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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 23 September 2022

                             Ronaldo says he is not planning to retire after World Cup

            LISBON,  Portugal  (AP)  the Portuguese soccer federa-    club.
            —  This  year's  World  Cup  tion for his scoring feats. "I'm
            apparently  won't  be  the  in a national team with a lot  Ronaldo will enter the World
            end  for  Cristiano  Ron-    of youngsters. I want to be in  Cup  holding  the  men's  all-
            aldo.                        the World Cup and at Euros.  time  record  of  117  interna-
                                         I want to make that commit-  tional goals.
            The  37-year-old  Portugal  ment now."
            star said he is not considering                           He is preparing with Portugal
            retiring  from  international  Ronaldo earlier this year had  for  Nations  League  matches
            soccer in December after the  already dismissed retirement  at  the  Czech  Republic  on
            tournament  in  Qatar,  and  talks when asked if the World  Saturday and against Spain at
            plans to play at the 2024 Eu-  Cup  in  Qatar  would  be  his  home three days later.
            ropean Championship.         last.
                                                                      Winner of the inaugural edi-
            "I'm still motivated. My am-  The forward has been strug-  tion of the Nations League in
            bition is really high," Ronal-  gling  at  Manchester  United  2019, Portugal trails Spain by
            do said at an event late Tues-  and  has  not  been  an  undis-  one  point  entering  the  final
            day after being recognized by  puted starter with the English  two  games.  Only  the  group  winners  will  advance  to  the  Final Four.

                        World Cup captains want to wear rainbow armbands in Qatar

            GENEVA  (AP)  —  FIFA  troversy.                          games in the Nations League  he would take an armband in
            came     under    pressure                                this week, including by both  the blue and yellow colors of  However, the English federa-
            Wednesday  from  several  The  Swiss  soccer  federation  captains when Belgium hosts  Ukraine's flag to Qatar.     tion said players would meet
            European  soccer  federa-    said it wanted captain Granit  Wales on Thursday.                                      with  some  migrant  work-
            tions who want their cap-    Xhaka  to  wear  an  armband                              Poland  refused  to  play  Rus-  ers who will be invited to its
            tains to wear an armband  on which "you can see a heart  UEFA  previously  let  Ger-   sia, the 2018 World Cup host,  training camp in Al Wakrah.
            with  a  rainbow  heart  de-  with  diverse  colors  which  many  goalkeeper  Manuel  in a playoff match in March.
            sign  during  World  Cup  represent the diversity of hu-  Neuer  wear  a  rainbow  cap-  Before  the  game,  FIFA  and  England  also  added  to  sup-
            games  in  Qatar  to  cam-   manity."                     tain's  armband  at  European  European soccer body UEFA  port  already  expressed  in
            paign  against  discrimina-                               Championship  games  last  banned  Russian  teams  from  Germany this week for FIFA
            tion.                        Soccer players have embraced  year,  including  against  tour-  international   competitions  and World Cup organizers to
                                         their platform to make state-  nament  co-host  Hungary  because the country invaded  compensate  the  families  of
            France and Germany, the last  ments in recent years. Taking  where lawmakers passed an-  Ukraine.                   construction  workers  who
            two  World  Cup  champions,  a knee on the field was rou-  ti-gay  legislation  during  the                         died  or  were  injured  af-
            were  among  eight  of  the  13  tine  before  Premier  League  tournament.            The  campaign  for  the  arm-  ter  coming  to  Qatar  to  help
            European  soccer  teams  go-  games  for  two  seasons  after                          bands emerged while a panel  build  stadiums,  metro  lines
            ing to Qatar who joined the  the death of George Floyd, a  The campaign for armbands  of  UEFA  member  federa-     and hotels.
            "OneLove" campaign, which  Black man killed by a police  was  launched  one  day  after  tions has monitored progress
            started  in  the  Netherlands.  officer in the United States.  the  Emir  of  Qatar  spoke  at  in Qatar on labor law reforms  Amnesty  International  has
            The Dutch team plays Qatar                                the  United  Nations  Gen-   and other human rights ahead  suggested  FIFA  should  pay
            in Group A on Nov. 29.       FIFA  supported  taking  a  eral  Assembly  in  New  York  of the tournament.          $440 million in reparations to
                                         knee and now has to decide  promising a World Cup with-                                equal the prize money being
            FIFA  rules  prohibit  teams  whether to back some of its  out discrimination.         That panel includes the Nor-  paid to the 32 teams in Qatar.
            from  bringing  their  own  most  influential  member                                  wegian  soccer  federation,
            armband designs to the World  federations  in  a  gesture  that  The  eight  European  teams  whose  president  Lise  Klave-  At a German federation event
            Cup and insist they must use  could embarrass Qatar.      backing the "OneLove" cam-   ness delivered a scathing crit-  on  Monday,  an  invited  fan
            equipment  provided  by  the                              paign  for  human  rights  also  icism of the Qatari project at  who is gay used the platform
            governing body.              FIFA  did  not  immediately  included Belgium and Den-    an  annual  FIFA  meeting  in  to  urge  the  Qatari  ambassa-
                                         comment on the request.      mark.  The  five  European  March in Doha on the eve of  dor  that  his  country  should
            Armbands are the latest bat-                              qualifiers for the World Cup  the tournament draw.        abolish  laws  against  homo-
            tleground for players to push  European soccer body UEFA  not  taking  part  Wednesday                              sexuality.  The  ambassador,
            political  messages  linked  to  said  it  "fully  supports  the  were Croatia, Poland, Portu-  England  and  Wales  were  Abdulla bin Mohammed bin
            the World Cup hosted in Qa-  OneLove  campaign,  which  gal, Serbia and Spain.         among     the   federations  Saud  Al  Thani,  complained
            tar,  where  homosexual  acts  was initially developed by the                          Wednesday  acknowledging  that human rights issues were
            are illegal and the treatment  (Dutch federation)."       However,  Poland  captain  progress made in Qatar since  distracting  from  the  tourna-
            of migrant workers building                               Robert  Lewandowski  —  a  the wealthy emirate won the  ment.
            projects  for  the  tournament  The  armbands  will  also  be  two-time FIFA world player  World  Cup  hosting  vote  in
            has been a decade-long con-  worn  at  UEFA-organized  of the year — said this week  December 2010.

                         Ski jumping World Cup returns to US for 1st time since 2004

            Ski  Jumping's  top  circuit  has not been in North Amer-  New York State Olympic Re-                               pete  with  the  world's  best
            is returning to the United  ica since 2009 in Vancouver.  gional Development Author-   Only  one  American,  An-    ski  jumpers,  USA  Nordic
            States for the first time in                              ity recently invested millions  ders  Haugen,  has  earned  an  Sport  began  a  partnership
            nearly two decades.          Organizers were looking for a  to make its ski jumping com-  Olympic  ski  jumping  medal  last  month  with  Norway's
                                         venue to host the World Cup  plex world class.            and that was at the first Win-  governing body in the sport.
            The  International  Ski  and  after  they  planned  to  hold                           ter  Olympics  in  1924.  Hau-  American  and  Norwegian
            Snowboard Federation men's  the event in Iron Mountain,  "Having the World Cup back  gen  left  the  games  without  national  ski  jumping  teams
            ski jumping World Cup will  Michigan, an option that be-  on U.S. soil is very important  any  hardware,  but  50  years  will  share  coaches,  training
            be held in February in Lake  came unfeasible last month.  in developing the sport of Ski  later was awarded bronze af-  facilities,  sports  science  data
            Placid, New York                                          Jumping in this country, and  ter  a  scoring  error  was  con-  and efforts to attract sponsors
                                         Lake  Placid,  which  hosted  across the world," USA Nor-  firmed.                     as  part  of  a  four-year  agree-
            Ski jumping's last World Cup  the  1980  and  1932  Winter  dic  men's  and  women's  ski                           ment.
            in  the  U.S.  was  in  2004  in  Olympics, became an attrac-  jumping coach Anders John-  In an attempt to improve the
            Park City, Utah. The circuit  tive  alternative  because  the  son said.               chances  the  U.S.  can  com-
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