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A32 sports
Diamars 30 maart 2021
Gordon scores 13 in Denver debut, a 126-102 win over Hawks
(AP) — Aaron Gordon Gordon had seven of his 11
scored 13 points in his de- first-half points in the second
but with Denver, and the quarter and the Nuggets took
Nuggets beat the Atlanta a 10-point lead at the break.
Hawks 126-102 on Sunday The lead was extended to 20
night. points early in the third quar-
Denver acquired Gordon Gordon benefitted from
from Orlando at the trade Jokic’s court vision and
deadline and he got the start, turned a couple of his passes
playing 21 minutes. Paul into dunks.
Millsap, who had been start- “It makes the game so easy,”
ing at power forward, came Gordon said. “He makes the
off the bench. JaVale McGee, right reads, he’s talking to us
who was traded to Denver on the floor telling us what
from Cleveland in a deadline he wants to see from us. It
deal, didn’t play. makes the game easy playing
“I see no limits for this team,” with a guy like that.”
Gordon said. “It looks like Atlanta got within 13, but
we have all the pieces for this Denver took a 97-79 lead
team, we have depth. We’re into the fourth quarter. A
covered in a lot of different quick start in the fourth gave
spots. As long as we’re work- the Nuggets a 25-point lead,
ing together there’s no stop- and the Hawks never got the
ping us.” here, he knows what he can couldn’t stay with the new- what he thought were non- deficit below 20 points the
Nikola Jokic finished with 16 do, he knows how he can look Nuggets. foul calls in the first quarter. rest of the way.
points, 10 rebounds and eight help and he’s doing that,” Trae Young scored 21 points, “Early in the game we got “We knew it was going to be
assists, and Michael Porter Jokic said. “He’s embraced it. but had seven turnovers to distracted by that and we a tough game,” Young said.
Jr. had 15 points and 10 re- He saw how we play. If he’s go with seven assists. Dani- didn’t make adjustments ap- “It’s disappointing losing the
bounds for Denver, which open the ball’s going to find lo Gallinari had 14 points propriately and they pretty way we did and by how much
quickly integrated Gordon him.” against his former team. much controlled the game but they’re a deep team, and
into the mix. The Hawks entered the game Atlanta coach Nate McMillan from start to finish,” McMil- then adding Aaron made
“He knows why he came having won nine of 11, but said his team was affected by lan said. them an even better team.”
Unbeaten Zags keep rolling with 83-65 rout of Creighton
shot 59.6% from the field becoming the first undefeat-
against a foe that led the Big ed national champion since
East in defensive field goal Indiana in 1976.
percentage. Joel Ayayi added “I’m just telling you: We’re
13 points and eight rebounds. not hung up on the unde-
First-team All-American Co- feated thing at all,” coach
rey Kispert scored 12 points Mark Few said. “We’ve got to
and Timme’s fellow second- go undefeated from here on
teamer Jalen Suggs finished out. We’ve got to go 3-0 if we
with nine. Defensively, the want to win the champion-
Zags held Creighton to 40 ship, which that’s been our
points over the final 30 min- goal all along. But nobody’s
utes as they methodically talking about the overall un-
turned a 27-25 game into defeated thing at all.”
a blowout. Gonzaga never BIG PICTURE
trailed, led 43-33 at halftime Creighton: The Bluejays
and spent most of the second reached their first Sweet 16
half pulling away. since 1974 but didn’t have
The Bluejays (22-9) never nearly enough against a foe
really had a serious chance at on a clear mission. They
advancing to the Elite Eight were simply overwhelmed
for the first time since 1941, by the Zags over the final 30
when the NCAA Tourna- minutes.
ment only gave out eight Gonzaga: The Zags have
bids. “They just play so fast, won their first three tourna-
(AP) — Gonzaga guard gion semifinals. Afterward, for consecutive double-digit so efficient with everything ment games by a combined
Andrew Nembhard be- he insisted nobody was satis- wins to 26 and reached the they do,” said Marcus Zega- 77 points.
lieves he still has room to fied. “I don’t think we have Elite Eight for the fourth rowski, who led Creighton
improve. peaked,” he said. “I think, as I time in six years. Next up is with 19 points. “There are no
said earlier, we can always get Tuesday’s West regional final lapses. You just can’t take, not
The scary part is, he thinks better. We can always work against sixth-seeded South- even a play, you can’t take a
that also might be true for the on our stuff. So I think we’re ern California, an 82-68 second off or they’re going to
undefeated Bulldogs. getting close, and we need to winner over seventh-seeded make you pay.” Denzel Ma-
Nembhard had 17 points squeeze out that five percent Oregon. Some of Gonzaga’s honey added 13 points for
and eight assists, both sea- that we talked about.” usual stars were content with Creighton. Gonzaga extend-
son highs, to keep the NCAA It’s hard to imagine the Bull- supporting roles Sunday. ed its advantage to 20 points
Tournament’s top overall dogs (29-0) could play much Second-team All-American on Suggs’ layup with 11:22 to
seed rolling Sunday with a better. They extended their Drew Timme led the way go. That just about finished
83-65 rout of fifth-seeded school-record winning streak with 22 points, six rebounds off Creighton as the Zags
Creighton in the West Re- to 33, the Division I record and four assists as the Zags moved within three wins of