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Wednesday 22 July 2020
Tucker Carlson battles with The New York Times over privacy
By DAVID BAUDER homes on the air?" Carl-
AP Media Writer son said. "What if we pub-
NEW YORK (AP) — Tucker lished the home addresses
Carlson says The New York of the soulless robot editors
Times wants to put his family at the New York Times who
in danger, the newspaper assigned and managed
says he knowingly lied and this incitement to violence
now the Fox News host's against my family?"
fans are taking up the fight. Some of Carlson's fans —
The latest media confla- he usually attracts some 4
gration flaring Tuesday is million viewers each week-
more than ideological, with night — apparently took
issues of personal privacy that as a signal.
and safety at its heart. Several people on Twit-
Carlson, the prime-time ter posted what they said
host who has just returned was an address and phone
from a vacation after his numbers for Carpenter,
top writer quit for publish- along with an address and
ing racist material online, photo of a house suppos-
said Monday on Fox News edly owned by Spinski. It
Channel that the Times was was not clear if they were
working on a story about accurate.
where he and his family live. One message, retweeted
He said there's "no conceiv- Tucker Carlson, host of "Tucker Carlson Tonight," poses for photos in a Fox News Channel studio more than a hundred times,
able justification" journalisti- Thursday, March 2, 2107 in New York. was from a woman who
cally for such a story. Associated Press said her son was friends
"Why is The New York Times with Carlson's children. One
doing a story on the loca- Carlson, a polarizing po- said. "It felt cowardly to sell from a library near his home person posted: "Karma is
tion of my family's home?" litical commentator, has our house and leave. We'd and is renovating a former coming for you, Murray,"
he asked. "Well, you know reasons for concern about raised our kids in the neigh- town garage for use as a and another wrote: "We will
why. To hurt us. To injure my the issue. In 2018, a group borhood and loved it. But broadcast studio. be visiting Mr Carpenters
wife and kids so I will shut of about 20 demonstrators in the end, that's what we On his show Monday, Carl- family this weekend."
up and stop disagreeing came to his home in Wash- did. We have four children. son put in motion the sce- Carpenter writes occasion-
with them. They believe in ington, D.C. one night, It just wasn't worth it." nario — that he himself ob- ally for The New York Times,
force." pounding on and damag- Carlson now has homes on jected to — for a reporter most recently a piece last
In response, the Times said ing his front door while his Florida's Gulf Coast and in and photographer suppos- year about the late art-
that while it doesn't confirm wife was home alone. western Maine, according edly working on the Times ist Robert Indiana and the
what it might or might not She called police while hid- to published reports. story. He broadcast their home he bought on a re-
publish, it "does not plan ing in a closet, he said. He told the Sun Journal names and, in the report- mote island in Maine.
to expose any residence Protesters returned another newspaper in Lewiston, er's case, a picture. The Times had no immedi-
of Tucker Carlson's, which time, and sent threaten- Maine, for a story published "How would Murray Car- ate comment about the
Carlson was aware of be- ing messages, he said. He Tuesday that he now lives penter and his photogra- posting of the information.
fore his broadcast." eventually sold the house in Maine for much of the pher, Tristan Spinski, feel if A message left at Carpen-
Fox News had no comment and moved his family. year. Reportedly, he has we told you where they live, ter's home was not imme-
on the issue Tuesday. "We tried to ignore it," he taped many of his shows if we put pictures of their diately returned Tuesday.q
Review: ‘Jeopardy!’ host Trebek
searches for answers in book
LOS ANGELES (AP) — “The Answer Is ... Re- Instead, the Canada-born Trebek focuses
flections on My Life,” Alex Trebek (Simon & on his roots as the child of an immigrant
Schuster) father and French Canadian mother, the
Alex Trebek is the one providing the an- work ethic that earned him TV success,
swers and questions in a new memoir that and the contented marriage he shares
should reinforce his admirers’ expectations with Jean, now also his caregiver as he un-
about the ever-steady “Jeopardy!” host. dergoes treatment.
This image released by Jeopardy! shows Alex Trebek, host of The concise chapters, with titles includ- There are engaging tidbits about Trebek’s
the game show "Jeopardy!"
Associated Press ing “What is a Mentor?” and “The Answer former love for flashy cars (he drives a
is Family” and ranging from a few para- more utilitarian pickup these days); the
graphs to a few pages, make for a read- satisfaction he gets out of playing home
able but not slapdash approach. handyman; the contestants he admires
The sum of the parts echoes the public and the one he bonded with.
figure, the genial and even courtly man He is uniformly self-deprecating, includ-
that viewers have been watching on the ing telling a story on himself that involves
“Jeopardy!” quiz show since 1984. Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II and suggest-
The fan support and affection that greet- ing modestly that he’s known but not
ed Trebek’s 2019 pancreatic cancer dis- celebrated. Instead, he writes, he’s like
closure encouraged him to write about his a visiting relative that the audience finds
life. But the illness and its toll, while honestly “comforting and reassuring as opposed to
addressed, don’t dominate the book. being impressed by me.”q