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A28 u.s. news
Diabierna 29 Juli 2022
Biden calls deal with Manchin ‘godsend’ for US families
(AP) — President Joe shouldn’t come as such a
Biden declared his sup- big surprise despite the long
port Thursday for the months of on-again, off-
“historic” inflation-fight- again talks. He bristled at
ing agreement struck by suggestions he’d left his own
Senate Majority Leader party dangling when he re-
Chuck Schumer and hold- fused to support an earlier,
out Democratic Sen. Joe broader bill.
Manchin, an expansive
health care and climate “I’ve never walked away from
change package that had anything in my life, Manchin
eluded the White House told reporters via video chat
and seemed all but lost. because he is isolating with
COVID-19. Manchin called
Biden said the bill will be it “a good bill” that would
a “godsend” for American benefit the country. “It’s a
families. Democrat and Republican
“This bill would be the most
significant legislation in his- But bipartisan the bill is not.
tory to tackle the climate Schumer warned his col-
crisis,” Biden said. He said leagues in the 50-50 Sen-
it will also lower healthcare ate that final passage will be
costs for millions of Ameri- hard. With staunch GOP
cans who buy their own opposition, Democrats have
health insurance under the Get it done,” Biden said. “We up for the president and his and climate change, if they no votes to spare, relying on
Affordable Care Act. should pass this.” party an unexpected victory stick together and approve a their own razor-thin major-
in the runup to November deal he brokered with Man- ity.
Biden vowed the package The $739 billion package, not elections in which their con- chin.
will not raise taxes on anyone as much as Biden once envi- gressional control is in peril. One key vote, Sen. Kyrsten
earning less than $400,000 a sioned, remains a potentially A House vote would follow, Schumer spoke at a private Sinema, D-Ariz., was still re-
year. Instead the 15% corpo- remarkable achievement for perhaps later in August, with meeting after the startling viewing the agreement, said
rate minimum tax will help the party, with long-sought unanimous Republican op- turnaround over an expansive spokeswoman Hannah Hur-
fund the new costs, with ex- goals of addressing health position in both chambers agreement he and Manchin ley. Sinema backed Manchin
tra going to deficit reduction. care and climate, while rais- seemingly certain. struck that had eluded them last year in insisting on mak-
ing taxes on high earners and for months. The Democratic ing the legislation less expen-
He acknowledged the final large corporations and reduc- Senate Majority Leader leader’s comments were re- sive but objected to propos-
product was a compromise, ing federal debt. Chuck Schumer told fel- layed by a person familiar als to raise tax rates, and the
but was upbeat that it would low Senate Democrats they with the meeting and granted spokeswoman referred a re-
win support in Congress. The Senate is expected to now have an opportunity to anonymity to discuss it. porter to her comments last
vote on the wide-ranging achieve two “hugely impor- Manchin called the billion year supporting a corporate
“My plea is: Put politics aside. measure next week, setting tant” priorities on health care package a “win-win” that minimum tax.
No bond for accused rapist of girl who traveled for abortion
(AP) — A man accused of raping gally. overturned Roe v. Wade. He has her mother.
and impregnating a 9-year-old pleaded not guilty.
Ohio girl who traveled to Indi- Gerson Fuentes, 27, faces two counts “To allow him to return to that home,
ana for an abortion was ordered of raping the girl, who turned 10 be- If convicted, Fuentes, who is from the traumatic and psychological im-
held without bond Thursday by fore having the abortion in a case that Guatemala, faces the possibility of life pact would be undeserving to an al-
a judge who cited overwhelming has become a flashpoint in the na- in prison with no chance of parole. leged victim,” Lynch said. She also
evidence and the fact that he ap- tional discussion about access to the That penalty and “not having any ties cited the “physical, and mental and
parently is living in the U.S. ille- procedure since the Supreme Court to this community that can be proved emotional trauma” the girl suffered
legally makes it a substantial flight from enduring the rapes and the
risk,” Franklin County Judge Julie abortion, and finding her case at the
Lynch said after a 35-minute hearing. center of the country’s abortion de-
The girl confirmed that Fuentes at-
tacked her, Fuentes confessed to Co- The case gained national attention
lumbus police detectives, and DNA after an Indianapolis physician, Dr.
testing of the aborted fetus confirmed Caitlin Bernard, said the child had to
Fuentes was the father, Franklin travel to Indiana due to Ohio banning
County Prosecutor Dan Meyer and abortions at the first detectable “fetal
detective Jeffrey Huhn said in court heartbeat” after the U.S. Supreme
Thursday. Court overturned the landmark Roe
v. Wade ruling.
Huhn said he was unable, when
searching multiple databases, to find President Joe Biden cited the case
any evidence that Fuentes was in the when he signed an order July 8 try-
country legally. ing to protect abortion access. Some
conservatives and prominent Re-
In denying bond, Lynch cited that ev- publicans, including Ohio Attorney
idence, the violence of the crime and General Dave Yost, cast doubt on the
the fact that Fuentes had been living story initially, then condemned the
in the same home with the girl and attack after Fuentes was arrested.