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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 22 Januari 2021

                               Irish on probation, faces recruiting limits for violations

            (AP)  —  Notre  Dame’s  tions  in  this  regard,”  Notre  the  most  egregious  in  the
            football  program  is  on  Dame  athletic  director  Jack  four-level  penalty  structure.
            NCAA  probation  until  Swarbrick  said  in  a  state-    Kelly’s violation was charac-
            next January after admit-    ment. “While we made clear  terized as Level III.
            ting  to  recruiting  viola-  to  the  NCAA  our  view  that  The  number  of  official  re-
            tions  in  2019  in  which  the agreed-upon penalties ex-  cruiting  visits  Notre  Dame
            a  now-former  assistant  ceeded the nature of the in-    can  host  in  2020-21  will  be
            had  an  impermissible  in-  fractions, we accept the final  reduced  by  one,  from  56  to
            person  meeting  with  one  outcome  of  the  case.  In  ad-  55, and there will be 14 days
            prospect  and  sent  imper-  dition, the assistant coach in-  when prospects won’t be al-
            missible  text  messages  to  volved is no longer employed  lowed  to  make  unofficial
            another.                     by the university.”          visits. The Irish also will im-
                                         Head coach Brian Kelly also  pose a seven-day off-campus
            The  NCAA  announced  the  was  found  to  have  had  im-  recruiting ban for the entire
            negotiated resolution Thurs-  permissible off-campus con-  staff this spring.
            day after it was reviewed by  tact with a prospect when he  Probation  started  Thursday,
            the Division I Committee on  had his picture taken with the  and the school also will pay a
            Infractions.                 prospect at his high school.  $5,000 fine.                all  recruiting  activity  during  have  to  explain  to  the  satis-
            “Any  violation  of  NCAA  The  NCAA  described  the  The unidentified assistant, if  the  next  available  recruiting  faction of the Committee on
            rules  is  unacceptable  and  former  assistant’s  violations  hired by another school, must  period.  Under  a  six-month,  Infractions  why  the  former
            Notre  Dame  Athletics  takes  as  Level  II,  which  are  con-  serve  a  one-game  suspen-  show-cause order, the former  assistant  shouldn’t  be  sub-
            full  responsibility  for  its  ac-  sidered  significant  but  not  sion and be suspended from  assistant’s new school would  jected to those penalties.

                              AP source: Astros agree to $7M, 2-year deal with Castro

            (AP)  —  Catcher  Jason                                                                                             team.
            Castro has agreed to a $7                                                                                           The 33-year-old gives Hous-
            million, two-year contract                                                                                          ton  another  veteran  catcher
            with  the  Houston  Astros,                                                                                         to play behind starter Martín
            a person familiar with the                                                                                          Maldonado.
            deal  told  The  Associated                                                                                         Castro  played  for  both  the
            Press.                                                                                                              Angels  and  the  Padres  last
                                                                                                                                season where he appeared in
            The person spoke to the AP                                                                                          27  games  and  hit  .188  with
            on  condition  of  anonymity                                                                                        two  homers  and  nine  RBIs.
            Thursday  because  the  deal                                                                                        He spent the previous three
            had  not  been  announced.                                                                                          seasons with the Twins where
            The  agreement  is  pending                                                                                         he played 208 games and hit
            completion  of  a  successful                                                                                       .229.
            physical.                                                                                                           Castro  had  his  best  years
            This will be Castro’s second                                                                                        with the Astros where he 617
            stint  with  the  team  after  he                                                                                   games and was named to the
            was selected in the first round                                                                                     All-Star  game  in  2013.  He
            of the 2008 amateur draft by                                                                                        hit .232 with 62 homers and
            the Astros and spent his first                                                                                      212 RBIs in his six seasons in
            six  MLB  seasons  with  the                                                                                        Houston.

                           Chiefs’ Mahomes takes most of snaps in Thursday practice

                                                                                                   (AP)  —  Patrick  Mahomes  took  the  majority  of  first-
                                                                                                   team  reps  in  practice  Thursday,  even  though  he  re-
                                                                                                   mains  in  the  NFL’s  concussion  protocol,  raising  ex-
                                                                                                   pectations that he will start in the AFC championship
                                                                                                   game against the Buffalo Bills.

                                                                                                   Mahomes was initially listed as a full participant when he re-
                                                                                                   turned to practice Wednesday, but the Chiefs quickly correct-
                                                                                                   ed his status to limited because he remains in the protocol.
                                                                                                   He must be cleared by team physicians and an independent
                                                                                                   neural consult before the reigning Super Bowl MVP can be a
                                                                                                   full participant in practice or play in a game.
                                                                                                   Reid said that Mahomes “look good out there” and that “he
                                                                                                   feels good.”
                                                                                                   Running back Clyde Edwards-Helaire practiced for the sec-
                                                                                                   ond straight day as he comes back from a high-ankle sprain,
                                                                                                   as did wide receiver Sammy Watkins, who has been out with a
                                                                                                   calf injury. Running back Le’Veon Bell did not work out after
                                                                                                   a knee swelled up on him during the previous day’s workout.
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