Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210330
P. 29
WORLD NEWS Diamars 30 maart 2021
Pakistan launches anti-polio drive amid surge in coronavirus
(AP) — Pakistan on Mon- teams to vaccine their chil- en. Bin Laden was killed by
day launched a five-day dren and asked authorities to U.S. commandos in 2011 in
vaccination campaign provide protection to polio Pakistan.
against polio despite fac- teams. Monday’s anti-polio push
ing another surge of coro- began hours after authorities
navirus cases, the second Pakistani militants regularly imposed a partial lockdown
anti-polio drive in 2021 stage attacks on polio teams in several more high-risk
as the country struggles and police escorting them, areas in the country, after a
to eradicate the crippling claiming the anti-polio drive jump in positive coronavirus
children’s disease. is part of a Western conspira- tests. Pakistan has registered
cy to sterilize children or col- more than 659,000 coronavi-
This time, the campaign aims lect intelligence. rus cases and 14,256 deaths.
to vaccinate about 40 million Pakistan and neighboring Af-
children across Pakistan, said These attacks increased af- ghanistan are the only two
health official Saisal Sultan, ter it was revealed that a fake remaining countries in the
who also oversees the coun- hepatitis vaccination cam- world where polio is endem-
try’s response to coronavirus. paign was used as a ruse by ic, after Nigeria was last year
Sultan said polio workers tancing measures and other navirus. He urged people to the CIA in the hunt for al- declared free of the wild po-
would follow social dis- precautions over the coro- cooperate by allowing polio Qaida leader Osama bin Lad- liovirus.
Egypt orders 8 workers detained after deadly train collision
Two passenger trains collid- custody included the two Train wrecks and mishaps are
ed Friday in the province of train drivers and their assis- common in Egypt, which has
Sohag, about 440 kilometers tants, el-Sawy said. A con- one of the world’s oldest rail
(270 miles) south of Cairo. trol tower guard, the head of systems, despite public out-
It was the latest in a series of traffic control in neighbor- cry.
deadly railway accidents that ing Assiut province, and two
have rocked the country in other guards were also jailed, In February 2019 an un-
recent years. he said. manned locomotive slammed
General Prosecutor Hamada into a barrier inside Cairo’s
el-Sawy in a statement re- The two trains collided at the main Ramses railway station,
vised downward the number town of Tahta, causing two causing a huge explosion and
killed to 18 and 200 injured, train cars to derail and flip on a fire. That crash prompted
including children. On Sat- their side. Rail officials ini- the then-transportation min-
urday, Health Minister Hala tially said someone activated ister to resign.
Zayed had told a news con- the emergency brakes on
ference that at least 19 people one of the trains, which was Egypt’s deadliest train crash
were killed and 185 injured. headed to the Mediterranean was in 2002, when over 300
(AP) — Egypt’s chief pros- ers, to remain in custody That number was down from city of Alexandria. Prime people were killed after a fire
ecutor Monday ordered for their alleged roles in a the 32 killed initially an- Minister Mustafa Madbouly broke out in a train travel-
eight rail employees, in- deadly crash in the coun- nounced Friday. has said, however, that no ing from Cairo to southern
cluding two train driv- try’s south. Those ordered to remain in cause has been determined. Egypt.
Japan, Indonesia seek to improve Myanmar situation
(AP) — Japanese Foreign said the Japanese govern-
Minister Toshimitsu Mo- ment will study “measures
tegi denounced Myan- that would be effective in
mar’s escalating crack- calming down the situation
down on pro-democracy and restoring democratic
protests in talks Mon- systems.”
day with his Indonesian
counterpart, who is vis- The two foreign ministers
iting Tokyo for security are to join defense ministers
discussions focusing on from the two countries for
China’s growing asser- “2 plus 2” security talks in
tiveness in regional seas. Tokyo on Tuesday.
They also shared “grave
Motegi “strongly criticized” concern” about Chinese at-
the growing military crack- tempts to change the status
down on civilian protesters quo in the East and South
in Myanmar, and welcomed China seas, the ministry
efforts by the Association of said.
Southeast Asian Nations to Japan, which has a territorial
respond to it, his ministry dispute with China over a
said in a statement. agreed Monday to cooperate security forces on Saturday Japan has not joined the cluster of East China Sea is-
closely to improve the situa- alone. The toll prompted a United States and some lands, sees China as a secu-
Motegi and Indonesian For- tion there, the ministry said. U.N. human rights expert other Western nations in rity threat and is discussing
eign Minister Retno Marsu- The military government’s to accuse the junta of com- imposing sanctions on the stepping up of military
di, who have discussed the violent crackdown has esca- mitting “mass murder” and Myanmar, but has stepped cooperation with Indonesia
Myanmar situation twice by lated in recent days. At least criticize the international up verbal protests. and signing of an arms and
phone since the Feb. 1 mili- 114 people, including sev- community for not doing Chief Cabinet Secretary technology transfer agree-
tary coup in that country, eral children, were killed by enough to stop it. Katsunobu Kato on Monday ment.