Page 12 - bon-dia-aruba-20221024
P. 12

a12    celebridad
                  Dialuna 24 OctOber 2022

                                                                             With no previous experience required
                                                                                   McDonald’s offers 40 formal jobs

                                                                                                  to young Arubans

                                                                             ORANJESTAD - The quick service  in  addition  to  benefits,  incentives  and
                                                                             chain  is  innovating  their  recruit-  opportunities to develop their career if
                                                                             ment  formats,  and  McDonald’s  they  decide  to  stay  with  the  company.
                                                                             Aruba  is  currently  enabling  young  "Very few people can imagine that their
                                                                             applicants to have their first formal  first formal job will be that life-changing
                                                                             jobs  through  their  online  applica-  opportunity, but that's what happened to
                                                                             tion  forms  and  processes.  Among  me. In 1995 I started in the McDonald's
                                                                             other  benefits,  the  40  formal  jobs  kitchen at the Andino Mall and now I
                                                                             offered by the chain do not require  am proud to lead a talented, diverse and
                                                                             previous experience, provide access  passionate team working for four coun-
                                                                             to  world-class  training,  and  allow  tries, including Colombia," said Héctor
                                                                             flexible hours so that employees can  Orozco,  Arcos  Dorados  General  Man-
                                                                             combine work and study.                ager  for  Colombia  and  the  Caribbean
                                                                                                                    Subdivision;  "this  may  be  the  oppor-
                                                                             McDonald's has employed many young  tunity for the next generation of Arcos
                                                                             people  over  the  years,  without  requir-  Dorados leaders," he added.
                                                                             ing  previous  experience,  with  flexible
                                                                             schedules  so  they  can  combine  their  Looking  for  your  first  formal  experi-
                                                                             studies  with  formal  employment,  ac-  ence  in  the  workforce?  Apply  today  at
                                                                             cessing  world-class  training  to  learn
                                                                             crucial skills for their job development,  Registro.aspx

                        Cardi B ta gana e demanda poni den su contra recientemente

            (AP) - Hurado a tuma par-    Michael  Brophy  no  a  com-  ioso” prome cu el a tende e
            ti pa Cardi B riba diabier-  proba  cu  Cardi  B  a  usa  su  veredicto. “Mi no tabata sigur
            na den e caso unda cu un  tatuahe sin permiso. Despues  si mi lo gana of no,” el a co-
            homber a demanda Cardi  cu representante di e hurado  menta despues cu el a sali for
            B pa uso di e tattoo riba su  a  lesa  e  veredicto,  e  celebri-  di sala di corte.
            lomba riba e portada di su  dad a brasa su abogadonan y  El    a  ser  acerca  pa  un  gran
            album den aña 2016.          tabata contento cu e victoria.  cantidad  di  reportero,  foto-
                                                                      grafo  y  mas  di  40  hoben
            Hurado federal na Southern  El a duna danki na e hurado,  kendenan  tabata  yamando
            California a declara cu Kevin  admitiendo cu e tabata “nerv-  su  nomber.  Un  tabatin  un
                                                                      poster wanta unda cu el a pidi
                                                                      si e por bay un evento escolar
                                                                      cu su persona, na ken cardi a
                                                                      contesta “Si, mi lo wak ki mi
                                                                      por haci.”

                                                                      “Mi a bisa cu si mi gana, lo
                                                                      mi  bisa  Mr.  Brophy  algun
                                                                      cos. Pero mi no ta haya den
                                                                      mi  curason  bisa  su  persona
                                                                      nada,” el a expresa den corte.
                                                                      Cardi B a tene un combersa-
                                                                      cion breve y cordial cu Bro-  “un  homber  di  famia  cu  tin  ridad su pianan dentro di un
                                                                      phy.                         yiunan  menor  di  edad”  y  a  limousine. E homber su cara
                                                                                                   bisa cu e imagen usa a causa  no por ser mira, sinembargo e
                                                                      Brophy a entrega e demanda  su  persona  “humiliacion  y  mesun tatuahe cu Brophy tin
                                                                      den contra di Cardi B despu-  stress,  pa  motibo  cu  e  ima-  riba  su  lomba,  por  ser  mira
                                                                      es cu e album den aña 2016 a  gen ta mustra e lomba di un  riba e lomba di e homber den
                                                                      keda lansa. El a yama su mes  homber meymey di e celeb-   e imagen en cuestion.

                                                                        Salman Rushdie ta sobreivivi sinembargo

                                                                                     ta perde uso di wowo y man

                                                                      cu e ta recuperando di un  bista  den  un  wowo  y  a  laga  decada,  Rushdie  a  cuminsa
                                                                      atake  for  di  un  homber  un man incapacita.            biaha libremente.
                                                                      cu a subi escenario na un
                                                                      evento den New York, se-     Rushdie,  di  75  aña  a  pasa  Hadi  Matar,  di  24  aña  a  ser
                                                                      gun un reportahe publica.    añanan  scondi  despues  cu  encarcela despues di a declara
                                                                                                   Iran  su  Ayatollah  Ruhollah  su mes inocente pa intento di
                                                                      Agente Andrew Wylie a conta  Khomeini  a  declara  den  aña  asesinato y asalto den e atake
                                                                      corant Spaño El Pais den un  1989  un Fatwa,  yamando pa  di dia 12 di augustus. E atake
                                                                      articulo  publica  diasabra  cu  su morto despues di e publi-  a  tuma  luga  mientras  Rush-
                                                                      Rushdie  a  sufri  tres  herida  cacion di e buki “The Satanic  die  tabata  ser  introduci  na
                                                                      serio na su neck, cu 15 herida  Verses,”  cual  algun  Musul-  Chautauqua  Institucion,  un
            (AP) - Salman Rushdie su  perde bista den un wowo  mas  den  su  pecho  y  curpa  man ta considera como blas-       centro na Buffalo.
            agente a bisa cu e autor a  y e uso di su man mientras  den  e  atake,  cual  a  tuma  su  femia.  Durante  e  2  ultimo
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