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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diamars 30 maart 2021

                          US stocks slip from record heights, weighed down by banks

            (AP)  —  U.S.  stocks  are  been rising expectations that
            slipping  in  midday  trad-  a supercharged economic re-
            ing  on  Monday,  as  losses  covery is on the way thanks
            for big banks pull the S&P  to  COVID-19  vaccinations,
            500 and Dow Jones Indus-     immense  spending  by  the
            trial  Average  off  the  re-  U.S.  government  and  con-
            cord highs they set at the  tinued  low  rates  from  the
            end of last week.            Federal  Reserve.  Weighing
                                         on  stocks  at  the  same  time,
            The  S&P  500  was  0.7%  though,  are  worries  about  a
            lower,  as  of  11  a.m.  Eastern  coming  rise  in  inflation  and
            time. The Dow Jones Indus-   possibly  too-ebullient  prices
            trial  Average  was  down  134  across the market.
            points,  or  0.4%,  at  32,938,  Several  key  reports  on  the
            and  the  Nasdaq  composite  economy  are  scheduled  for
            was 1% lower.                this week, which could help
            Financial  stocks  dropped  to  show  whether  stocks  de-
            some of the market’s sharp-  serve the lofty prices they’ve
            est losses amid worries about  reached.  Among  the  head-
            how much pain big banks will  liners is Friday’s jobs report,
            take  following  soured  trades  where  economists  expect  to
            made by a major U.S. hedge  see a big acceleration in hir-
            fund.  Stocks  of  energy  pro-  ing.
            ducers  were  also  weak  after
            the price of crude oil slipped,  On  Wednesday,  President
            but  gains  for  Facebook  and  Joe  Biden  will  also  give  de-  Nomura estimated the claim  the  downdraft  as  investors  it  will  order  100  737  MAX
            other  market  heavyweights  tails  about  his  proposal  to  against  its  client  could  be  question whether the soured  airplanes.  Regulators  in  the
            helped to limit the S&P 500’s  rebuild  roads,  bridges  and  about $2 billion.        trades  will  stay  isolated  or  United  States  and  other
            losses.                      other  infrastructure.  Shares  Credit Suisse said that it “and  have  a  more  widespread  ef-  countries  have  cleared  the
            Most stocks across Wall Street  of  raw-material  producers  a  number  of  other  banks”  fect through the system.  plane  model  to  resume  fly-
            were  falling,  while  Treasury  have rallied recently on rising  are exiting trades they made  Morgan  Stanley  fell  3.9%,  ing,  after  it  was  grounded
            yields were holding relative-  expectations  for  infrastruc-  with a significant U.S.-based  and financial stocks across the  worldwide in 2019 after two
            ly  steady.  A  widely  followed  ture  spending  by  Washing-  hedge fund, which defaulted  S&P 500 lost 1.8% for one of  crashes that killed 346 people.
            measure  of  nervousness  in  ton,  even  though  many  past  on a “margin call” last week.  the sharpest losses among the  The  yield  on  the  10-year
            the  stock  market  climbed  presidential  administrations  A margin call happens when  11  sectors  that  make  up  the  Treasury rose to 1.67% from
            12%,  but  the  VIX  index,  have failed to make it happen.  a broker tells a client to put  index.                 1.66% late Friday.
            which shows how much vol-    On  Monday,  though,  the  up  cash  after  it  borrowed                               In  European  stock  markets,
            atility traders are bracing for  market’s   spotlight   was  money to make trades. Nei-  Energy stocks in the S&P 500  the  German  DAX  returned
            from  the  S&P  500,  remains  squarely  on  financial  com-  ther  Credit  Suisse  nor  No-  slumped  2%  after  the  price  0.5%,  and  the  French  CAC
            close to its lowest level since  panies  after  Japanese  bank  mura  named  the  client,  but  of  U.S.  crude  oil  fell  0.9%  40 rose 0.4%. The FTSE 100
            the pandemic rocked markets  Nomura Holdings and Swiss  news  reports  identified  it  as  to  $60.41  per  barrel.  Brent  in London slipped 0.1%.
            a year ago.                  bank  Credit  Suisse  said  New  York-based  Archegos  crude, the international stan-  In  Asia,  Japan’s  Nikkei  225
            The movements mark the lat-  they’re  facing  potentially  Capital Management.         dard, lost 0.9% to $63.84 per  rose  0.7%,  South  Korea’s
            est ebb for Wall Street, which  significant  losses  because  of  Shares  of  Credit  Suisse  and  barrel.          Kospi slipped 0.2% and Hong
            has been mostly climbing in  their  dealings  with  a  major  Nomura  each  fell  at  least  On  the  winning  side  was  Kong’s Hang Seng was virtu-
            a  series  of  stops  and  starts.  client, though the exact mag-  16% in their home countries,  Boeing, which rose 1.7% af-  ally  flat.  Stocks  in  Shanghai
            Supporting  the  market  have  nitude is still unclear.   and U.S. banks got caught in  ter  Southwest  Airlines  said  rose 0.5%.

                           News Corp. buys Houghton Mifflin Harcourt books division

            (AP) — Rupert Murdoch’s  court’s       book-publishing  rious  George  children’s  News  Corp.  owns  Harper-       Agents and authors are wor-
            News  Corp.  is  buying  division,  with  titles  by  series, for $349 million.        Collins,  one  of  the  indus-  ried  that  a  concentration  of
            Houghton  Mifflin  Har-      J.R.R. Tolkien and the Cu-                                try’s largest book publishers,  power  in  publishing  would
                                                                                                   and will operate the division,  translate  to  less  competition
                                                                                                   called HMH Books & Media,  for  book  deals  and  smaller
                                                                                                   the New York company said  advances.
                                                                                                   Monday.                      The deal is the second News
                                                                                                   The  publishing  industry  is  Corp. has announced in the
                                                                                                   consolidating,  with  German  past week. It said on Thurs-
                                                                                                   media  giant  Bertelsmann’s  day that it was buying finan-
                                                                                                   purchase  of  rival  Simon  cial news publisher Investor’s
                                                                                                   &  Schuster  in  November  Business Daily for $275 mil-
                                                                                                   for $2.2 billion shrinking the  lion.
                                                                                                   so-called Big Five of Ameri-
                                                                                                   can publishing — which also  Houghton  Mifflin,  which
                                                                                                   includes HarperCollins, Ha-  says  it  serves  90%  of  U.S.
                                                                                                   chette Book Group and Mac-   schools, said the sale will al-
                                                                                                   millan — to four.            low  it  to  focus  on  its  K-12
                                                                                                   News  Corp.  had  reportedly  education  business,  and  it
                                                                                                   been interested in buying Si-  will  put  more  emphasis  on
                                                                                                   mon & Schuster and its CEO  digital  sales.  The  company
                                                                                                   Robert  Thomson  slammed  has  struggled  financially  for
                                                                                                   the  megadeal  when  it  was  years and will use some of the
                                                                                                   announced,  calling  Bertels-  sale’s  proceeds  to  pay  down
                                                                                                   mann  a  “book  behemoth”  debt.
                                                                                                   and  “literary  leviathan”  that  The deal is expected to close
                                                                                                   would dominate the market.   in the second quarter of 2021.
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