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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 29 Juli 2022

                            Flooding in central Appalachia kills at least 3 in Kentucky

            (AP)  —  Rescue  workers                                                                                            throughout the night helping
            plucked  people  off  roof-                                                                                         people stranded by the rising
            tops amid fast-rising water                                                                                         waters in eastern Kentucky’s
            Thursday  in  central  Ap-                                                                                          Perry  County,  where  Emer-
            palachia, where torrential                                                                                          gency Management Director
            rains  unleashed  devastat-                                                                                         Jerry  Stacy  called  it  a  “cata-
            ing  flooding  that  caused                                                                                         strophic event.”
            at  least  three  deaths  in
            Kentucky.                                                                                                           “We’re  just  in  the  rescue
                                                                                                                                mode right now,” Stacy said,
            Gov.  Andy  Beshear  an-                                                                                            speaking  with  The  Associ-
            nounced the deaths but grim-                                                                                        ated  Press  by  phone  as  he
            ly predicted the state’s death                                                                                      struggled  to  reach  his  office
            toll could reach double digits.                                                                                     in  Hazard.  “Extreme  flash
            He said hundreds of proper-                                                                                         flooding  and  mudslides  are
            ties could be destroyed.                                                                                            just everywhere.”
            “In a word, this event is dev-                                                                                      The  storms  hit  an  Appa-
            astating,”  the  governor  said                                                                                     lachian  mountain  region
            Thursday.  “And  I  do  believe                                                                                     where   communities    and
            it  will  end  up  being  one  of                                                                                   homes are built on steep hill-
            the  most  significant,  deadly                                                                                     sides or down in the hollows
            floods  that  we  have  had  in                                                                                     between  them,  where  the
            Kentucky  in  at  least  a  very                                                                                    only flat land often shoulders
            long time.                   One  emergency  official  in  “Guys,  I  don’t  know  how    reported  creeks  and  streams  that  can
                                         hard-hit  eastern  Kentucky  much  more  rain  Buckhorn  more than 31,000 customers  rise in a hurry. But this one is
            “There are going to be a lot  described  the  situation  as  can handle,” Marlene Abner  without electricity in eastern  far worse than a typical flood,
            of people out there that need  “catastrophic” as rescue crews  Stokely  said  in  a  video  she  Kentucky,  West  Virginia  and  said Stacy, 54.
            our help,” he added. “There’s  searched  for  stranded  peo-  posted  on  Facebook,  show-  Virginia.
            going  to  be  a  lot  of  people  ple.  Rising  waters  swamped  ing  how  Squabble  Creek                         “I’ve  lived  here  in  Perry
            that are going to be displaced.  roads, displaced families and  overflowed  and  swamped  a  “There are a lot of people in  County all my life and this is
            And this is yet another disas-  caused widespread damage  historic  Kentucky  church.  eastern  Kentucky  on  top  of  by the far the worst event I’ve
            ter that is going to take some                            “You can see it is pretty much  roofs waiting to be rescued,”  ever seen,” he said.
            time to rebuild.”            Flash flooding and mudslides  taken over.”                Beshear  said  earlier  Thurs-
                                         were  reported  across  the                               day. “There are a number of  Roads in many areas weren’t
            Beshear  was  referencing  the  mountainous region of east-  In Breathitt County in east-  people  that  are  unaccounted  passable  after  as  much  as  6
            rebuilding underway in west-  ern  Kentucky,  western  Vir-  ern  Kentucky,  floodwaters  for and I’m nearly certain this  inches  (15  centimeters)  of
            ern  Kentucky,  where  sev-  ginia and southern West Vir-  covered  roads  and  swamped  is  a  situation  where  we  are  rain  had  fallen  in  some  ar-
            eral  towns  were  devastated  ginia,  where  thunderstorms  homes and businesses. A vol-  going to lose some of them.”  eas  by  Thursday,  and  1-3
            by deadly tornadoes late last  have  dumped  several  inches  unteer fire department had to                         more  inches  (7.5  centime-
            year.                        of rain over the past few days.  abandon its flooded-out sta-  Youtube video thumbnail  ters) could fall, the National
                                                                      tion, authorities said.      Rescue    crews     worked  Weather Service said.

                         US economy shrinks for a 2nd quarter, raising recession fear

            (AP)  —  The  U.S.  econ-                                 whole is also grappling with  Many of them point, in par-  may  be  moving  toward  ap-
            omy  shrank  from  April  Higher  borrowing  rates,  a  high inflation and weakening  ticular, to a still-robust labor  proving action to fight infla-
            through June for a second  consequence  of  the  Federal  growth, especially after Rus-  market,  with  11  million  job  tion under an agreement an-
            straight quarter, contract-  Reserve’s series of rate hikes,  sia’s invasion of Ukraine sent  openings  and  an  uncom-  nounced Wednesday by Sen-
            ing at a 0.9% annual pace  clobbered  home  construc-     energy and food prices soar-  monly  low  3.6%  unemploy-  ate  Majority  Leader  Chuck
            and  raising  fears  that  the  tion, which shrank at a 14%  ing.  Europe,  highly  depen-  ment  rate,  to  suggest  that  a  Schumer and Sen. Joe Man-
            nation  may  be  approach-   annual  rate.  Government  dent on Russian natural gas,  recession, if one does occur,  chin, a West Virginia Demo-
            ing a recession.             spending dropped, too.       appears especially vulnerable  isn’t here yet.            crat. Among other things, the
                                                                      to a recession.                                           measure would allow Medi-
            The  decline  that  the  Com-  The report comes at a critical                          “The  back-to-back  contrac-  care to negotiate prescription
            merce  Department  reported  time.  Consumers  and  busi-  In the United States, the in-  tion of GDP will feed the de-  drug  prices  with  pharma-
            Thursday  in  the  gross  do-  nesses  have  been  struggling  flation  surge  and  fear  of  a  bate about whether the U.S.  ceutical  companies,  and  the
            mestic product — the broad-  under the weight of punish-  recession  have  eroded  con-  is  in,  or  soon  headed  for,  a  new revenue would be used
            est  gauge  of  the  economy  ing inflation and higher loan  sumer confidence and stirred  recession,” said Sal Guatieri,  to lower costs for seniors on
            —  followed  a  1.6%  annual  costs. On Wednesday, the Fed  anxiety  about  the  economy,  senior  economist  at  BMO  medications.
            drop  from  January  through  raised its benchmark rate by  which  is  sending  frustrat-  Capital  Markets.  “The  fact
            March. Consecutive quarters  a  sizable  three-quarters  of  ingly  mixed  signals.  And  that the economy created 2.7  In  the  wake  of  Thursday’s
            of falling GDP constitute one  a point for a second straight  with the November midterm  million  payrolls  in  the  first  government  report,  Biden
            informal, though not defini-  time  in  its  push  to  conquer  elections nearing, Americans’  half of the year would seem  dismissed any notion that the
            tive, indicator of a recession.  the  worst  inflation  outbreak  discontent  has  diminished  to argue against an official re-  data depicted an economy in
                                         in four decades.             President Joe Biden’s public  cession call for now.”      recession.  The  administra-
            The  GDP  report  for  last                               approval  ratings  and  could                             tion  has  stressed  that  solid
            quarter  pointed  to  weak-  The Fed is hoping to achieve  increase  the  likelihood  that  Still, Guatieri said, “the econ-  job  growth  and  low  unem-
            ness  across  the  economy.  a  notoriously  difficult  “soft  the Democrats will lose con-  omy has quickly lost steam in  ployment show that the U.S.
            Consumer  spending  slowed  landing”: An economic slow-   trol of the House and Senate.  the face of four-decade high  economy is still growing de-
            as  Americans  bought  fewer  down that manages to rein in                             inflation,  rapidly  rising  bor-  spite  two  consecutive  quar-
            goods.  Business  investment  rocketing prices without trig-  Fed  Chair  Jerome  Powell  rowing  costs  and  a  general  terly declines in GDP. Speak-
            fell.  Inventories  tumbled  as  gering a recession.      and  many  economists  have  tightening in financial condi-  ing  from  the  White  House,
            businesses  slowed  their  re-                            said that while the economy  tions.”                      Biden leaned on remarks that
            stocking of shelves, shaving 2  Apart from the United States,  is showing some weakening,                           Powell  and  other  economic
            percentage points from GDP.  the  global  economy  as  a  they  doubt  it’s  in  recession.  In  the  meantime,  Congress  leaders have made.
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