Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200404
P. 28

                     Saturday 4 april 2020
            Scramble for virus supplies strains global solidarity

            By FRANCES D'EMILIO                                                                                                 was  just  extended,”  said
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Jenny Johansson, the com-
            ROME  (AP)  —  San  Marino                                                                                          pany’s  global  manager
            needed  medical  masks.                                                                                             for  corporate  communi-
            Badly.                                                                                                              cations.  She  declined  to
            The  tiny  republic,  wedged                                                                                        comment  on  reports  that
            next to two of Italy’s hard-                                                                                        France  ultimately  allowed
            est-hit provinces in the CO-                                                                                        a  million  masks  apiece  to
            VID-19  outbreak,  had  al-                                                                                         go to Spain and Italy.
            ready registered 11 deaths                                                                                          “However,  this  is  not  only
            by  March  17  —  a  sizeable                                                                                       about  France,”  she  said.
            number in a country of just                                                                                         “We  see  government  re-
            33,000, and a harbinger of                                                                                          strictions across most coun-
            worse to come. So authori-                                                                                          tries  in  which  we  are  ac-
            ties  sent  off  a  bank  trans-                                                                                    tive.”
            fer to a supplier in Lugano,                                                                                        The European Union, a bloc
            Switzerland,  to  pay  for  a                                                                                       of  27  nations  built  upon
            half-million  masks,  to  be                                                                                        open borders and markets,
            shared  with  Italian  neigh-                                                                                       has tried to temper this na-
            bors.                                                                                                               tional free-for-all.
            Next  day,  the  truck  re-                                                                                         The day after San Marino’s
            turned empty. The compa-                                                                                            health  minister  publicly  la-
            ny was refusing to provide                                                                                          mented  the  rejected  ac-
            the masks.                   In this March 22, 2020 file photo distributed by Russian Defense Ministry Press Service, a military   quisition,  Switzerland  en-
            Said  Dr.  Gabriele  Rinaldi,   truck loads medical supplies for Italy on a board of an Il-76 cargo plane in Chkalovsky military   acted an ordinance oblig-
            director  of  San  Marino's   airport outside Moscow, Russia. From tiny San Marino wedged next to two of Italy's hardest-hit   ing  companies  to  seek
                                         provinces in the coronavirus outbreak to more economically powerful nations like Italy, countries
            Health  Authority:  “It  was  a   are running up against export bans and seizures in the scramble for vital medical supplies. The   government  authorization
            very bitter lesson.’’        new coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms for most people, but for some, especially   to  export  protective  medi-
            It’s  not  clear  whether  the   older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness or death.   cal  devices.  But  Swiss  em-
            mask supplier, who was not                                (Alexei Yereshko, Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP)  bassy   political   attache
            identified, refused to deliver  cans  arrive,  take  out  cash  scramble  among  state  of-  tween planes in Thailand.  Lorenza Faessler noted that
            because another customer  and pay three or four times  ficials.                        The  U.S.  embassy  in  Berlin  the  ordinance  specifically
            offered  more.  But  what  is  more for our orders, so we  A similar squabble followed  didn’t  immediately  com-   exempts the EU and several
            clear  is  that  the  oft-pro-  really  have  to  fight,"  Dr.  a shipment of masks aimed  ment.                    other  countries  in  Europe,
            claimed  solidarity  among  Jean  Rottner,  an  emer-     for Berlin police.           France,  meanwhile,  has  including San Marino.
            nations   waging     battle  gency room doctor in Mul-    On Friday, Berlin’s top secu-  laid claim to supplies within  The  EU's  internal  market
            against the pandemic has  house, told RTL radio.          rity official, Andreas Geisel,  its  borders.  In  Lyon,  inside  commissioner,  Thierry  Bret-
            been tested — if not shat-   The  U.S.  Embassy  in  Paris  accused the United States  the  main  southern  Euro-   on,  told  the  Italian  daily
            tered  —  by  national  and  on  Friday  insisted  that  no  of  using  “Wild  West  meth-  pean  distribution  facility  of  Corriere  della  Sera  that
            corporate self-interest.     one  from  the  federal  gov-  ods” after a delivery of hun-  the  Swedish  medical  sup-  progress  had  been  made
            A health official in France's  ernment   bought   masks  dreds of thousands of face  ply  company  Molnlycke,  in  dealing  with  exports  of
            hard-hit eastern region said  destined  for  France.  Presi-  masks  destined  for  Berlin  were millions of masks that  medical   equipment   by
            U.S. officials swooped in at  dent  Donald  Trump  has  police was diverted to the  France was reluctant to let  France,      Germany     and
            a  Chinese  airport  to  spirit  suggested,  however,  that  U.S.  en  route  from  China.  go for export.          some other nations. He said
            away a planeload of masks  states  get  their  own  medi-  German  media  reported  “We recognize that France  at the moment only Poland
            that France had ordered.     cal equipment to fight the  this happened as the masks  has imposed an export ban  and Slovakia were keeping
            "On the tarmac, the Ameri-   virus,  setting  off  a  mad  were being transferred be-  for face masks and this ban  the ban.q
            The show can’t go on: Virus halts circus in Netherlands

                                                                      DRACHTEN,      Netherlands  mals,  including  eight  Si-  Children  from  the  fam-
                                                                      (AP)  —  Circus  Renz  Ber-  berian  steppe  camels,  15  ily  pass  the  time  playing
                                                                      lin’s  fleet  of  blue,  red  and  horses  and  a  llama,  are  around the trucks and ani-
                                                                      yellow  trucks  have  had  a  spending their time in san-  mals and get home school-
                                                                      fresh  lick  of  paint  over  the  dy  fields  munching  their  ing  --  that’s  new  for  most
                                                                      winter. But now, as corona-  way  through  the  circus’  children in the Netherlands
                                                                      virus  measures  shut  down  supply of food and supplies  but  not  for  the  Renz  fam-
                                                                      the  entertainment  industry  donated by locals.          ily, who usually are moving
                                                                      across  Europe,  they  have  "We have food, but not for  from one show location to
                                                                      no place to go.              long.  We're  already  nearly  the  next  too  often  to  at-
                                                                      "It's  catastrophic  for  every-  through  our  reserves.  Now  tend a regular school.
                                                                      body," said Sarina Renz, of  other people have helped  For  now,  the  family  has  to
                                                                      the  family  circus  that  has  by  bringing  things  for  the  get  used  to  a  more  sta-
                                                                      been  in  existence  since  coming  weeks.  We've  got  tionary way of life, but one
                                                                      1842.                        supplies from people, that's  without the lifeblood of the
            Sarina Renz kisses one of the eight Siberian Steppe camels, of   For the foreseeable future,  really fantastic."    circus: The public.
            the  stranded  Renz  Circus  in  Drachten,  northern  Netherlands,   the circus is parked up be-  There  are  18  members  of  "We're  just  used  to  per-
            Tuesday, March 31, 2020. The circus fleet of blue, red and yellow   hind  an  equestrian  center  the  extended  Renz  family  forming  our  shows.  That's
            trucks have had a fresh lick of paint over the winter. But now,
            as coronavirus measures shut down the entertainment industry   in  a  northern  Dutch  town,  on  hand  to  look  after  the  our  life,”  says  Sarina.  “We
            across Europe, they have no place to go. "It's catastrophic for   waiting  and  hoping for an  animals,  other  performers  live  to  make  other  people
            everybody", said Sarina Renz, of the German family circus that   end to the crisis.    have  already  been  sent  happy  with  our  shows,  our
            has been in existence since 1842.         (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)  The  German  circus’  ani-  home, Sarina said.   attractions."q
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