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Casa Cuna
December 23, 2017
T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044
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Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Trump Signs Tax Overhaul, Spending Bill Ahead of Holidays
President Donald Trump, walks from the Oval Office as he leaves the White House in Washington, Friday, Dec. 22, 2017, for a short stop at Andrews Air Force Base, Md.,
on his way to Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
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UN Security Council Imposes New Sanctions on North Korea
By EDITH M. LEDERER international assets of the government and its She recalled that the previous sanctions reso-
Associated Press leader, Kim Jong Un. lution, when combined with earlier measures,
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. Security The resolution, drafted by the United States would ban over 90 percent of North Korea’s
Council unanimously approved tough new and negotiated with China, drew criticism exports reported in 2016.
sanctions against North Korea on Friday in re- from Russia for the short time the 13 other That resolution, adopted in response to North
sponse to its latest launch of a ballistic missile council nations had to consider the draft, and Korea’s sixth and strongest nuclear test ex-
that Pyongyang says is capable of reaching last-minute changes to the text. Two of those plosion on Sept. 3, banned North Korea from
anywhere on the U.S. mainland. changes were extending the deadline for importing all natural gas liquids and conden-
The resolution adopted by the council includes North Korean workers to return home from 12 sates. It also banned all textile exports and
sharply lower limits on North Korea’s oil imports, months to 24 months and reducing the num- prohibited any country from authorizing new
the return home of all North Koreans working ber of North Koreans being put on the U.N. work permits for North Korean workers — two
overseas within 24 months, and a crackdown sanctions blacklist from 19 to 15. key sources of hard currency for the northeast
on ships smuggling banned items including U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley said after the Asian nation.
coal and oil to and from the country. vote that “the unity this council has shown in Haley told the council Friday that the new
But the resolution doesn’t include even harsh- leveling these unprecedented sanctions is a resolution “bans all remaining categories of
er measures sought by the Trump administra- reflection of the international outrage at the major North Korean exports — a loss of nearly
tion that would ban all oil imports and freeze Kim regime’s actions.” $250 million in revenue to the regime.”q