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A28     u.s. news
                  Diabierna 22 Januari 2021

                                              Senate confirms Biden 1st Cabinet pick

                                                                                                                                procedural tool often used by
                                                                                                                                the  minority  party  to  block
                                                                                                                                bills under rules that require
                                                                                                                                60  votes  to  advance  legisla-
                                                                                                                                At  her  first  White  House
                                                                                                                                briefing,  press  secretary  Jen
                                                                                                                                Psaki  said  Biden’s  desire  to
                                                                                                                                have  his  Cabinet  confirmed
                                                                                                                                and  in  place  is  “front  and
                                                                                                                                center  for  the  president,”
                                                                                                                                and  she  said  he  was  hoping
                                                                                                                                to have his national  security
                                                                                                                                nominees in place Thursday
                                                                                                                                or Friday.
                                                                                                                                Psaki  said  the  president  will
                                                                                                                                be “quite involved” in negoti-
                                                                                                                                ations over the COVID relief
                                                                                                                                package, but left the details of
                                                                                                                                the  upcoming  impeachment
                                                                                                                                trial to Congress.
                                                                                                                                The  Senate  can  “multitask,”
                                                                                                                                she said.
                                                                                                                                That’s a tall order for a Senate
                                                                                                                                under normal circumstances,
                                                                                                                                but even more so now in the
                                                                                                                                post-Trump era, with Repub-
                                                                                                                                licans  badly  split  between
                                                                                                                                their loyalties to the defeated
                                                                                                                                president and wealthy donors
                                                                                                                                who  are  distancing  them-
                                                                                                                                selves from Republicans who
                                                                                                                                back Trump.
                                                                                                                                Speaker  Nancy  Pelosi,  D-
                                                                                                                                Calif.,  is  expected  to  soon
                                                                                                                                transmit  to  the  Senate  the
                                                                                                                                House-passed  article  of  im-
                                                                                                                                peachment  against  Trump,
                                                                                                                                charged  with  incitement  of
                                                                                                                                insurrection, a step that will
                                                                                                                                launch  the  Senate  impeach-
            (AP)  —  Three  new  sena-   — the “majority makers” —  his state’s first Latino senator,  400,000 Americans have died  ment trial.
            tors  were  sworn  into  of-  who he said represent an “ex-  tapped by California’s gover-  from  the  virus.  At  the  same  Meantime,  the  power-shar-
            fice  after  President  Joe  panding  Democratic  major-  nor to finish the remainder of  time,  the  Senate  is  about  to  ing  talks  between  Schumer
            Biden’s  inauguration,  se-  ity.” Four are from the West  Harris’ term.               launch an impeachment trial  and  McConnell  have  hit  a
            curing  the  majority  for  and two from the South.       They join a Senate narrowly  of  Trump,  charged  by  the  stalemate.
            Democrats  in  the  Sen-     They  are  a  diverse  group  split 50-50 between the par-  House of inciting the insur-  It’s  an  arcane  fight  McCon-
            ate  and  across  a  unified  bringing  several  firsts  to  the  ties,  but  giving  Democrats  rection  at  the  Capitol  as  ri-  nell  has  inserted  into  what
            government  to  tackle  the  Senate,  along  with  Schum-  the majority with Harris able  oters  tried  to  interrupt  the  has traditionally been a more
            new president’s agenda at  er’s  rise  as  the  first  Jewish  to cast the tie-breaking vote.  Electoral  College  tally  and  routine organizing resolution
            a  time  of  unprecedented  majority leader of the Senate.  “Today,  America  is  turning  overturn  Biden’s  election.  over  committee  assignments
            national challenges.         The  three  who  joined  on  over a new leaf. We are turn-  The Senate will need to con-  and staffing resources, but a
                                         Wednesday  —  Jon  Ossoff  ing the page on the last four  firm  other  Biden  Cabinet  power  play  by  the  outgoing
            In  a  first  vote,  the  Senate  and  Raphael  Warnock  of  years, we’re going to reunite  nominees.               Republican  leader  grabbing
            confirmed  Biden’s  nominee  Georgia  and  Alex  Padilla  of  the  country,  defeat  COV-  Yet  as  Washington  looks  to  at  tools  that  can  be  used  to
            for  director  of  national  in-  California  —  took  the  oath  ID-19,  rush  economic  relief  turn  the  page  from  Trump  block Biden’s agenda.
            telligence,  Avril  Haines  late  of office from Kamala Harris,  to  the  people,”  Ossoff  told  to the Biden administration,  Progressive and liberal Dem-
            Wednesday,  overcoming  Re-  a  former  California  senator  reporters earlier at the Capi-  Republican leader Mitch Mc-  ocrats  are  eager  to  do  away
            publican  opposition  to  ap-  who is first woman to be vice  tol. “That’s what they sent us  Connell  of  Kentucky  is  not  with  the  filibuster  to  more
            prove his first Cabinet mem-  president, and the first Black  here to do.”             relinquishing power without  quickly   advance   Biden’s
            ber.  It’s  traditionally  a  show  woman  and  Asian-American  Taken  together,  their  arrival  a fight.          priorities,  but  not  all  rank-
            of good faith on Inauguration  to hold that office.       gives Democrats for the first  Haines’   nomination   was  and-file  Senate  Democrats
            Day to confirm at least some  Warnock,  a  pastor  from  the  time  in  a  decade  control  of  temporarily  blocked  by  Sen.  are  on  board.  Schumer  has
            nominees  for  a  new  presi-  late Martin Luther King Jr.’s  the Senate, the House and the  Tom  Cotton,  R-Ark.,  as  he  not  agreed  to  any  changes
            dent’s administration.       church in Atlanta, is the first  White House, as Biden faces  sought information about the  but  McConnell  is  taking  no
            On Thursday, the new Sen-    Black  senator  from  Georgia.  the  unparalleled  challenges  CIA’s enhanced interrogation  chances.
            ate  majority  leader,  Sen.  Ossoff,  a  former  congres-  of the COVID-19 crisis and  program.  Sen.  Josh  Hawley,  For  now,  it  will  take  unani-
            Chuck  Schumer,  D-N.Y.,  sional  aide  and  investigative  its economic fallout, and the  R-Mo.,  is  holding  back  the  mous  consent  among  sena-
            said he hoped Biden’s nomi-  journalist, is Jewish and also  nation’s painful political divi-  Homeland  Security  nomi-  tors  to  toggle  between  con-
            nees  for  the  departments  of  the now youngest member of  sions from the deadly Jan. 6  nee,  Alejandro  Mayorkas,  ducting  votes  on  legislative
            Defense, Homeland Security,  the Senate, at 33.           siege of the Capitol by a mob  over Biden’s proposed immi-  business and serving as jurors
            State and Treasury could also  They  won  run-off  elections  loyal to Donald Trump.   gration changes.             in the impeachment trial. The
            be swiftly confirmed.        in  Georgia  this  month,  de-  Congress  is  being  called  on  McConnell  is  refusing  to  House  last  week  impeached
            “To  leave  these  seats  vacant  feating  two  Republicans,  to  to  consider  Biden’s  pro-  enter a power-sharing agree-  Trump  for  having  sent  the
            does a disservice to America,”  lock the majority for Demo-  posed  $1.9  trillion  COVID  ment  with  Senate  Demo-  mob to the Capitol to “fight
            Schumer said at the Capitol.  crats.                      recovery  package,  to  distrib-  crats  unless  they  meet  his  like hell” during the tally of
            Schumer  introduced  all  six  Padilla,  a  the  son  of  immi-  ute  vaccines  and  shore  up  demands, chiefly to preserve  Electoral  College  votes  to
            new  Democratic  senators  grants from Mexico, becomes  an  economy  as  more  than  the  Senate  filibuster  —  the  overturn Biden’s election.
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