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                   Wednesday 22 July 2020
            Hong Kong protesters adapt signs, slogans to skirt new law

            By  ZEN  SOO  and  PHOEBE                                                                                           us to protest that way, we'll
            LAI                                                                                                                 find another way."
            Associated Press                                                                                                    The  use  of  blank  paper  or
            HONG KONG (AP) — It was                                                                                             sticky  notes  to  protest  is
            one  of  the  first  protests  in                                                                                   a  changing  form  of  resis-
            Hong  Kong  after  a  feared                                                                                        tance,  according  to  Ma
            national security law came                                                                                          Ngok, an associate profes-
            into effect.                                                                                                        sor of politics at the Chinese
            Among  a  dozen  or  so                                                                                             University of Hong Kong.
            lunchtime       demonstra-                                                                                          "They  put  up  blank  notes
            tors  at  a  luxury  mall  in  the                                                                                  so that even if the govern-
            Central  business  district,  a                                                                                     ment  wants  to  prosecute
            man raised a poster that —                                                                                          them, there is nothing that
            when  viewed  from  afar  —                                                                                         can be used against them,"
            read  in  Chinese,  "Liberate                                                                                       he said.
            Hong  Kong,  revolution  of                                                                                         Protesters  in  Hong  Kong
            our times."                                                                                                         have  also  come  up  with
            The  government  had  just                                                                                          alternative  slogans  to  cir-
            banned the slogan, saying                                                                                           cumvent the ban on "Liber-
            it  had  separatist  connota-                                                                                       ate  Hong  Kong,  revolution
            tions  and  so  ran  afoul  of                                                                                      of our times."
            the new security law's pro-                                                                                         Some  users  quote  the  ini-
            hibition of secessionist acts.                                                                                      tials of the romanization of
            Shortly  after,  riot  police   A Hong Kong Cafe, known as a "yellow shop" because its owners expressed sympathy for protest-  the  eight  Chinese  charac-
            entered  the  mall,  shoo-   ers, has a wall decorated with blank post-it notes in Hong Kong Thursday, July 9, 2020.    ters  in  the  banned  slogan
            ing  away  onlookers.  They                                                                        Associated Press   -–  "GFHG,  SDGM."  Others
            detained  the  man,  tell-                                                                                          have  changed  the  words
            ing  him  the  slogan  was  Before the law took effect  that  support  the  protest  deliver our message to oth-    entirely to terms that sound
            banned.  But  when  officers  June  30,  protesters  often  movement. Many have re-    ers," he said.               similar  but  mean  very  dif-
            looked  at  the  poster  up  held  up  colorful  posters  moved protest artwork and  Yu Yee Cafe, a Hong Kong-      ferent  things.  One  alterna-
            close,  no  words  could  be  plastered with slogans that  sticky  notes  bearing  words  style  diner  that  serves  fast  tive slogan now reads "Pa-
            made  out.  It  merely  had  ranged  from  condemning  of  encouragement  from  food,  has  covered  its  win-      tronize  Hong  Kong,  Times
            circular  shapes  against  a  the  Chinese  government  customers, out of fear that  dows  with  blank  sticky  Square,"  a  reference  to  a
            contrasting   background.  to  calling  for  Hong  Kong's  they  could  land  them  in  notes  and  even  displays  popular  shopping  mall  in
            They  snapped  a  few  pho-  independence.        Since  trouble with the authorities.   an  origami  figure  of  Win-  the city.
            tographs of the poster and  then,  they  have  become  Some shop owners, like Tan  nie  the  Pooh,  a  playful  A popular protest anthem,
            let him go.                  creative  in  obscuring  their  Wong, have instead put up  taunt  of  Chinese  President  "Glory  to  Hong  Kong,"
            Since the imposition of the  messages.                    blank  sticky  notes  to  show  Xi Jinping. Chinese censors  has  had  some  of  its  lyrics
            security  law  -–  which  bans  Many  of  the  protesters  at  solidarity  with  the  move-  briefly  banned  social  me-  changed,  with  protesters
            secessionist, subversive and  the  luxury  mall  held  up  ment.                       dia searches for Winnie the  replacing  the  words  with
            terrorist  activities,  as  well  blank  pieces  of  white  pa-  "We  are  doing  this  right  Pooh in China after Xi's ap-  numbers in Cantonese that
            as  collusion  with  foreign  per to protest against Chi-  now  because  (the  shop)  pearance  was  compared  sound  approximately  like
            forces,  with  penalties  of  na's  "white  terror"  of  politi-  is private property. We are  to the cartoon bear.   the  lyrics.    "There  is  a  long
            up  to  life  imprisonment  -–  cal  repression.  Other  post-  trying  to  tell  Hong  Kong  "I  wonder  if  there's  still  rule  history of censorship where
            anti-government protesters  ers are designed to circum-   people that this is the only  of  law  if  sticking  a  (blank)  we  know  that  people  will
            in  Hong  Kong,  and  those  vent  bans  on  slogans.  The  thing that we 'yellow shops'  piece of paper on the wall  find ways to circumvent the
            supporting  the  movement,  government  has  not  yet  can  do,"  said  Wong,  who  is  illegal,"  said  Eddie  Tsui,  system, no matter how you
            have  adapted  their  meth-  made clear if such forms of  runs Kok Kok Chicken, a Ko-  one  of  the  diner's  custom-  regulate," said Fu King-wa,
            ods  to  try  to  make  their  expression are illegal.    rean fried chicken store.    ers.  "It's  just  using  a  differ-  associate  professor  at  the
            voices  heard  without  vio-  The law has had a chilling  "If  we  do  not  persist,  we  ent way to express our de-  University  of  Hong  Kong's
            lating the legislation.      effect  on  "yellow  shops"  would no longer be able to  mands.  If  you  don't  allow  journalism school.q

            WHO warns new Ebola outbreak in Congo faces funding gap

            By LOUIS OKAMBA              of  how  difficult  it  is  to  get  tackling other urgent health  ed when Ebola killed more  At least 2,280 people died
            Associated Press             health  teams  and  supplies  threats," said Dr. Matshidiso  than 11,000 people in West  of  Ebola  over  the  nearly
            BRAZZAVILLE,  Republic  of  into  the  densely  forested  Moeti,  the  WHO  Regional  Africa  between  2014-2016.  two-year  span  of  the  epi-
            Congo  (AP)  —  The  World  area.  Already  there  have  Director for Africa.          After Ebola cases emerged  demic  in  eastern  Congo
            Health  Organization  said  been  24  deaths  since  the  The    funding    shortage  in eastern Congo in August  before it ended on June 25.
            Tuesday it is facing a "seri-  outbreak was declared on  threatens  to  unravel  ear-  2018, health teams eventu-   Previous outbreaks in north-
            ous funding gap" to battle  June 1. The emergence of  ly  gains  in  this  epidemic.  ally  were  able  to  combat  ern  Congo  have  been
            the new outbreak of Ebola  Ebola  in  Congo's  northern  When  Equateur  province  the disease with two differ-     more  limited  —  the  2018
            in remote corners of north-  Equateur  province  came  last  had  Ebola  cases  in  ent vaccines.                   one killed 33 people before
            ern Congo amid the global  just  as  the  world's  second  2018, it took health officials  Still,  misinformation  about  it  was  brought  under  con-
            COVID-19 pandemic.           deadliest  Ebola  outbreak  two  weeks  to  start  vac-   those  vaccines  flourished  trol within months.
            The  $1.75  million  raised  so  was nearing its end.     cinating  people.  This  time  in  a  region  long  wracked  Congolese  health  officials
            far  will  only  last  for  a  few  "The  response  to  Ebola  in  around, vaccination teams  by armed militias. Commu-  have  determined  through
            more  weeks,  the  WHO  the midst of the COVID-19  were  mobilized  within  four  nities  fearful  of  outsiders  in  genetic  sequencing  that
            warned,  adding  that  the  pandemic  is  complex,  but  days of the outbreak dec-     some  cases  refused  to  al-  the  new  outbreak  in  the
            response  effort  is  particu-  we  must  not  allow  CO-  laration, Moeti said.       low health teams in, allow-  north  is  unrelated  to  the
            larly  expensive  because  VID-19  to  distract  us  from  No  licensed  vaccine  exist-  ing the virus to spread.  epidemic in the east.q
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