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Friday 15 June 2018
The only restaurant in Aruba with Kobe Steak on the menu:
Hai Kobe at L.G. Smith’s Steak & Chop House
Smith’s’ Steak & Chop
House (LGS) is known for
offering steak and wine
lovers an exclusive experi-
ence, whether it’s brunch or
dinner. And this time it is no
different: from this week on
every Friday from 18.00 hrs
it’s Hai Kobe Night at LGS,
where the real steak fa-
natic can enjoy the famous
Japanese Kobe Steak.
Innovation has always
been part of LGS and the
Hai Kobe Night is no excep-
tion. The famed restaurant can choose from an starter
at the Renaissance Aruba such as the traditional tar-
Resort & Casino is the only tare - prepared with Kobe
one on the island to of- Beef Tenderloin - or the
fer the famous Japanese Tataki, made from Kobe
steak. What is a trend at Beef Tenderloin, which is
various renowned restau- then sliced into thin slices.
rants around the world is In addition, the customer
now also available in Aru- can choose how the main
ba. Kobe meat comes course is served. It is rec-
from the Japanese beef ommended to try the Kobe
breed Wagyu, from the Ta- Beef Tenderloin (4 or 8 oz)
jima cattle. or the Kobe Ribeye Steak
(10 oz) next Friday.
The cows are fed ‘to per-
fection’ according to the LGS is the ‘# 1 Steakhouse
Hyōgo system, established in Aruba’ according to Tri-
by the Kobe Meat Market- pAdvisor and is known for
ing and Distribution Promo- their USDA certification,
tion Association. The capi- their ‘aged-prime steaks’
tal of Hyōgo is called Kobe, and various other special-
therefore the name ‘Kobe’, ties, including their famous
which is now popular in the ‘rack of lamb’ and fresh
culinary world. The famous seafood. LGS combines the
Japanese steak is known steakhouse mentality with
for its flavor, tenderness a modern and chic look.
and well marbled texture. After dinner, the vibes con-
tinue until 6am at The Mid-
LGS offers a unique expe- night Lounge, an extension
rience every Friday from of the LGS restaurant with a
6.00 pm, where the ten- view on the Crystal Casino.
der Kobe meat is paired Are you ready to make a
with exclusive wines. These reservation? Call 523.6195
wines can be ordered by or visit our website www.lg-
glass or by bottle. Visitors .q