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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 23 September 2022

                Judge blocks Indiana abortion ban week

                                     after it took effect

            INDIANAPOLIS          (AP)  that took effect one week ago.  Indiana the first state to en-
            —  An  Indiana  judge  on  The  injunction  was  sought  act  tighter  abortion  restric-
            Thursday     blocked    the  by  abortion  clinic  operators  tions since the U.S. Supreme
            state's  abortion  ban  from  who argued in a lawsuit that  Court  eliminated  federal
            being  enforced,  putting  the state constitution protects  abortion protections by over-
            the  new  law  on  hold  as  access to the medical proce-  turning Roe v. Wade in June.
            abortion  clinic  operators  dure.
            argue  that  it  violates  the                            The  judge  wrote  "there  is
            state constitution.          The  ban  was  approved  by  reasonable  likelihood  that
                                         the  state's  Republican-dom-  this  significant  restriction  of
            Owen  County  Judge  Kelsey  inated  Legislature  on  Aug.  personal  autonomy  offends
            Hanlon issued a preliminary  5  and  signed  by  GOP  Gov.  the liberty guarantees of the
            injunction  against  the  ban  Eric  Holcomb.  That  made  Indiana  Constitution"  and  that the clinics will prevail in  the lawsuit.

                           More consumers buying organic, but US farmers still wary

            CHURDAN, Iowa (AP) —  revenue pouring in.                 premium  that  accompanies                                land in central Iowa to organ-
            In the 1970s when George                                  organic crops.               The new USDA effort would  ic,  noted  the  shift  has  been
            Naylor said he wanted to  Instead  of  growing  to  meet                               include $100 million toward  "rocky" at times for him and
            grow  organic  crops,  the  the  demand,  the  number  of  According  to  the  USDA,  helping  farmers  learn  new  his  farming  partner,  Caleb
            idea didn't go over well.    farmers converting to organ-  the  number  of  convention-  techniques  for  growing  or-  Akin.
                                         ic  is  actually  dropping.  Last  al  farms  newly  transition-  ganic  crops;  $75  million  for
            Back then organic crops were  month, the U.S. Department  ing  to  organic  production  farmers who meet new con-   But  he  and  Akin  recently
            an oddity, destined for health  of Agriculture committed up  dropped by about 70% from  servation  practice  standards;  bought  a  grain  elevator  east
            food  stores  or  maybe  a  few  to $300 million to recruit and  2008 to 2019. Organic com-  $25  million  to  expand  crop  of Des Moines to use solely
            farmers markets.             help more farmers make the  prises  about  6%  of  overall  insurance options and reduce  for organic crops, the kind of
                                         switch.                      food  sales,  but  only  1%  of  costs; and $100 million to aid  project  the  USDA  program
            "I  told  my  dad  I  wanted  to                          the  country's  farmland  is  in  organic supply chains and de-  can assist. They hope the el-
            be an organic farmer and he  The key difference is the use  organic production, with for-  velop markets for organics.  evator will not only be a near-
            goes,  'Ha,  ha,  ha,'"  Naylor  of  synthetic  fertilizers  and  eign  producers  making  up                       by spot to store grain but pro-
            said,  noting  it  wasn't  until  pesticides  as  well  as  geneti-  the gap.          Nick  Andrews,  an  Oregon  vide a one-stop shop to learn
            2014  that  he  could  embrace  cally  modified  seeds.  Most                          State  University  extension  about growing and marketing
            his  dream  and  begin  transi-  conventional  farms  rely  on  While farmers seem hesitant,  agent who works with organ-  organic crops.
            tioning from standard to or-  those  practices  but  they  are  U.S.  consumers  aren't.  An-  ic farmers, called the USDA
            ganic crops.                 banned at organic farms. In-  nual sales of organic products  effort  a  "game  changer."  It  Seeing  all  the  organic  activ-
                                         stead,  organic  farmers  must  have roughly doubled in the  should be especially attractive  ity  is  gratifying  for  George
            But over the decades, some-  control weeds and pests with  past decade and now top $63  to farmers with small parcels  and  Patti  Naylor,  who  farm
            thing  unexpected  happened  techniques  such  as  rotating  billion, according to the Or-  of  land  because  the  added  near  the  tiny  central  Iowa
            — demand for organics start-  different  crops  and  planting  ganic Trade Association. Sales  value of organic crops makes  community  of  Churdan.
            ed  increasing  so  fast  that  it  cover crops that squeeze out  are projected to climb up to  it possible to make significant  But  they  say  they  still  value
            began  outstripping  the  sup-  weeds  and  add  nutrients  to  5.5% this year.        money  off  even  25  to  100  most  the  simple  benefits  of
            ply produced in the U.S.     the soil.                                                 acre (10 to 40 hectare) farms  their choice, such as evenings
                                                                      That growth is clear to any-  —  much  smaller  than  the  spent  watching  hundreds  of
            Now  a  new  challenge  has  Crops  can  only  be  deemed  one pushing a cart in an aver-  commercial  operations  that  rare monarch butterflies that
            emerged:  It's  not  getting  organic if they are grown on  age supermarket, past bins of  provide most of the country's  flock  to  their  herbicide-free
            consumers  to  pay  the  high-  land that hasn't been treated  organic  apples  and  bananas,  produce.             farm.
            er  prices,  it's  convincing  with synthetic substances for  through  dairy  and  egg  sec-
            enough  farmers  to  get  past  three  years.  During  that  pe-  tions and along shelves brim-  Noah Wendt, who in the past  As Patti Naylor put it, "It re-
            their  organic  reluctance  and  riod, farmers can grow crops,  ming  with  organic  beef  and  few  years  has  transitioned  ally helps to believe in what
            start taking advantage of the  but  they  won't  get  the  extra  chicken.             1,500 acres (607 hectares) of  you're doing."

                       Lawyer: Teen a worry months before Michigan school shooting

            DETROIT (AP) — Some teach-          year as an adult on murder and other  card  said  in  her  deposition  that  she  morial shirts for our murdered kid,"
            ers  and  a  counselor  at  a  Michi-  charges in the Nov. 30 shooting.  didn't see the drawing until the day  he  said,  holding  up  a  blue  T-shirt.
            gan high school were aware of a                                         before  the  shooting.  There  appar-  "What's Oxford Community Schools
            teen's  troubling  interest  in  guns  One  teacher  said  Crumbley  drew  ently was no follow up to the Span-  doing? Nothing. Nothing."
            and  violence  months  before  he  what appeared to be an ammunition  ish teacher's email in September ask-
            was  accused  of  fatally  shooting  magazine on a note card in late Au-  ing the counselor to touch base with
            four students and wounding oth-     gust 2021. Crumbley also responded  Crumbley, Johnson said.
            ers, a lawyer representing victims'  in a survey that his favorite books in-
            families said Thursday.             cluded  "Making  Bombs  for  Hitler,"  The day before the shooting, a teach-
                                                while  "Dexter"  and  "Breaking  Bad"  er  saw  Ethan  Crumbley  looking  at
            "From  literally  the  beginning  of  were  among  his  favorite  television  ammunition  on  his  phone  while  in
            school,  Ethan  Crumbley  was  evi-  shows.                             class. School officials left a voicemail
            dencing signs of being a highly trou-                                   informing his mother about it.
            bled individual, to say the least," said  A week or so later, he wrote in an au-
            Detroit attorney Ven Johnson, citing  tobiographical  poem  assignment  for  Several  parents  attending  John-
            depositions  taken  in  a  civil  lawsuit  a  Spanish  teacher  that  he  "feels  ter-  son's news conference in Detroit on
            against Oxford Community Schools  rible and that his family is a mistake,"  Thursday  said  they  had  not  known
            and  some  staff  at  Oxford  High  Johnson  quoted  from  an  email  the  about some of the details revealed in
            School.                             teacher sent to a school counselor.  the depositions.

            Crumbley,  now  16,  faces  trial  next  The  teacher  who  received  the  note  "Meanwhile, here we are buying me-
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