Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20200404
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a32    local
                     Saturday 4 april 2020
            COVID-19: The Creative Industry’s Worst Nightmare Come True

            Continued from Page 31              shopping could be done on the is-   mies,  leaving  us  with  5  underde-  bum debuts, but simply postponing
                                                land too.                           veloped  or  in  some  cases  even  them. This crisis does offer Aruba a
            However,  this  fiscal  relief  only                                    non-existent economies to fall on.  chance to hit the reset button. To
            counts for “casino’s, transport and  The real reason why we need to di-  What has been really eye-opening  truly make a roadmap for develop-
            tour  operators,  security  compa-  versify                             is the fact that food security is one  ing new economies for the coun-
            nies,  café’s,  bar  and  restaurants,  Aruba  has  been  proposing  eco-  of  the  most  important  factors  for  try.  We  cannot  keep  fighting  fires
            landscaping,  spa’s,  car  rentals,  nomic  diversification  for  a  long  enduring any type of crisis. Aruba  as they sneak up on us, but rather
            traveling   agencies,   watersport  time.  Report  after  report,  confer-  imports much of its livelihood and  we  should  use  this  as  an  oppor-
            companies, carwash, laundry, cos-   ence  after  conference,  govern-   is  not  self-sustainable.  According  tunity  to  learn  a  valuable  lesson:
            metic  stores,  jewelry  stores,  retail  ment  after  government,  it  has  re-  to the Food and Agriculture Orga-  creativity together with innovation
            stores, souvenir shops, ground han-  mained  difficult  to  develop  new  nization (FAO) in the Food Security  leads towards sustainability.
            dlers,  employment  agencies,  and  economies  and  see  this  through.  and Nutrition in Small Island Devel-
            construction  companies”.  It  is  still  The detrimental high dependency  oping  States  Report;  “small  coun-  Moving Forward
            not clear of these fiscal relief rem-  on  tourism  together  with  the  Co-  tries  of  the  Caribbean  have  seen  Aruba is known for being resilient,
            edies  could  count  for  SMEs  in  the  rona  crisis  has  left  Aruba  as  pos-  their exports decline and their food  but this will be our biggest trial. No
            Aruban Creative Industry, since the  sibly  one  of  the  most  vulnerable  and  agricultural  imports  increase  challenge  comes  easy,  but  the
            majority  of  them  depend  on  the  countries  according  to  a  recent  during periods of growth in recent  lesson  is  always  greater  than  the
            Aruban  Tourism  Industry.  Tackling  Standard  &  Poor’s  report.  As  years” (p.5).                   downfall.  Aruba  has  proven  to
            this new drama saga called Coro-    a country, we have nothing else to                                      overcome  many  obstacles  over
            navirus  has  forced  Aruban  Small  rely on but the income we receive  The  challenges  of  the  develop-  the  years  and  without  doubt  we
            and  Medium  Enterprises  (SMEs),  from tourism. Without this income,  ment  of  the  agriculture  industry  is  will survive once this storm passes.
            especially the F&B industry to  it will be difficult to stay afloat and  summarized by the lack of compet-  Let’s hit the reset button and truly
            switch up to online shopping and  meet  all  demands.  The  previously  itiveness, ageing agricultural popu-  make sure we don’t fall in this trap
            delivery services just to make sure  mentioned  loss  projections  will  be  lation,  inadequate  investment  by  again. The Creative Islander would
            that  the  loss  of  customers  does  difficult to swallow, especially since  both  the  public  and  private  sec-  like  to  remind  everyone  to  prac-
            not  drastically  increase.  Crisis  has  we here headed for a budget sur-  tors,  non-innovative  entrepreneur-  tice  social  (physical)  distancing,
            forced  the  Aruban  economy  to  plus this year. In the Economic Re-   ship and increased scarcity of nat-  leave  the  house  only  if  needed,
            realize  the  importance  of  innova-  port 2019- 2021, the Minister estab-  ural resources worsened by natural  and to wash their hands frequently
            tion,  technological  upgrade,  and  lished  the  6  promising  economies  disasters and climate change. For  throughout  the  day.  Stay  healthy
            e-commerce. More than this, it has  for the island, which include: tour-  the creative industry, even though  and stay safe Aruba. In the words
            proven  that  Aruba  can  innovate,  ism,  agriculture  industry,  circular  this  crisis  is  experienced  as  blow,  of our Prime Minister, Evelyn Wever-
            and should not wait till a crisis hits  economy,  knowledge  economy,  the  focus  should  not  be  on  can-  Croes:  “the  world  changed  one
            to do this. The innovative initiatives  logistics,  and  the  creative  indus-  celations  but  of  postponing  de-  day  to  another,  without  a  warn-
            of local companies have been so  tries.                                 velopment.  Not  canceling  shows,  ing.  I  know  that  it  is  difficult,  but  I
            limited. It seemed to be quite dif-                                     concerts, festivals, movie premiers,  am making you a promise: we will
            ficult to convince business owners  The  Corona  crisis  completely  book launches, dance recitals, art  overcome this crisis and we will rise
            that simple services such as online  wiped  out  one  of  the  six  econo-  galleries, tv productions, music al-  as a stronger Aruba”.q


              Covid crisis Aruba:

              TIME FOR ACTION

              By Bert Kamsteeg                                                      and our elderly at home can look from their patios again and walk
              ORANJESTAD — What do Governments do in moments of a heavy cri-        safely to their neighbors without falling over debris. After this effort of
              sis to assure that their economy does not collapse, or to re-start their  course through propaganda and incentives we have to keep it clean
              economy? We can learn something from history, the same counts for  at all times. After we are done with the barios we can continue deeper
              the  lessons  learned  with  Development  Aid,  just  like  Aruba  received  into the cunucu to save our nature. ‘Nos ta un pueblo trahador’, our
              from Holland for years.                                               leaders like to say, this is the way to show it off, to become the cleanest
              Construction has always acted as an engine; very easy to roll-out (of  island in the Caribbean.
              course only when putting aside the bureaucratic hurdles), see for ex-  2)     Many requests for building permits are stuck in the bureaucrat-
              ample US President Hoover with his gigantic infrastructure program in  ic government process. Name a Master-Architect for the country of
              the 1930’s. And very important, don’t give people money without a  Aruba, as normal in many countries. This will stimulate design and con-
              counter service; you don’t give a hungry person fish, but a fishing rod,  struction. With ease, he can issue 20-30 permits per day, including the
              to be self-sustainable. You don’t lay-off workers and give them money,  permit to start using the plots of land for which those citizens already
              you give their employers subsidy to keep them working. This method  have a long lease option or are owner/leaseholder.
              always has given the best results.                                    3)      The country of Aruba, has promised in writing over a thousand
              What we can do today in Aruba, to usefully fill the working day of the  small plots of lease land for building their own house. However most
              enormous amount of workers from the tourist and related industry (with  have not been formally processed yet. Here the same, forget about
              as counter service subsidy to their employers):                       all the normal procedures, and issue immediately permissions to start
              1)      Our island is everywhere very dirty and looks shabby, and espe-  building. Couple if needed these plots to the standard building plans
              cially when you leave the beaten touristic routes. Let’s get these work-  that  DOW  has  permit  ready.  The  notarial  process  can  follow  in  the
              ers to clean up/ tidy up/ do small repairs; starting in their own ‘bario’,  coming months. Do this as well by appointing a Long Lease Master.
              involve the neighborhood inhabitants and make tons of propaganda,  Each  small  house  gives  immediate  work  to  4-5  persons  (this  creates
              organize a competition to create neighborhood identity. Per street/  responsible social distancing). Furthermore the supply chains can keep
              block you only need a handful of people (social distancing) to do this,  their workers.
              do the gardens/ yards around the houses as well. In 2-3 months of time
              our island will be spick and span, shine in its natural beauty like the Aru-  Count for your selves how much direct employment can be created
              ban carnival, the plants will get a new luster after the dust has been  almost overnight. I’m sure many of you have good ideas as well. Share
              taken from their leaves, our children don’t play in the mess anymore  them with this newspaper. q
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