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a26    obituario/u.s. news
              Diabierna 23 September 2022

                                                                       Average US long-term mortgage rates

                                                                                    climb to 6.29% this week

                                                             WASHINGTON (AP) — Av-           The National Association of Re-  highest level since early 2008.
                                                             erage  long-term  U.S.  mort-   altors  said  Wednesday  that  ex-
                                                             gage  rates  jumped  by  more  isting  home  sales  fell  0.4%  last  Fed  officials  forecast  that  they
                                                             than  a  quarter-point  this  month from July to a seasonally  will  further  raise  their  bench-
                  “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada   week  to  their  highest  level  adjusted annual rate of 4.80 mil-  mark  rate  to  roughly  4.4%  by
                 Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.   since 2007 as the Federal Re-  lion.                        year's  end,  a  full  point  higher
                         E ta hibami na awa trankil,         serve intensified its effort to                                 than they envisioned as recently
                          Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.           tamp down decades-high in-      Sales fell 19.9% from August last  as June. And they expect to raise
                                Salmo: 23                    flation and cool the economy.   year,  and  are  now  at  the  slow-  the rate again next year, to about
                                                                                             est annual pace since May 2020,  4.6%. That would be the highest
              Cu profundo tristeza pero agradecido pa tur loke cu E   Mortgage  buyer  Freddie  Mac  early in the pandemic.  level since 2007.
              a nifica pa nos, nos ta participa fayecimento repentino   reported  Thursday  that  the  30-
                  di nos kerido tata, ruman, opa, primo y omo:   year rate climbed to 6.29%, from  The national median home price  By  raising  borrowing  rates,  the
                                                             6.02% last week. That's the high-  jumped 7.7% in August from a  Fed makes it costlier to take out
                                                             est its been since August of 2007,  year earlier to $389,500. As the  a mortgage and an auto or busi-
                                                             a year before a crash in the hous-  housing  market  has  cooled,  ness loan. Consumers and busi-
                                                             ing  market  triggered  the  Great  home  prices  have  been  rising  nesses then presumably borrow
                                                             Recession.                      at  a  more  moderate  pace  after  and spend less, cooling the econ-
                                                                                             surging annually by around 20%  omy and slowing inflation.
                                                             Rapidly  rising  mortgage  rates  earlier this year. Before the pan-
                                                             threaten  to  sideline  even  more  demic,  the  median  home  price  Mortgage rates don't necessarily
                                                             homebuyers  after  more  than  was rising about 5% a year.      mirror  the  Fed's  rate  increases,
                                                             doubling in 2022. Last year, pro-                               but tend to track the yield on the
                                                             spective homebuyers were look-  In  the  four  weeks  ended  Sept.  10-year Treasury note. That's in-
                                                             ing at rates well below 3%.     11, home listings fell 19% from  fluenced by a variety of factors,
                                                                                             a  year  earlier,  the  largest  drop  including investors' expectations
                                                             On Wednesday, the Federal Re-   since  May  2020,  the  real  estate  for  future  inflation  and  global
                        Adolph Oswald Oehlers                serve  bumped  its  benchmark  brokerage Redfin found.          demand for U.S. Treasurys.
                      Mihor conoci como: “Dino”              borrowing rate by another three-
                                                             quarters of a point in an effort to  Many potential homebuyers are  Recently,  faster  inflation  and
                      *05-04-1934 - †19-09-2022
                                                             constrain  the economy, its fifth  opting out of the market as the  strong  U.S.  economic  growth
                                                             increase this year and third con-  higher rates add hundreds of dol-  have  sent  the  10-year  Treasury
               Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.     secutive  0.75  percentage  point  lars  to  monthly  mortgage  pay-  rate up sharply, to 3.65%.
                                                             increase.                       ments. On the other end, many
                                                                                             homeowners are reluctant to sell  The  average  rate  on  15-year,
                                                             Perhaps nowhere else is the ef-  as  they  are  likely  locked  into  a  fixed-rate  mortgages,  popular
                                                             fect of the Fed's action more ap-  much lower rate than they'd get  among  those  looking  to  refi-
                                                             parent  than  the  housing  sector.  on their next mortgage.    nance  their  homes,  jumped  to
                                                             Existing  home  sales  have  been                               5.44%  from  5.21%  last  week.
                                                             in  decline  for  seven  straight  The  Fed's  move  Wednesday  That's  the  highest  level  since
                                                             months as the rising cost to bor-  boosted  its  benchmark  short-  2008. Last year at this time the
                                                             row  money  puts  homes  out  of  term  rate,  which  affects  many  rate on a 15-year mortgage was
                                                             reach for more people.          consumer  and  business  loans,  2.15%.
                                                                                             to  a  range  of  3%  to  3.25%,  the

                Her wings were ready, but our hearts
                              were not…
              It is with deep sadness we announce the
                    death of our beloved Mother,
               Grandmother, Sister, Aunt and Friend.
                 She died peacefully at the age of 89

                        Muriel A. Simon
              Better known as (Tante) Sixta or Oma
              *10 April 1933 - †21 September 2022

              Date and place of condolences will be
                          announced later
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