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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 22 July 2020
            Stimulus package breaks new ground in European unity

            By DAVID McHUGH                                                                                                     fordable rates.
            FRANKFURT,  Germany  (AP)                                                                                           Resistance  from  the  Neth-
            —  European  leaders  took                                                                                          erlands,  Austria,  Sweden,
            a  historic  step  towards                                                                                          Finland  and  Denmark  re-
            sharing  financial  burdens                                                                                         flects skepticism about the
            among  the  EU's  27  coun-                                                                                         pace  of  economic  reform
            tries by agreeing to borrow                                                                                         in  the  countries  that  need
            and spend together to pull                                                                                          help.
            the  economy  out  of  the                                                                                          Yet  the  trillions  in  financial
            deep recession caused by                                                                                            support are starting to add
            the virus outbreak.                                                                                                 up. Although the European
            Pushed  by  Germany's  An-                                                                                          response  is  spread  across
            gela  Merkel  and  France's                                                                                         EU  institutions,  the  Europe-
            Emmanuel  Macron,  lead-                                                                                            an  Central  Bank,  and  the
            ers agreed to borrow jointly                                                                                        individual  nations  govern-
            by selling bonds, using the                                                                                         ments,  economists  say  the
            European  Union's  collec-                                                                                          stimulus  figure  is  weighty
            tive  strong  credit  rating                                                                                        enough to impress interna-
            that  keeps  interest  costs                                                                                        tional  investors  so  they  will
            low. The money will fill a 750                                                                                      keep  lending  to  indebted
            billion-euro ($855 billion) re-                                                                                     countries such as Italy and
            covery fund to be used to                                                                                           avoid another debt crisis.
            boost  the  hoped  for  eco-                                                                                         The 750 billion euro recov-
            nomic  rebound  next  year                                                                                          ery  fund  comes  on  top  of
            through  2023  and  restore                                                                                         a  1.1  trillion  euro,  seven-
            the growth and jobs lost in   German Chancellor Angela Merkel, second right, speaks with, from left, Greek Prime Minister   year  EU  budget  that  pays
                                         Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, Portugal's Prime Minister Antonio Costa
            this year's plunge.          and Romania's President Klaus Werner Ioannis during a round table meeting at an EU summit in   for  the  union's  agricultural
            Two decisions - shared bor-  Brussels, Tuesday, July 21, 2020.                                                      support,  projects  to  help
            rowing, and simply handing                                                                         Associated Press  poorer  members  catch
            out  over  half  the  money                                                                                         up  and  myriad  other  pro-
            as  grants  -  broke  through  berg   bank.   "Near-term,  cued with loans that have  and  the  fund  is  a  one-off,  grams. That, in turn, follows
            longstanding     opposition  the confidence effect can  to be repaid, increasing its  meaning  that  while  it  sets  up to 540 billion euros in aid
            from  some  of  the  finan-  matter even more than the  debt load. That help came  an  important  precedent  it  for wage support programs
            cially  stronger  countries  money itself."               with  tough  conditions  to  does  not  necessarily  lead  to  hold  down  unemploy-
            to  exposing  their  finances  The  EU's  executive  com-  rein  in  government  spend-  to ongoing mutual support  ment, and credit lines that
            and  taxpayers  to  troubles  mission  predicts  the  bloc's  ing  that  reduced  growth,  that could be counted on  hard-hit  countries  could
            in  southern  Europe,  where  economy will shrink by 8.7%  spread  hardship  and  fu-  in any future crisis.        tap  from  the  eurozone's
            bureaucracy and red tape  this  year  and  rebound  by  eled resentment.               The  grant  provision  is  im-  bailout  fund.  Another  1.35
            continue  to  slow  growth.  6.1% next year. The goal of  The four-day meeting nev-    portant  because  it  will  trillion euros is being printed
            Germany,  which  had  long  the  spending  is  to  support  ertheless  put  the  bloc's  give countries like Italy and  by  the  European  Central
            resisted  shared  borrow-    that upswing.                deep-seated  fault  lines  on  Spain  money  they  can  Bank and injected into the
            ing, played a decisive role  By  turning  to  shared  debt  display. To overcome resis-  spend  without  adding  to  economy  through  a  series
            by  changing  its  approach  and spending, the EU is tak-  tance  from  five  European  their  national  debt  piles.  of  bond  purchases  that
            in  the  face  of  the  crisis  as  ing  a  different  approach  countries  led  by  the  Neth-  Both  were  hard  hit  by  the  hold down market borrow-
            Merkel pressed for a deal.   to  solidarity  than  during  erlands,  they  trimmed  the  virus  outbreak  and  Italy  in  ing  costs  for  businesses,
            "With  the  biggest-ever  ef-  the  2010-2015  debt  crisis  amounts  to  be  dispensed  particular has a large debt  governments and consum-
            fort of cross-border solidari-  that  pushed  Greece  and  as  grants  and  increased  burden that must be regu-    ers. It's those bond purchas-
            ty, the EU is sending a strong  four other members of the  the  amount  offered  as  larly  rolled  over  with  new  es that have kept the virus
            signal of internal cohesion,"  19-country  euro  currency  loans  that  have  to  be  borrowing.  A  huge  spike  crisis  from  turning  into  a  fi-
            said  Holger  Schmieding,  union     into   international  paid back. The money will  in  debt  could  deter  bond  nancial crisis while EU lead-
            chief  economist  at  Beren-  bailouts.  Greece  was  res-  not  kick  in  until  next  year  markets from lending at af-  ers debated.q
             Ukraine hostage-taker surrenders, bus passengers unharmed

            LUTSK,  Ukraine  (AP)  —  An  Kyrylo Tymoshenko told re-  and no one was hurt.
            "unstable"   armed    man  porters.                       Earlier,  following  negotia-
            who  seized  more  than  a  Shortly  after  the  call,  Zel-  tions  with  the  first  deputy
            dozen hostages on a long-    enskiy posted a brief video  chief  of  national  police,
            distance  bus  in  Ukraine's  message  on  his  Facebook  Yevhen  Koval,  the  man
            western  city  of  Lutsk  was  page to urge Ukrainians to  had  released  three  of  the
            detained  late  Tuesday  af-  watch  "Earthlings,"  a  2005  hostages, including a preg-
            ter  a  standoff  that  lasted  American   documentary  nant woman. At one point
            for  over  12  hours  and  all  exposing  humanity's  cruel  during  the  conversation,
            hostages  were  freed  un-   exploitation  of  animals  -  he fired his gun through the
            harmed, officials said.      as  the  hostage-taker  had  bus  window  and  a  bullet
            The assailant agreed to re-  wanted.                      narrowly missed Koval, who
            lease  the  hostages  follow-  Minutes later, the assailant  also  brought  water  for  the
            ing a 15-minute phone call  walked out of the bus and  hostages.  After  the  drama    An assailant, who seized a long-distance bus with 10 hostages,
            with  Ukrainian  President  surrendered  to  the  police.  ended, Zelenskiy hailed law   lies on the ground after police officers captured him in the city
            Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Zelen-  Authorities  said  all  13  hos-  enforcement  officers  for   centre of Lutsk, some 400 kilometers (250 miles) west of Kyiv,
            skiy's  deputy  chief  of  staff  tages  he  held  were  freed  saving the hostages. q  Ukraine on Tuesday July 21, 2020.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
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