Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210330
P. 30

                     Diamars 30 maart 2021

                  Indians gather for Holi                                Gunmen kill elected official, policeman in

                    celebrations as virus                                                        Kashmir attack

                             cases surge                              (AP)  —  Gunmen  killed

                                                                      an  official  of  India’s  rul-
                                                                      ing party and a policeman
                                                                      in  disputed  Kashmir  on
                                                                      Monday, police said.

                                                                      Police  blamed  anti-India
                                                                      militants for the attack. None
                                                                      of the rebel groups that have
                                                                      been  fighting  against  Indian
                                                                      rule since 1989 immediately
                                                                      claimed responsibility for the
                                                                      Police officer Amritpal Singh
                                                                      said militants fired at a mu-
                                                                      nicipal  office  in  northwest-
                                                                      ern  Sopore  town  during  a  member  of  India’s  ruling  New  Delhi  describes  the
                                                                      meeting  of  local  councilors.  Bharatiya Janata Party.  Kashmir  militancy  as  Pak-
                                                                      A councilor and a police of-  The  Himalayan  region  of  istan-sponsored   terrorism.
                                                                      ficial were killed and another  Kashmir  is  divided  between  Pakistan  denies  the  charge,
                                                                      councilor  was  wounded,  he  India and Pakistan and both  and most Kashmiris consider
                                                                      said.                        countries  claim  it  in  its  en-  it a legitimate freedom strug-
                                                                                                   tirety.  Many  Muslim  Kash-  gle.
                                                                      Police and soldiers cordoned  miris  support  the  rebel  goal  Tens  of  thousands  of  civil-
                                                                      off the area and searched for  that  the  territory  be  united,  ians,  rebels  and  government
                                                                      the attackers.               either under Pakistani rule or  forces have been killed in the
                                                                      The  dead  councilor  was  a  as an independent country.  conflict.

                                                                        Number of foreigners moving to Germany
               (AP) — Hindus threw colored powder and sprayed
               water in massive Holi celebrations Monday despite
               many Indian states restricting gatherings to try to                               hits 10-year low
               contain a coronavirus resurgence rippling across
               the country.

               Holi marks the advent of spring and is widely celebrated
               throughout Hindu-majority India. Most years, millions
               of people throw colored powder at each other in outdoor
               celebrations. But for the second consecutive year, people
               were encouraged to stay at home to avoid turning the
               festivities into superspreader events amid the latest virus
               India’s confirmed infections have exceeded 60,000 daily
               over the past week from a low of about 10,000 in Feb-
               ruary. On Monday, the health ministry reported 68,020
               new cases, the sharpest daily rise since October last year.
               It took the nationwide tally to more than 12 million.
               Daily deaths rose by 291 and the virus has so far killed
               161,843 people in the country.
               The latest surge is centered in the western state of Ma-
               harashtra  where  authorities  have  tightened  travel  re-
               strictions and imposed night curfews. It is considering
               a strict lockdown.
               Cases are also rising in the capital New Delhi and states
               of  Punjab,  Karnataka,  Gujarat,  Tamil  Nadu,  Haryana
               and Madhya Pradesh.
               The  surge  coincides  with  multi-stage  state  elections   (AP)  —  The  number  of  Germany’s  overall  popula-  nese  left  Germany  than
               marked  by  large  gatherings  and  roadshows,  and  the   foreigners  living  in  Ger-  tion stands at 83 million.  moved into the country.
               Kumbh Mela, or pitcher festival, celebrated in northern   many  increased  by  1.8%  The  number  of  foreigners  “After long phases of net im-
               Haridwar city, where tens of thousands of Hindu devo-  last  year,  the  lowest  rate  moving to Germany in 2020  migration  the  number  of
               tees daily take a holy dip into the Ganges river.      in a decade, according to  from  countries  outside  the  Chinese  and  American  citi-
               Health experts worry that unchecked gatherings can lead   official  figures  released  European  Union  declined  zens  leaving  surpasses  the
               to clusters, adding the situation can be controlled if vac-  Monday.                by more than half, the office  number  of  those  moving
               cination is opened up for more people and COVID-19                                  said.                        here,”  the  office  reported.
               protocols are strictly followed.                       The Federal Statistical Office                            “The  Central  Register  of
               India, with a population of more than 1.3 billion, has   said the foreign-born popula-  The  number  of  incoming  Foreigners records a net emi-
               vaccinated around 60 million people, of which only 9   tion rose by about 204,000 to  Indian  citizens  showed  the  gration of about 3,000 people
               million have received both doses of vaccine so far.    11.4 million, in a year when  single  biggest  decrease,  fol-  for both citizenships.”
               However, more than 60 million doses manufactured in    Germany  and  other  coun-   lowed by Syrians. Only 8,000  Overall, 21.2 million or 26%
               India have been exported abroad, prompting widespread   tries  in  Europe  and  beyond  Indians  moved  to  Germany  of  people  living  in  Germa-
               criticism that domestic needs should be catered to first.  were  hit  by  the  coronavirus  in 2020, compared to 21,000  ny  in  2019,  the  latest  figure
               The government said last week that there would be no   pandemic,  which  brought  in 2019. The number of Syr-    available,  had  some  kind  of
               immediate increase in exports. It said vaccines will be   travel and other restrictions.  ians who arrived decreased to  immigrant background, such
               given to everyone over 45 starting April 1.            Net  immigration  decreased  21,000 from 31,000.          as one or both parents having
                                                                      by 31% compared with 2019.  More  Americans  and  Chi-    foreign citizenship.
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