Do 7 through the main entrance
Days A Week” promotions and are asked to use one
return: Double Point Tues- of the many hand sanitiz-
day, Wilder Wednesday, er stations before playing
50/30 Friday and Free Shirt slots or table games. Crew-
Sunday. Monday Madness members will be wearing
and Bingo are temporar- masks and guests are also
ily suspended due to so- encouraged to do so. Safe-
cial distancing guidelines. ty signage is prominently
Birthday offers can be re- displayed throughout the
deemed for those Club property.