Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200404
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locAl           Saturday 4 april 2020

            COVID-19: The Creative Industry’s Worst Nightmare Come True

                                                                      development;  enhanced  million Aruban florins result-    has  stated  that  they  will
                                                                      financial,   technological  ing  in  the  GDP  falling  with  provide  214  million  to  indi-
                                                                      and    technical   support;  44.4%.  This  news  was  dev-  viduals  who  lost  their  job
                                                                      support  domestic  technol-  astating  and  encouraged  due  to  the  Corona  crisis,
                                                                      ogy  development;  and  in-  the  Aruban  government  40 million to SMEs, and 423
                                                                      crease  access  to  informa-  to account for this unprec-  million to help with losses in
                                                                      tion  and  communications  edented crisis. Many policy    social funds. The Minister of
                                                                      technology.                  instruments   have   been  Finance,  Economic  Affairs
                                                                      The  Aruban  government  considered        to   possibly  and  Culture,  Ms.  Xiomara
                                                                      estimated  that  approxi-    remedy  this  situation  and  Maduro  has  announced
                                                                      mately    25.000    people  has led to 1.3 billion deficit  the  Fiscal  Relief  plan  for
                                                                      would lose their jobs in due  in  the  yearly  budget,  thus  2020  amid the Corona cri-
                                                                      to the Coronavirus and that  with money we don’t have.  sis.
                                                                      the  Governments  revenue
                                                                      will experience a loss of 627  The  Aruban  government           Continued on Page 32

            ORANJESTAD  —  March  is  As  the  month  of  April  ap-
            usually  a  special  month  proaches,  the  Creative  Is-
            for  us  in  Aruba.  We  cel-  lander  introduces  a  new
            ebrate  our  national  flag  goal of the month.
            and anthem day on the 18  Since  the  beginning  of
            th amongst our friends and  2020, each month we high-
            families,  but  this  year  we  light one of the seventeen
            were  quarantined  inside  sustainable  development
            while  registering  this  new  goals  (SDG)  from  the  Unit-
            pandemic called the coro-    ed  Nations.  Fortunate  for
            navirus  (covid-19)  in  our  us,  this  month  we  will  be
            minds.  For  a  small  island,  discussing SDG 9, which fo-
            such  as  Aruba,  the  socio-  cuses  on  building  resilient
            economic  impact  thus  far  infrastructures,  promoting
            has been immense.            inclusive  and  sustainable
                                         industrialization,  and  foster
            It  has  been  at  least  4  de-  innovation. Two words that
            cades  since  the  island  ex-  pop  out  from  this  consid-
            perienced  a  national  cur-  ering  the  health  and  eco-
            few or further than that, a  nomic  climate  we  are  in
            partial  shutdown.  The  sad-  now are: resiliency and in-
            ness experienced once the  novation.
            last planes full of tourists left
            the  island,  leaving  the  ho-  Between the five targets of
            tels completely empty was  goal  9  there  are  some  in-
            something  we  as  locals  teresting  reoccurring  con-
            never dared to imagine.      cepts, such as:
            The reality hit so deep, the  industrial  diversification;  in-
            corona paralyzed much of  clusive  and  sustainable  in-
            the socio-economic devel-    dustrialization;  affordable
            opment,  especially  within  and  equitable  access  for
            the Aruban creative indus-   all; increase the access of
            try.  This  loss  is  not  only  an  small-scale  industries;  en-
            Aruban experience but is a   hance  scientific  research;
            global  phenomenon.  The  upgrade  the  technologi-
            only difference is, for small  cal  capabilities  of  indus-
            islands like Aruba, creatives  trial  sectors;  encouraging
            are hit even worse.          innovation,  increasing  the
                                         number  of  research  and
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