Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210122
P. 29

                                                                                          world news Diabierna 22 Januari 2021

                        Twin suicide bombings rock central Baghdad, at least 32 dead

                                                                                                   to  spread  fear  and  violence  since  an  informal  truce  was
                                                                                                   aimed at undermining peace,  declared   by   Iran-backed
                                                                                                   stability  and  unity,”  U.N.  armed groups in October.
                                                                                                   spokesman  Stephane  Dujar-  The  style  of  Thursday’s  as-
                                                                                                   ric said.                    sault was similar to those IS
                                                                                                   The U.N. chief called on the  has  conducted  in  the  past.
                                                                                                   government  “to  ensure  that  But the group has rarely been
                                                                                                   those  behind  these  horrific  able  to  penetrate  the  capi-
                                                                                                   crimes  are  swiftly  identified  tal  since  being  dislodged  by
                                                                                                   and brought to justice,” Du-  Iraqi forces and the U.S.-led
                                                                                                   jarric said.                 coalition in 2017. For some it
            (AP)  —  Twin  suicide  of  dead  at  28.  The  Health  fering many blows in military  Thursday’s   twin   suicide  brought back painful memo-
            bombings ripped through  Ministry  announced  that  all  operations  to  root  out  the  bombings  marked  the  first  ries from the height of Iraq’s
            a busy market in the Iraqi  of its hospitals in the capital  militants.                in three years to target Bagh-  sectarian  street  wars,  when
            capital  on  Thursday,  kill-  were  mobilized  to  treat  the  At  the  Vatican,  Pope  Fran-  dad’s  bustling  commercial  suicide  bombings  were  a
            ing at least 32 people and  wounded.                      cis  denounced  the  attack  in  district.  A  suicide  bomb  at-  near-daily occurrence.
            wounding  dozens,  offi-     Maj. Gen. Tahsin al-Khafaji,  Baghdad  as  a  “senseless  act  tack  took  place  in  the  same  IS  has  shown  an  ability  to
            cials said in what was the  spokesman for the Joint Op-   of brutality” and urged Iraqis  area  in  2018  shortly  after  stage  increasingly  sophisti-
            first  massive  bombing  in  erations  Command,  which  to  keep  working  to  replace  then-Prime  Minister  Hai-  cated attacks across northern
            years,  harkening  back  to  includes  an  array  of  Iraqi  violence  with  fraternity  and  dar al-Abadi declared victory  Iraq, where it still maintains
            darker  days  of  rampant  forces,  said  the  first  suicide  peace. The telegram of con-  over the Islamic State, a Sun-  a  presence,  three  years  after
            militant attacks.            bomber cried out loudly that  dolences  sent  to  the  Iraqi  ni militant group.       Iraq declared victory over the
                                         he was ill in the middle of the  president  was  particularly  Iraq  has  seen  assaults  per-  group.
            The rare suicide bombing hit  bustling market, prompting a  heartfelt, given Francis is due  petrated by both the Islamic  Iraqi  security  forces  are  fre-
            the Bab al-Sharqi commercial  crowd to gather around him  to visit Iraq in early March to  State group and mostly Shi-  quently  ambushed  and  tar-
            area in central Baghdad amid  — and that’s when he deto-  try  to  encourage  the  coun-  ite  militia  groups  in  recent  geted with IEDs in rural areas
            heightened political tensions  nated his explosive belt.  try’s  Christian  communities  months.  Militias  have  rou-  of Kirkuk and Diyala. An in-
            over  planned  early  elections  The  second  detonated  his  that have been devastated by  tinely targeted the American  crease in attacks was seen last
            and a severe economic crisis.  belt shortly after, he said.  IS persecution.           presence in Iraq with rocket  summer as militants took ad-
            Blood  was  splattered  on  the  “This  is  a  terrorist  act  per-  U.N.   Secretary-General  and mortar attacks, especially  vantage of the government’s
            pavement  of  the  busy  mar-  petrated  by  a  sleeper  cell  of  Antonio  Guterres  strongly  the  U.S.  Embassy  in  Bagh-  focus on tackling the corona-
            ket amid piles of clothes and  the Islamic State,” al-Khafaji  condemned the Baghdad at-  dad’s heavily fortified Green  virus pandemic.
            shoes as survivors took stock  said.  He  said  IS  “wanted  to  tack and appealed to the Iraqi  Zone. The pace of those at-  The  twin  bombings  Thurs-
            of  the  disarray  in  the  after-  prove its existence” after suf-  people “to reject any attempts  tacks, however, has decreased  day  came  days  after  Iraq’s
            math.                                                                                                               government    unanimously
            By  sundown,  crowds  reap-                                                                                         agreed to hold early elections
            peared at the site of the deadly                                                                                    in  October.  Prime  Minister
            attack, carrying the coffins of                                                                                     Mustafa al-Kadhimi had an-
            the deceased in a show of de-                                                                                       nounced  in  July  that  early
            fiance. Many questioned the                                                                                         polls would be held to meet
            timing  of  the  attack,  which                                                                                     the demands of anti-govern-
            occurred a day after President                                                                                      ment protesters.
            Joe Biden was sworn into of-                                                                                        Demonstrators  took  to  the
            fice.  The  U.S.-led  coalition                                                                                     streets  in  the  tens  of  thou-
            recently ceased combat activ-                                                                                       sands last year to demand po-
            ities and is gradually drawing                                                                                      litical change, and an end to
            down  its  troop  presence  in                                                                                      rampant corruption and poor
            Iraq,  sparking  fears  of  an  IS                                                                                  services. More than 500 peo-
            resurgence.                                                                                                         ple were killed in mass dem-
            No one immediately claimed                                                                                          onstrations as security forces
            responsibility  for  the  attack,                                                                                   used live rounds and tear gas
            but  Iraqi  military  officials                                                                                     to disperse crowds.
            said it was the work of the Is-                                                                                     Iraq  is  also  grappling  with
            lamic State group.                                                                                                  a  severe  economic  crisis
            Iraq’s  health  minister  Has-                                                                                      brought on by low oil prices
            san  Mohammed  al-Tamimi                                                                                            that has led the government
            said  at  least  32  people  were                                                                                   to borrow internally and risk
            killed and 110 were wounded                                                                                         depleting its foreign currency
            in  the  attack.  He  said  some                                                                                    reserves.  The  Central  Bank
            of the wounded were in seri-                                                                                        of Iraq devalued Iraq’s dinar
            ous condition. Iraq’s military                                                                                      by  nearly  20%  last  year  to
            previously  put  the  number                                                                                        meet spending obligations.
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