Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20220923
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world news Diabierna 23 September 2022
Ukraine's Zelenskyy lays out his case against Russia to UN
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — the issue.
Ukraine's president laid out a de-
tailed case against Russia's inva- Russia hasn't yet had its turn to speak
sion at the United Nations and de- at the gathering.
manded punishment from world
leaders in a speech delivered just Putin, who is not attending the Gen-
hours after Moscow made an ex- eral Assembly, has said he sent his
traordinary announcement that armed forces into Ukraine because
it would mobilize some reservists of risks to his country's security from
for the war effort. what he considers a hostile govern-
ment in Kyiv; to liberate Russians
Buoyed by a counteroffensive that living in Ukraine — especially its
has retaken swaths of territory that eastern region of the Donbas — from
the Russians seized, Volodymyr Zel- what he views as the Ukrainian gov-
enskyy vowed in a video address ernment's oppression; and to restore
Wednesday that his forces would not what he considers to be Russia's his-
stop until they had reclaimed all of torical territorial claims on the coun-
Ukraine. try.
Video speeches by Zelenskyy in an Zelenskyy's speech was distinguished
olive green T-shirt have become al- by its context. It took place after
most commonplace. But this speech Moscow's extraordinary mobiliza-
was one of the most keenly antici- tion announcement. It was the first
pated at the U.N. General Assembly, time Zelenskyy addressed the world's
where the war has dominated. leaders gathered together since Rus- after the Ukrainian counteroffensive. Zelenskyy didn't discuss the develop-
sia invaded in February. And it wasn't ments in detail. But he suggested any
The topic popped up in speeches by delivered at the rostrum where other But the first such call-up in Russia Russian talk of negotiations was only
leaders from all over the world who presidents, prime ministers and mon- since World War II also brought the a delaying tactic, and that Moscow's
deplored the invasion not least be- archs speak — but instead by video fighting home in a new way for Rus- actions speak louder than its words.
cause they said it was not consistent after Zelenskyy was granted special sians and risked fanning domestic
with the cornerstone principles of the permission to not come in person. anxiety and antipathy toward the war. Zelenskky asserted that Moscow
United Nations — including respect Shortly after Putin's announcement, wants to spend the winter preparing
for sovereignty. Putin's decree Wednesday about the flights out of the country rapidly its forces in Ukraine for a new of-
mobilization was sparse on details. filled up, and more than 1,000 people fensive, or at least preparing fortifica-
The war will remain front and center Officials said as many as 300,000 re- were arrested at rare antiwar demon- tions while mobilizing more troops
at the gathering on Thursday, when servists could be tapped. It was appar- strations across the country. in the largest military conflict in Eu-
the Security Council plans to take up ently an effort to seize momentum rope since World War II
At least 9 killed as Iran protests over woman's death spread
DUBAI, United Arab spreading, Iran's biggest tele- tests could be as high as 17 the European Union and the
Emirates (AP) — Clashes The scope of Iran's ongoing com operator largely shut on Thursday, but did not say United Nations.
between Iranian security unrest, the worst in several down mobile internet access how he reached that figure.
forces and protesters an- years, still remains unclear again Thursday, said Net- The protests have grown in
gry over the death of a as protesters in more than a blocks, a group that monitors In a country where radio and the last five days into an open
22-year-old woman in po- dozen cities — venting anger internet access, describing television stations already are challenge to the government,
lice custody have killed at over social repression and the the restrictions as the most state-controlled and journal- with women removing and
least nine people since the country's mounting crises — severe since 2019. ists regularly face the threat burning their state-mandat-
violence erupted over the continue to encounter secu- of arrest, the paramilitary ed headscarves in the streets
weekend, according to a rity and paramilitary forces. An anchor on Iran's state Revolutionary Guard urged and Iranians calling for the
tally Thursday by The As- television suggested the the judiciary on Thursday downfall of the Islamic Re-
sociated Press. To prevent protests from death toll from the mass pro- to prosecute "anyone who public itself.
spreads fake news and ru-
mors" on social media about "Death to the dictator!" has
the unrest. Widespread out- been a common cry in the
ages of Instagram and What- protests.
sApp, which are used by
protesters, also continued They are the most serious
Thursday. demonstrations since 2019,
when protests erupted over a
WhatsApp tweeted that it was government hike in the price
"working to keep our Iranian of gasoline. Rights groups say
friends connected and will do hundreds were killed in the
anything within our techni- crackdown that followed, the
cal capacity to keep our ser- deadliest violence since the
vice up and running." 1979 Islamic Revolution.
The demonstrations in At least nine people have died
Iran began as an emotional in the confrontations, accord-
outpouring over the death ing to an AP count based on
of Mahsa Amini, a young statements from Iran's state-
woman held by the country's run and semiofficial media.
morality police for allegedly In a statement on Thursday,
violating its strictly enforced the Guard blamed the unrest
dress code. Her death has on "Iran's enemies."
sparked sharp condemna-
tion from the United States,