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                                                                                            TECHNOLOGY Saturday 27 June 2020
            Facebook to label all rule-breaking posts - even Trump's

            By BARBARA ORTUTAY
            AP Technology Writer
            OAKLAND,  Calif.  (AP)  —
            Facebook said Friday that
            it will flag all “newsworthy”
            posts  from  politicians  that
            break  its  rules,  including
            those  from  President  Don-
            ald Trump.
            CEO Mark Zuckerberg had
            previously  refused  to  take
            action against Trump posts   This combination of photos shows logos for social media platforms, from left, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
            suggesting that mail-in bal-                                                                                                    Associated Press
            lots will lead to voter fraud,   discourage  voting,  such   and  unpaid  traffic  tickets  That  European  consumer-  ter  in  the  U.S.,”  Unilever
            saying  that  people  de-    as  stories  about  federal   at  polls’  --  a  classic  voter  product  maker,  Unilever,   said.  “Continuing  to  ad-
            served  to  hear  unfiltered   agents checking legal sta-  suppression  disinfo  tactic  said  it  took  the  move  to   vertise  on  these  platforms
            statements  from  political   tus  at  polling  places.  The   -- and clearly mark posts as  protest the amount of hate   at  this  time  would  not
            leaders.  Twitter,  by  con-  company  also  said  it  is  in-  disinfo, they might be use-  speech online. Unilever said   add  value  to  people  and
            trast,  slapped  a  “get  the   creasing  its  enforcement   ful,” he said.            the  polarized  atmosphere   society.”q
            facts” label on them.        capacity  to  remove  false   But Zuckerman noted that  in the United States ahead
            “The  policies  we’re  imple-  claims  about  local  polling   Facebook  “has  a  history  of November’s presidential
            menting  today  are  de-     conditions  in  the  72  hours   of trying hard not to alien-  election  placed  responsi-
            signed  to  address  the  re-  before the U.S. election.  ate right-leaning users, and  bility on brands to act.
            ality of the challenges our   Ethan Zuckerman, director   given how tightly President  The  company,  which  is
            country is facing and how    of  the  Massachusetts  Insti-  Trump  has  aligned  him-  based  in  the  Netherlands
            they’re  showing  up  across   tute  of  Technology’s  Cen-  self  with  voter-suppressing  and  Britain,  joins  a  raft  of
            our  community,”  Zucker-    ter for Civic Media, said the   misinfo, it seems likely that  other  advertisers  pulling
            berg  wrote  on  his  Face-  changes  are  a  “reminder   Facebook  will  err  on  the  back from online platforms.
            book  page  announcing       of how powerful Facebook     side  of  non-intrusive  and  Facebook in particular has
            the changes.                 may be in terms of spread-   ignorable  labels,  which  been  the  target  of  an  es-
            Zuckerberg  said  the  so-   ing  disinformation  during   would  minimize  impact  of  calating   movement    to
            cial  network  is  taking  ad-  the upcoming election.”   the campaign.”               withhold advertising dollars
            ditional  steps  to  counter   He  said  the  voting  labels   Earlier  in  the  day,  shares  to pressure it to do more to
            election-related   misinfor-  will depend on how good     of  Facebook  and  Twitter  prevent  racist  and  violent
            mation.  In  particular,  the   Facebook’s  artificial  intel-  dropped  sharply  after  the  content from being shared
            social  network  will  begin   ligence  is  at  identifying   the giant company behind  on its platform.
            adding  new  labels  to  all   posts to label.            brands such as Ben & Jer-    “We  have  decided  that
            posts about voting that will   “If every post that mentions   ry’s  ice  cream  and  Dove  starting  now  through  at
            direct users to authoritative   voting  links,  people  will   soap  said  it  will  halt  U.S.  least  the  end  of  the  year,
            information from state and   start  ignoring  those  links.  If   advertising  on  Facebook,  we  will  not  run  brand  ad-
            local election officials.    they’re  targeted  to  posts   Twitter   and   Instagram  vertising  in  social  media
            Facebook  is  also  banning   that  say  things  like  ‘Police   through at least the end of  newsfeed  platforms  Face-
            false  claims  intended  to   will  be  checking  warrants   the year.                 book,  Instagram  and  Twit-

             Despite green pledges, Amazon's carbon footprint grew 15%

            By JOSEPH PISANI             sor  at  the  Research  Insti-
            AP Retail Writer             tute  for  Environment,  En-
            NEW YORK (AP) — Amazon  ergy  and  Economics  at
            said  Tuesday  that  its  car-  Appalachian  State  Univer-
            bon footprint rose 15% last  sity, said his first reaction to
            year,  even  as  it  launched  Amazon's  massive  carbon
            initiatives  to  reduce  its  footprint  was,  "Oh  wow."
            harm on the environment.     But  he  said  the  company
            The  online  shopping  giant  was comprehensive in cal-
            said  activities  tied  to  its  culating the number, even
            businesses  emitted  51.17  including    the   emissions
            million  metric  tons  of  car-  from shoppers' drives to its
            bon  dioxide  last  year,  the  Whole Foods grocery stores
            equivalent of 13 coal burn-  and  the  energy  used  to
            ing  power  plants  running  make a Kindle tablet.
            for  a  year.  That's  up  from  Amazon  said  that  while  its
            2018,  when  it  reported  a  carbon footprint grew, the   In this Oct. 10, 2018, file photo, Amazon Prime boxes are
            carbon  footprint  of  44.4  amount  of  carbon  it  emit-  loaded on a cart for delivery in New York.
            million  metric  tons.  Ama-  ted  for  every  dollar  spent                                       Associated Press
            zon  disclosed  its  carbon  on the site fell 5% between  renewable energy by 2025,  nology  that  help  fight  cli-
            footprint  the  first  time  last  2018 and 2019.         five years earlier than it had  mate change.
            year after employees pres-   The  Seattle-based  com-     planned. And on Tuesday,  But  the  increase  in  its  car-
            sured  the  company  to  do  pany also said it's on track  Amazon    announced     it  bon  footprint  shows  how
            more  to  combat  climate  to have 100% of its energy  would start a $2 billion fund  tricky it is for a rapidly-grow-
            change.                      use  come  from  solar  pan-  to invest in companies that  ing  company  like  Amazon
            Gregg  Marland,  a  profes-  els, wind turbines and other  make  products  and  tech-  to cut down on pollution.q
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