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LOCAL Diabierna 29 Juli 2022
Atlético Madrid signs Argentina right back Nahuel Molina
(AP) — Atlético Madrid clubs in Argentina after com-
has secured the transfer ing up through Boca Juniors’
of Argentina defender youth teams.
Nahuel Molina from Udi-
nese, the Spanish club He helped Argentina win
said Thursday. the Copa America last year,
playing in five games before
Atlético said the 24-year-old missing the final against Bra-
Molina has agreed to sign a zil.
five-year contract. The right
back will help fill a void left Neither club disclosed the
by the departure of England’s transfer cost.
Kieran Trippier midway
through last season. Atlético has also signed mid-
fielder Axel Witsel and wing-
Molina scored 10 goals in 68 er Samuel Lino this summer
appearances over two sea- as it tries to bounce back
sons for Udinese. Before his from finishing a distant third
move to Italy, he played for in Spain last season.
England and Germany set for historic Euro 2022 final
(AP) — England against North Carolina, has scored
Germany at Wembley four goals as a substitute at
Stadium. A final that un- Euro 2022, including a back-
derlines the growing stat- heel through the goalkeep-
ure of women’s soccer in er’s legs against Sweden in
Europe and echoes de- the semifinals. Her assist for
cades of history. Ella Toone’s goal to send the
quarterfinal against Spain to
When host nation England extra time was just as valu-
takes on Germany in the able.
European Championship
final Sunday, it will have a The Coaches
tournament-record crowd England’s Sarina Wiegman
of nearly 90,000. Euro 2022 and Germany’s Voss-Teck-
as a whole will be easily the lenburg have already secured
best-attended ever. It beat a place in history as players
the previous mark of 240,000 and coaches.
part-way through the group
stage. Voss-Tecklenburg has been a
driving force in German soc-
“It’s going to be a great fes- cer for decades — 125 games
tival of football,” German played for the national team
coach Martina Voss-Teck- and four European titles, a
lenburg said Wednesday. UEFA Women’s Cup (now
“That’s a classic in soccer, 4-0 against Sweden in the and Alessia Russo have focused high school with the Champions League) title
England-Germany.” semifinals. made very different contri- a special permission to let as coach in 2009, even five
butions. Captain Popp has her take soccer classes as years editing a women’s soc-
England is aiming to win its Beating eight-time winner scored in each of Germany’s the only girl alongside boys cer magazine.
first major women’s tourna- Germany would be the per- five games — a new record from the academy of men’s
ment title on the site where fect way for England to write — and started all except the club Schalke, and is also a She has noted England’s
the English men’s national history. opening game against Den- fully qualified zookeeper. slow start against Sweden
team beat West Germany to mark. Russo has started in the semifinal, when the
win its only major title to England showed it is pos- none but is the ultimate im- Russo’s explosive impact off hosts were on the defensive.
date, the 1966 World Cup. sible back in February, win- pact substitute. the bench has been crucial. “The first 30 minutes against
ning 3-1 in Wolverhamp- The Manchester United Sweden showed that you can
Germany has won all eight ton for its first-ever victory After missing the 2013 and forward, who played college hurt (England), and that will
European finals it’s played against Germany on home 2017 European Champion- soccer at the University of be our task,” she said.
— and crushed England 6-2 soil. ships with injuries, Popp
in the 2009 final — but its is making up for lost time
momentum had seemed to Germany’s fans are used to as the joint top scorer with
slow in recent years as other their team winning titles, England’s Beth Mead on
countries invested heavily in even if it’s not quite the all- six goals. Popp has her club
women’s leagues. conquering dynasty it once teammates around her as
was. Since Germany won one of five Wolfsburg players
What It Means the Olympic gold medal in in the starting lineup for the
2016, Euro 2022 marks the 2-1 win over France, when
England has scored a tour- first time it has got past the she scored twice.
nament-leading 20 goals on quarterfinals of a tourna-
its way to the final, more ment. Popp started out as a full
than half in two storming back at now-defunct FCR
wins over former European The Key Players Duisburg and won her first
champions, 8-0 against Nor- European club title aged
way in the group stage and Forwards Alexandra Popp 18. She studied at a sports-