Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba-20210122
P. 27

                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 22 Januari 2021

                            Remains of troops killed in NY helicopter crash recovered

            (AP)  —  The  remains  of  in  a  farmer’s  field  in  rural  The  cause  of  the  crash  was  The  helicopter  flew  out  of  is  to  pick  up  casualties  on
            three   National    Guard  Mendon, south of Rochester,  under  investigation.  Wit-    the  Army  Aviation  Support  the  battlefield  and  transport
            members killed in a heli-    around 6:30 p.m. Wednesday.  nesses  who  called  911  re-  Facility  at  Rochester  Inter-  them to military medical fa-
            copter  training  accident  There were no survivors.      ported hearing the sounds of  national Airport, and was as-  cilities, Durr said.
            were  recovered  and  were  First  responders  lined  part  an engine sputtering and said  signed to C Company of the  About  half  the  unit  spent
            being  transported  from  of the route and saluted as a  the helicopter was flying very  1st  Battalion,  171st  General  most of 2019 deployed in Af-
            the  western  New  York  procession  accompanying  a  low, Monroe County Sheriff  Support  Aviation  Battalion,  ghanistan.
            crash  site  Thursday,  es-  medical  examiner’s  vehicle  Todd  Baxter  said  at  a  news  according  to  Eric  Durr,  the
            corted  by  police  and  fire  drove to the Monroe County  conference  Wednesday  eve-  public  affairs  director  of  the  New  York  Gov.  Andrew
            vehicles.                    Medical  Examiner’s  Office  ning.                        New  York  State  Division  of  Cuomo  directed  flags  on
                                         in  Brighton  on  Thursday  Photos  from  the  scene  Military and Naval Affairs.      state  buildings  be  flown  at
            The  troops  died  when  their  morning.                  showed  the  wreckage  in  The  unit,  with  about  80  half-staff on Thursday to pay
            UH-60 Black Hawk medical  The  names  of  the  soldiers  flames  on  a  snow-covered  members, is a medical evacu-  tribute to the National Guard
            evacuation helicopter crashed  have not been released.    field.                       ation  unit  whose  mission  members.

              Advertorial :

                Pelca Development V.B.A, cliente nobo y satisfecho di Payroll Pro HRM

                                                                                    dad cu nos lo kier sigui uza. Mi por  Payroll  Pro  HRM  di  su  banda  ta
                                                                                    bisa cu e ta un programa excelente y  gradici  Pelca  Development  V.B.A
                                                                                    mi lo recomenda esaki sigur na tur  pa e confiansa den e software y pa
                                                                                    compania na Aruba.”                e support. Di manera special Payroll
                                                                                    Pa loke ta e support local duna door  Pro HRm ta duna danki na Mr. Ro-
                                                                                    di  VCC  International,  Mr.  Rodri-  driguez pa e tempo cu e la duna e
                                                                                    guez  ta  bisa,  “Nos  ta  haya  support  team di Payroll Pro HRM y pa tur
                                                                                    di Mr. Theo Geerman, Consultant  loke e la comparti.
                                                                                    di  VCC  International,cu  ta  un  ex-  E team di Payroll Pro HRM ta con-
                                                                                    celente  persona,  semper  dispuesto  tento di por tin Pelca Development
                                                                                    pa yuda nos lihe y eficaz.”        V.B.A manera un cliente nobo.

              E  team  di  Payroll  Pro  HRM  a  miho di nos pa e centro comercial ta
              bay  combersa  cu  Mr.  Ericson  exitoso.  Actualmente  e  parking  lot
              Rodriguez  Duarte,  accountant  ta habri y ta gratis pa nos localnan y
              di Pelca Development V.B.A pa e  turista, di e manera aki nos ta spera
              conta un poco tocante su experi-   di  por  ricibi  bishita  di  e  pueblo  di
              encia cu Payroll Pro HRM.          Aruba na e centro comercial.”
                                                 E team di Payroll Pro HRM a pun-
              Pelca  Development  V.B.  Ata  un  tra  Mr.  Rodriguez  con  nan  a  haya
              compania cu tin 5 aña caba na Aru-  sa di Payroll Pro HRM y e ta splica,
              ba, e ta conta cu 25 empleado y ta e  “Nos tabata tin e intencion pa draai
              compania encarga cu e construccion  nos mesun payroll, esaki tabata wor-
              y administracion di e edificio com-  do  haci  door  di  un  otro  compania
              ercial pariba di Airport Internacional  prome. Pero nos semper tabata inte-
              Reina Beatrix.                     resa pa haci e nos mes y mi a wordo
              E proyecto aki ta dividi den dos parti  informa  cu  e  instancianan  di  Go-
              cu ta e parti di e hotel cu ta wordo  bierno di Aruba ta uza  Payroll Pro
              administra  door  di  Hyatt  Hotel  na  HRM. Asina nos a yega na e deci-
              Aruba y e parti di e centro comercial  sion pa uza e mesun programa.”
              cu ta wordo administra door di Pelca  Pelca Development V.B.A ta suma-
              Development V.B.A.                 mente  contento  cu  Payroll  Pro
              E edificio ta conta cu un food court,  HRM door cu e ta asina facil pa uza
              area di oficinanan den dos piso cu ta  y user-friendly.
              disponibel pa huur pa eventonan of  Mr.  Rodriguez  ta  sigui  comparti,
              conferencianan. E oficinanan ta full  “Nos  gusta  tin  e  control  riba  nos
              ekipa cu tur ayudo audiovisual pa un  mesun  payroll.  E  compania  cu  ta-
              evento exitoso. Ademas, tin un var-  bata draai e payroll pa nos prome ta-
              iedad di restaurant cu ta ofrece cum-  bata haci un bon trabou y nos tabata
              inda internacional cu un menu varia  contento cu nan, pero nos a sinti cu
              y na un bon prijs.                 a bira ora pa haci esaki pa nos mes.
              Mr.  Rodriguez  ta  comenta  “E  Payroll  Pro  HRM  ta  un  programa
              situacion  actual  ta  dificil  pa  nos  hopi  completo,  flexibel,  eficiente
              compania,pero nos ta haci nos best  y cu tin tur loke nos mester pa nos
              y nos ta trahando duro y dunando e  compania.  E  tin  hopi  funcionali-
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