Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20200722
P. 32

a32    local
                   Wednesday 22 July 2020
            Defense helicopter crashes near Aruba, two soldiers killed

            ORANJESTAD  —  A  Defense  NH90  expressed  their  condolences.  "I  to retrieving the black box. The he-   other  natural  disasters  or  serious
            helicopter crashed near Aruba on  think  that  everyone  is  shocked  at  licopter was stationed on the Zr.MS  incidents. Two Dutch naval bases,
            Sunday.  Two  soldiers,  34-year-old  Defense,  in  the  Netherlands.  We  Groningen,  currently  in  Curacao.  Parera  and  Suffisant,  are  located
            pilot Christine Martens and 33-year-  sympathize  with  family  and  loved  Source:             on the island of Curaçao. The lat-
            old tactical coordinator Erwin War-  ones. Truly terrible news," Rutte said                                 ter has facilities for conscription in
            nies,  were  killed  in  the  accident,  to RTL Nieuws. He also published a  About the Royal Netherlands Navy  the Caribbean, which is not military
            Commander of the Armed Forces  statement  on  Twitter,  saying  that  in the Caribbean                      conscription  but  social  conscrip-
            Rob Bauer confirmed on Monday.  he  is  "deeply  moved  by  the  sad  The  Royal  Netherlands  Navy  con-   tion. This type of conscription offers
            The  cause  of  the  crash  is  not  yet  news"  of  the  crash  that  took  the  tributes  to  security  in  all  parts  of  underprivileged  Antillean  young
            clear.                              lives of two soldiers.              the  Kingdom  of  the  Netherlands,  people the chance of taking pro-
                                                "My thoughts go out to their fami-  including  the  Dutch  territories  in  fessional  training.  The  Savaneta
            The helicopter was doing a Coast  lies and friends. I wish them lots of  the Caribbean. Commander Neth-     Marine Barracks on Aruba accom-
            Guard  patrol  and  was  on  route  strength in this sad time."         erlands  Forces  in  the  Caribbean  modates  32  Infantry  Company
            to Curacao when it crashed. Four  "Today I received the terrible news  (COMNLCARIB)  is  responsible  for  of  the  Marine  Corps.  The  marines
            people were on board. The two sur-  that two of our soldiers have died.  the  activities  of  Dutch  naval  units  regularly  train  on  the  island,  but
            vivors  sustained  "no  serious  injury",  My condolences to their family. We  in the area. There are 2 Dutch na-  also in other areas in the vicinity of
            Bauer  said.  Attempts  were  made  are  all  deeply  affected,"  Bijleveld  val  bases  on  Curaçao  and  one  the island. There are, for example,
            to resuscitate the two soldiers, but  said on Twitter. The Defense Ministry  on  Aruba.  Dutch  military  person-  exercise  areas  on  the  Windward
            it  was  to  no  avail.  Their  relatives  also opened a public online con-  nel  in  the  Caribbean  intercept  and  Leeward  Islands,  the  French
            have been informed and Defense  dolence registry for anyone want-       drug transports and combat illegal  islands  in  the  Caribbean,  French
            wishes them a lot of strength in this  ing to write a message about the  fishing  and  environmental  crime,  Guyana, Suriname and the United
            time, Bauer said.                   deaths of Martens and Warnies.      among other things. They also lend  States. An Aruban militia platoon is
                                                A  Coast  Guard  helicopter  and  a  support  during  search-and-rescue  responsible for surveillance and se-
            Dutch  Prime  Minister  Mark  Rutte  team of divers will help to salvage  operations and provide disaster re-  curity at the barracks. Source: de-
            and Defense Minister Ank Bijleveld  the crashed aircraft, giving priority  lief in the event of hurricanes and q
              Island guardians                                                                                           Episode LXIII - (63)

              Continued from Page 31                                                                                   Etnia Nativa`s goals as a private-
                                                                                                                       ly  operated  cultural  awareness
              We must create awareness of our,                                                                         center  and  advocators  of  bio-
              yet  unfathomed,  assets  which                                                                          consciousness,  receives  special
              could be lost without ever know-                                                                         enthusiasts  every  morning  at  our
              ing of their advantages.                                                                                 atelier,  Promoting,  encourage-
              Our tourism needs to uncover na-                                                                         ment  and  educating  upon  valu-
              ture  and  island  culture,  through                                                                     able assets, how to protect renew
              an educated and mind -opening                                                                            and reinvent.q
              session  for  those  curious  and  bo-
              hemian souls, the adventurous in                                                                            To get to know more regard-
              spirit  and  of  course  each  tourist                                                                      ing  Aruba’s  and  its  origins,
              needs  interact  and  be  contami-                                                                          its  animals  and  culture,  we
              nated with a good predisposition                                                                            highly  recommend  you  to
              to  share  our concern in  conserv-                                                                         book  your  visit  concerning
              ing  our  fragile  travel  destination.                                                                     our  cultural  encounter  ses-
              Here  is  where  cultural  thematic                                                                         sion which has been enter-
              tours  help  to  tell  a  lot  about  the                                                                   taining  curious  participants
              history of a certain people’s way                                                                           for decades.  Mail us at et-
              of life or about a place and things.       Thematic tours always pair the visiting of the highlights points.  to
              It is time to realize what one should                                                                       participate.  Our  facilities
              do  regarding  over-exploiting  just  existence  on  an  eco-conscious  results,  when  happy-go-lucky  will   and  activities  take  place
              for  the  sake  of  making  a  profit,  territory.  This  way  of  doing  busi-  cost  you  an  eye,  in  a  figure  of   close to your hotel.
              and not considering a sustainable  ness has proven to feed disastrous  speech.
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