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                                                                                                      SCIENCE Wednesday 22 July 2020
            Ecuadorian hummingbirds chirp ultrasonic songs of seduction

            By CHRISTINA LARSON                                                                                                 sing at high pitches so that
             AP Science Writer                                                                                                  their  love  songs  wouldn't
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —                                                                                          compete with background
            Perched  on  a  flowering                                                                                           noises in their environment,
            shrub  on  a  windy  Andean                                                                                         such  as  mountain  winds,
            mountainside,  the  tiny  Ec-                                                                                       streams  and  the  songs  of
            uadorian  Hillstar  humming-                                                                                        other  birds,  said  Marco
            bird chirps songs of seduc-                                                                                         Monteros,  a  study  co-au-
            tion  that  only  another  bird                                                                                     thor and biologist at Univer-
            of its kind can hear.                                                                                               sidad Técnica del Norte in
            As  the  male  sings,  he  in-                                                                                      Ibarra,  Ecuador.  "For  some
            flates his throat, causing iri-                                                                                     hummingbirds, it's like a pri-
            descent  throat  feathers  to                                                                                       vate channel of communi-
            glisten princely purple. The                                                                                        cation — other bird species
            female may join in a court-                                                                                         don't  use  these  high-fre-
            ship dance – or chase him                                                                                           quency sounds," said Timo-
            off.                                                                                                                thy  Wright,  a  behavioral
            For  the  first  time,  scientists                                                                                  ecologist  at  New  Mexico
            have  shown  that  these                                                                                            State  University,  who  was
            hummingbirds     can   sing                                                                                         not involved in the study.q
            and  hear  in  pitches  be-
            yond  the  known  range  of
            other  birds,  according  to
            research  published  Friday   This 2019 photo provided by researcher Fernanda G. Duque shows a male Hillstar hummingbird
            in  the  journal  Science  Ad-  singing a high frequency song perched on a Chuquiraga jussieui flower in Ecuador.
            vances.                                                                                            Associated Press
            The male's ballad is sung at
            around 13.4 kilohertz. That's  shown  to  hear  ultrasonic  singing,  then  played  back  study co-author at Georgia
            considered  "ultrasonic"  for  sounds  —  which  they  use  their  romantic  ballads  to  State  University,  where  she
            birds, which generally can't  to  locate  prey,  but  not  to  test  the  reactions  of  other  researches   hummingbird
            hear  above  9  or  10  kilo-  communicate.    Biologists  birds.                      brains.
            hertz.                       have  studied  other  hum-   Other  Hillstars  craned  their  Mammals generally hear a
            "Something  very  interest-  mingbird  species  in  South  necks  and  turned  toward  wider range of pitches than
            ing  is  going  on  in  the  ears  America  that  make  high-  the speaker as it played the  birds.  Humans  can  hear
            of  these  hummingbirds  to  pitched  sounds,  but  it's  high-pitched  chirps;  one  pitches up to about 20 kilo-
            allow  them  to  hear  such  been  difficult  to  confirm  also flew over the speaker  hertz, but lose sensitivity to
            sounds,"  said  Christopher  whether  those  birds  also  to inspect it. In the lab, the  high-pitch sounds with age.
            Clark, a biologist at the Uni-  hear the sounds.          scientists  verified  that  the  During   fieldwork,   the
            versity  of  California,  River-  For the new study, scientists  part  of  the  brain  typically  younger  scientists  could
            side, who was not involved  climbed  into  the  Ecuador-  engaged in auditory com-     usually  hear  the  Hillstar
            in the study.                ian  Andes  to  reach  high  munication had been acti-    hummingbird  songs,  but
            "That's  just  an  incredibly  grasslands called paramos  vated.                       the   older    participants
            high pitch for a bird."      and  locate  the  Hillstars'  "We  confirmed  that  this  couldn't, Duque said.
            Among  birds,  only  some  breeding  grounds.  There  song has a social function,"  The researchers believe the
            owls have previously been  they  recorded  the  males  said  Fernanda  Duque,  a  birds may have evolved to

            Astronauts squeeze in last spacewalk

            before SpaceX departure

            CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP)  commercial  airlock  later
            —  Astronauts  squeezed  in  this year.
            one  last  spacewalk  Tues-  Behnken  had  to  scrape
            day before turning their at-  away  a  shiny  metallic
            tention to the all-important  blob  —  some  sort  of  de-
            end  to  SpaceX's  first  crew  bris  —  from  the  round  rim
            flight.                      of  the  port.  This  port  is  the
            Making  their  fourth  and  future  home  of  a  domed
            final  spacewalk  in  un-    airlock  provided  by  the
            der  a  month,  NASA's  Bob  Houston-based  company
            Behnken and Chris Cassidy  Nanoracks to release satel-
            whipped  through  a  vari-   lites  and  experiments  into
            ety  of  maintenance  tasks  open space.
            outside  the  International  SpaceX will launch this first-
            Space Station.               ever  commercial  airlock    This  photo  provided  by  NASA  shows  astronauts  Bob  Behnken
            Instead  of  swapping  bat-  this fall.                   and Chris Cassidy on a spacewalk outside of the International
            teries,  they  routed  cables,  It  was  the  10th  spacewalk   Space Station on Tuesday, July 21, 2020.
            hooked  up  a  tool  storage  in each astronaut's career,                                          Associated Press
            chest  and  removed  ther-   tying the U.S. record set by
            mal shielding from a dock-   previous space station resi-  outing  put  Behnken's  total  space at 61 hours and Cas-
            ing  port  that  will  house  a  dents. Tuesday's 5 1/2-hour  time out in the vacuum of  sidy's at nearly 55 hours.q
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