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                     Saturday 27 June 2020
            LGBTQ Pride at 50: Focus shifts amid pandemic, racial unrest

            By JEFF McMILLAN             politicians,  including  Ca-  trans  actor  who  starred  in  lice,  it  was  immediately  in 2015.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    In  northeastern  Pennsylva-
            SCRANTON, Pa. (AP) — LG-                                                                                            nia, the group Queer NEPA
            BTQ  Pride  is  turning  50  this                                                                                   is hosting online events and
            year a little short on its sig-                                                                                     supporting  others  held  by
            nature  fanfare,  after  the                                                                                        Black activists after rallying
            coronavirus      pandemic                                                                                           in previous years in nearby
            drove it to the internet and                                                                                        Wilkes-Barre  and  raising  a
            after calls for racial equal-                                                                                       rainbow  flag  at  Scranton
            ity sparked by the killing of                                                                                       City Hall.
            George Floyd further over-                                                                                          “Some  people  would  say
            took it.                                                                                                            Pride  is  canceled,  but  I
            Activists and organizers are                                                                                        would say it has evolved,”
            using  the  intersection  of                                                                                        said  board  co-chair  Em
            holiday  and  history  in  the                                                                                      Maloney.
            making  —  including  the                                                                                           “This  year  is  different  be-
            Supreme  Court’s  decision                                                                                          cause  more  people  have
            giving  LGBT  people  work-                                                                                         a  better  consciousness  of
            place protections — to up-                                                                                          white  privilege  and  of  the
            lift  the  people  of  color  al-                                                                                   problems  surrounding  ra-
            ready among them and by                                                                                             cial justice.”
            making  Black  Lives  Matter                                                                                        Maloney was heartened to
            the  centerpiece  of  Global                                                                                        see  a  big  turnout  at  a  re-
            Pride events Saturday.                                                                                              cent Black Lives Matter pro-
            “Pride was born of protest,”                                                                                        test in Scranton, describing
            said  Cathy  Renna,  com-                                                                                           it as “everyone coming to-
            munications director of the                                                                                         gether because of the be-
            National LGBTQ Task Force,   In this June 30, 2019, file photo, marchers participate in the Queer Liberation March in New York.  lief that nobody will be free
            seeing  analogies  in  the                                                                         Associated Press   until everyone is free.”
            pandemic and in common                                                                                              The Pride website for Phila-
            threads  of  the  Black  and  nadian Prime Minister Justin  “Orange Is the New Black,”  clear that Pride as usual —  delphia,  a  two-hour  drive
            LGBTQ rights movements.      Trudeau,  and  entertainers  told The Associated Press in  one of the nation’s largest  south,  notes  that  events
            “Trans  women  of  color  such  as  Betty  Who,  Debo-    an interview this month.     — would be inappropriate,  planned  earlier  in  June
            have  been  targeted  in  rah Cox, Laverne Cox, Jake  “And  so,  part  of  what  the  said Twin Cities Pride board  were  canceled  —  and  it
            what  has  been  called  an  Shears and Martha Wash.      Black  Trans  Lives  Matter  member Felix Foster.         shouts BLACK LIVES MATTER!
            epidemic,  and  the  Stone-  “Trans folks, particularly the  movement  ...  is  acknowl-  Instead,  the  backbone  of  before  advising  of  online
            wall  uprising  happened  in  LGBTQ-I folks of color, have  edging  that  communities  this year’s Twin Cities Pride  alternatives.
            response  to  police  harass-  gotten  discrimination  from  of  color  still  have  a  lot  of  will take the form of a soli-  Philadelphia  in  2017  intro-
            ment and brutality,” Renna  the larger systems of white  work to do to fully reconcile  darity march called Taking  duced a new rainbow flag
            said in an email.            supremacy  and  on  racist  our  history  of  transphobia,  Back  Pride:  Justice4Ge-  that featured a black and
            The  first  Pride  march  took  terms,  and  then  also  have  specifically, and homopho-  orgeFloyd   DefendBlack-  a  brown  stripe  above  the
            place  June  28,  1970,  a  experienced  transphobia  bia as well,” Cox said.          TransFolks,  honoring  the  usual  colors  of  the  spec-
            year  after  the  1969  upris-  and  homophobia  within  In  Minnesota,  where  Floyd  memory  of  Floyd  and  oth-  trum,  to  highlight  people
            ings at the Stonewall Inn, a  our own communities,” La-   died  last  month  at  the  ers killed by Minnesota po-   of  color.    It  was  instantly
            gay bar in New York, which  verne  Cox,  the  pioneering  hands  of  Minneapolis  po-  lice, including Jamar Clark  polarizing,  but  critics  have
            were  led by trans women                                                                                            largely  come  around  and
            of color.                                                                                                           the design is now common
            A  few  other  commemora-                                                                                           around the world.
            tions  took  place  that  year                                                                                      “Our  flag  helped  start  a
            and  later  spread  until  50                                                                                       global  conversation  and
            years  on,  there’s  scarce-                                                                                        it’s  brought  me  to  tears
            ly  a  patch  on  Earth  that                                                                                       to  see  it  everywhere  dur-
            doesn’t  host  some  type  of                                                                                       ing  this  pivotal  time  in  our
            Pride event.                                                                                                        country’s  history,”  Amber
            New  York’s  is  among  the                                                                                         Hikes — who worked for the
            largest,  but  social  distanc-                                                                                     mayor’s office when she re-
            ing measures to check the                                                                                           vealed the design and who
            spread  of  COVID-19  ev-                                                                                           is  now  the  American  Civil
            erywhere from Scranton to                                                                                           Liberties  Union’s  first  chief
            Sao  Paulo  made  cancel-                                                                                           equity and inclusion officer
            lation  or  postponement  a                                                                                         — said in a Facebook post.
            certainty.                                                                                                          “We’re never going to stop
            Global  Pride  is  billed  as  a                                                                                    letting ourselves, each oth-
            24-hour  stream  of  music,                                                                                         er,  and  the  whole  damn
            performances,    speeches                                                                                           world  know  that  our  lib-
            and messages of support. It                                                                                         eration  has  always  been
            is being hosted Saturday by                                                                                         led  by  BIPOC  queer  and
            Todrick Hall on his YouTube                                                                                         trans folks — and when we
            channel,  on  iHeartRadio’s                                                                                         do  get  free,  when  we  get
            YouTube  channel  and  on    In this June 30, 2019, file photo, marchers carry signs with historical LGBTQ figures during the   free together, it will be with
            the Global Pride website.    Queer Liberation March in New York.                                                    Black  and  brown  queer  &
            It  will  feature  activists  and                                                                  Associated Press   trans folks at the front.”q
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