Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210122
P. 30

A30     world news
                  Diabierna 22 Januari 2021

                          Columbus, Ohio, to spend $4.5M to improve police bodycams

            (AP) — Officials in Ohio’s                                                                                          an  officer  exits  a  cruiser  on
            largest city said Thursday                                                                                          a  priority  call,  as  well  as  be
            that  they  plan  to  invest                                                                                        available if a use-of-force case
            $4.5 million in body-worn                                                                                           occurs  during  a  nonemer-
            cameras for police and in-                                                                                          gency  call,  like  the  one  that
            troduce  a  law  that  would                                                                                        led to Hill’s death.
            ensure  officers  use  the                                                                                          The  bodycam  changes  will
            cameras  correctly  after                                                                                           not  be  instituted  in  the
            the  fatal  shooting  of  An-                                                                                       Franklin  County  Sheriff’s
            dre  Hill  last  month  by  a                                                                                       Department, which does not
            white officer.                                                                                                      currently  require  bodycams
                                                                                                                                for  its  officers.  But  the  de-
            “While many of us woke up                                                                                           partment will be covered by
            this morning with a renewed                                                                                         the City Council’s  plans  for
            sense  of  purpose  and  opti-                                                                                      a  law  that  would  ensure  of-
            mism, a new year and a new                                                                                          ficers use body cameras accu-
            president  does  not  erase  the                                                                                    rately  and  help  victims  after
            past or the pain felt by those                                                                                      they use force on them.
            who  loved  Casey  Goodson                                                                                          Officers who violate the law
            Jr. or Andre Hill,” Columbus                                                                                        could be subject to disciplin-
            Mayor Andrew Ginther said                                                                                           ary action and even criminal
            in a briefing Thursday.                                                                                             charges,  said  Shannon  Har-
            Ginther  and  other  city  of-                                                                                      din, City Council president.
            ficials  announced  the  plans                                                                                      “This  law  will  not  solve  all
            to address policing issues re-                                                                                      police  violence,  but  it’s  one
            awakened by the fatal shoot-  fatally  shot  Dec.  23  by  city  public  to  view  a  60-second  the city has the footage when  more step in the right direc-
            ing  of  Goodson  and  Hill,  police  Officer  Adam  Coy,  glimpse  of  the  shooting  —  it needs it the most. The new  tion to ensure we know what
            both Black men, at the hand  who  was  responding  to  a  but without audio.           cameras,  set  to  be  released  is  happening  on  the  scene
            of  law  enforcement  in  Co-  nonemergency  call  about  Additional  bodycam  foot-   this year, will record without  based  on  bodycam  footage
            lumbus in a matter of weeks.  someone turning their car on  age released in ensuing days  needing  officers  to  activate  and  ensure  that  if  residents
            Goodson, 23, was killed Dec.  and  off  in  a  northwest  Co-  showed  that  no  responding  them. The cameras will also  are  hurt,  police  officers  are
            3 by a Franklin County sher-  lumbus  neighborhood.  Coy  officers rendered aid to Hill  produce better resolution and  there  to  render  aid  and  for
            iff’s  deputy,  Jason  Meade,  has since been fired.      as  he  lay  on  a  garage  floor,  clarity through wireless tech-  those who don’t comply, that
            as he walked into his grand-  When  Coy  arrived,  he  did  moaning.                   nology  that  will  sync  with  there can be greater account-
            mother’s  house  in  Colum-  not turn his camera on until  As a result, Ginther said, the  the  new  dashboard  cameras,  ability,” Hardin said.
            bus. The case remains under  after he had shot Hill several  city  will  spend  millions  to  which  are  being  installed  The  legislation,  named  An-
            state and federal criminal in-  times,  officials  said.  It  was  update  the  body-worn  cam-  right now, Ginther said.  dre’s Law, is to be introduced
            vestigation.                 only  a  lookback  feature  of  eras of Columbus city police  The improved bodycams will  during  a  council  meeting
            Three  weeks  later,  Hill  was  the  camera  that  allowed  the  first bought in 2016 to ensure  automatically  activate  when  Monday.

                         UK seafood trucks protest at Parliament over Brexit red tape

                                                                      barriers  to  shipping  their  British  fishermen  have  be-  the British economy to expe-
                                                                      catch abroad. Last week, one  gun  landing  their  catch  in  rience a bumpy start to 2021
                                                                      Scottish  fishing  boss  threat-  EU  member  Denmark  to  because of Brexit.
                                                                      ened  to  dump  his  rotting  keep it in the bloc.        The  trade  deal  that  took  ef-
                                                                      catch on politicians’ doorstep  “If this debacle does not im-  fect Jan. 1 allows Britain and
                                                                      if  the  situation  did  not  im-  prove very soon we are look-  the  EU  to  trade  in  goods
                                                                      prove.                       ing at many established busi-  without  quotas  or  tariffs.
                                                                      Fishing rights became a ma-  nesses coming to the end of  But that is a far cry from the
                                                                      jor sticking point in the trade  the line,” said Alasdair Hugh-  seamless,  hassle-free  trade
                                                                      negotiations  that  followed  son, chairman of the Scottish  the U.K. enjoyed while it was
                                                                      the  U.K.’s  political  depar-  Creel  Fisherman’s  Federa-  part of the EU’s single mar-
                                                                      ture from the bloc in January  tion.                      ket. Companies face customs
                                                                      2020,  as  European  nations  “From seabed to plate, this is  declarations,  border  checks
                                                                      sought to retain access to wa-  not an easy business. People  and other barriers when they
                                                                      ters  where  they  have  fished  put their heart and soul into  ship  goods  to  and  from  the
                                                                      for decades or even centuries.  making it work, with ridicu-  bloc.  The  change  has  led
                                                                      Under  a  new  post-Brexit  lously long hours,” he added.  to  shortages  of  some  goods
            (AP) — Trucks owned by  ers,  who  could  face  fines  U.K.-EU  trade  deal  signed  Johnson  has  called  the  is-  on  supermarket  shelves  as
            U.K.  shellfish  firms  de-  for  breaching  coronavirus  last month, the EU’s share of  sues  “teething  problems”  firms reduce the number and
            scended  on  Britain’s  Par-  restrictions  by  making  non-  the catch in British seas will  and promised to compensate  amount  of  shipments  they
            liament  Monday  to  pro-    essential journeys.          be cut by 25% over a 5½-year  firms for losses that are due  make.
            test the Brexit-related red  British  fishing  communi-   transition  period.  After  that,  to “bureaucratic delays.”
            tape  they  claim  is  suffo-  ties  were  among  the  stron-  new  quotas  will  have  to  be  But  he  also  claimed  fish
            cating their businesses.     gest supporters of leaving the  negotiated.               firms’  problems  were  due
                                         European  Union,  because  it  At  the  same  time,  Britain’s  in  part  to  restaurants  being
            More than a dozen large lor-  promised the chance for the  exit from the EU means new  closed  during  the  coronavi-
            ries — one bearing the words  U.K. to leave the bloc’s com-  costs and red tape for export-  rus  pandemic.  And  he  said
            “Brexit  carnage!”  —  drove  plex system of fishing quotas  ers — a major problem, since  “there  are  great  opportuni-
            past  the  Houses  of  Parlia-  and regain control over who  Britain  exports  most  of  the  ties for fishermen across the
            ment in central London and  is  allowed  to  fish  in  British  fish its boats catch.  whole  of  the  U.K.  to  take
            parked outside Downing St.,  waters.                      Some  fishing  companies  say  advantage  of  the  spectacular
            home to British Prime Min-   But  now  some  in  Britain’s  the  new  restrictions  have  marine wealth of the United
            ister Boris Johnson.         fishing industry say they are  made  it  impossible  to  ship  Kingdom.”
            Police  spoke  to  the  driv-  facing  ruin  because  of  new  their catch to Europe. Some  Fishing is not the only part of
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