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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 29 Juli 2022

                             A richer, stronger China warns Pelosi not to visit Taiwan

            (AP) — Beijing grumbled                                                                                             whether she might visit, but
            but  swallowed  its  irrita-                                                                                        Beijing is warning of “force-
            tion  in  1997  when  then-                                                                                         ful measures” including mili-
            Speaker Newt Gingrich of                                                                                            tary action if she does.
            the U.S. House of Repre-
            sentatives  visited  Taiwan,                                                                                        The United States “must not
            the    island   democracy                                                                                           arrange for Pelosi to visit Tai-
            claimed by the mainland’s                                                                                           wan,” a Chinese Ministry of
            ruling  Communist  Party                                                                                            Defense spokesman, Tan Ke-
            as its own territory.                                                                                               fei, said Tuesday.

            China  had  other  priorities.                                                                                      “If  the  United  States  goes
            President Jiang Zemin’s gov-                                                                                        ahead with this, the Chinese
            ernment  was  preparing  to                                                                                         military will never watch and
            celebrate Hong Kong’s return                                                                                        do  nothing,”  Tan  said.  “It
            and  wanted  to  lock  in  Bei-                                                                                     will take strong measures to
            jing’s emergence from diplo-                                                                                        thwart  any  external  interfer-
            matic isolation after its 1989                                                                                      ence and separatist plans for
            crackdown  on  pro-democ-                                                                                           ‘Taiwan  independence’  and
            racy  demonstrations  in  Ti-                                                                                       resolutely  defend  national
            ananmen  Square.  Gingrich,                                                                                         sovereignty and territorial in-
            a booster of closer U.S.-Chi-                                                                                       tegrity.”
            nese ties, had just helped that
            campaign  by  meeting  Jiang                                                                                        Tan referred to Pelosi as “No.
            in  Beijing.  China  avoided  a                                                                                     3  in  the  U.S.  government,”
            disruptive  clash  with  Wash-  over  Taiwan  following  news  nition  of  its  democratically  third five-year term as party  after her place in the line of
            ington.                      reports  the  current  speaker,  elected  government,  which  leader at a meeting in the au-  succession  to  become  presi-
                                         Nancy Pelosi, might become  the  mainland  says  has  no  tumn. That could be under-   dent.  That  suggests  Beijing
            A quarter-century later, con-  the most senior U.S. official  right to conduct foreign rela-  cut if rivals can accuse Xi of  sees  her  as  President  Joe
            ditions  have  changed  drasti-  since Gingrich to visit the is-  tions.               failing to be tough enough in  Biden’s  subordinate,  instead
            cally.  Chinese  President  Xi  land.                                                  the face of what they consider  of his equal as head of one of
            Jinping’s government is rich-                             The  timing  adds  to  political  American provocation.   three  independent  branches
            er,  more  heavily  armed  and  Beijing sees any official con-  pressure. Xi is widely expect-                      of the government.
            less  willing  to  compromise  tact  with  Taiwan  as  recog-  ed to try to award himself a  Pelosi  has  yet  to  confirm

                                  Russia attacks Kyiv area for the first time in weeks

            (AP)  —  Russian  forces  them civilians, Kyiv regional  forces  to  “liberate  Russian  Ukrainian  media  quoted  Western-supplied long-range
            launched  a  missile  at-    Gov. Oleksiy Kuleba said.    cities founded by the Russian  Ukrainian presidential advis-  artillery  to  damage  at  least
            tack  on  the  Kyiv  area  for  Kuleba linked the assaults to  people  —  Kyiv,  Chernihiv,  er Oleksiy Arestovich as say-  three of the bridges across the
            the  first  time  in  weeks  the Day of Statehood, a com-  Poltava,  Odesa,  Dniprop-  ing  the  operation  to  liberate  Dnieper that Russia relies on
            Thursday  and  pounded  memoration  that  President  etrovsk,  Kharkiv,  Zaporizh-     Kherson  is  underway,  with  to supply its forces.
            the  northern  Chernihiv  Volodymyr  Zelenskyy  insti-    zhia, Lutsk.”                Kyiv’s forces planning to iso-
            region  as  well,  in  what  tuted  last  year  and  Ukraine                           late Russian troops and leave  Ukraine’s  presidential  of-
            Ukraine said was revenge  marked  for  the  time  on  Elsewhere around the coun-       them  with  three  options  —  fice  said  Thursday  morning
            for  standing  up  to  the  Thursday.                     try,  five  people  were  killed  “retreat,  if  possible,  surren-  that Russian shelling of cities
            Kremlin.                                                  and 25 wounded in a Russian  der or be destroyed.”        and villages over the past 24
                                         “Russia, with the help of mis-  rocket  attack  on  the  city  of                      hours killed at least five civil-
            Ukrainian  officials,  mean-  siles, is mounting revenge for  Kropvynytskyi, about 250 ki-  Oleksiy  Danilov,  secretary  ians, all of them in the east-
            while,  announced  a  coun-  the widespread popular resis-  lometers  (150  miles)  south-  of Ukraine’s National Secu-  ern  Donetsk  province,  and
            teroffensive to take back the  tance, which the Ukrainians  east of Kyiv, according to the  rity  and  Defense  Council,  wounded nine.
            occupied  Kherson  region  in  were  able  to  organize  pre-  deputy governor of Ukraine’s  said  the  Russians  are  con-
            the country’s south, territory  cisely because of their state-  Kirovohrad  region,  Andriy  centrating  maximum  forces  Fighting in recent weeks has
            seized  by  Russian  President  hood,”  Kuleba  told  Ukrai-  Raikovich. He said the attack  in the  direction of Kherson,  focused  on  Donetsk  prov-
            Vladimir Putin’s forces early  nian television. “Ukraine has  hit hangars at an air academy,  warning:  “A  very  large-scale  ince. It has intensified in re-
            in the war.                  already broken Russia’s plans  damaging civilian planes.  movement of their troops has  cent  days  as  Russian  forces
                                         and  will  continue  to  defend                           begun.”                      appeared  to  emerge  from  a
            Russia  attacked  the  Kyiv  itself.”                     Kharkiv,  Ukraine’s  second-                              reported “operational pause”
            region  with  six  missiles                               largest city, also came under a  The  British  military  said  after  capturing  neighboring
            launched from the Black Sea,  Chernihiv regional Gov. Vy-  barrage of shelling overnight,  Ukraine  has  used  its  new,  Luhansk province.
            hitting a military unit in the  acheslav Chaus reported that  according to the mayor. Au-
            village of Liutizh on the out-  the  Russians  also  fired  mis-  thorities said a police officer
            skirts of the capital, according  siles  from  the  territory  of  was  killed  in  Russian  shell-
            to Oleksii Hromov, a senior  Belarus at the village of Hon-  ing  of  a  power  plant  in  the
            official with Ukraine’s Gen-  charivska. The Chernihiv re-  Kharkiv region.
            eral Staff.                  gion had not been targeted in
                                         weeks.                       The southern city of Myko-
            He said that the attack ruined                            laiv was fired on as well, with
            one  building  and  damaged  Russian  troops  withdrew  one person reported injured.
            two  others,  and  that  Ukrai-  from  the  Kyiv  and  Cherni-
            nian  forces  shot  down  one  hiv regions months ago after  Meanwhile,  the  Ukrainian
            of the missiles in the town of  failing to capture either. The  military kept up a counterat-
            Bucha.                       renewed  strikes  come  a  day  tack  in  the  Kherson  region,
                                         after the leader of pro-Krem-  knocking out of commission
            Fifteen people were wounded  lin separatists in the east, De-  a key bridge over the Dnieper
            in the Russian strikes, five of  nis  Pushilin,  urged  Russian  River on Wednesday.
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